Funding Provided by Ma Dept. of Mental Health Section 5 Community-based Perinatal Support Model™ (CPSM) Request for Proposal Application *Please note that we are accepting communities at varying levels of community readiness and if you do not know the answer to any of the following questions by the time of submission please include possible suggestions of next steps you would take. Organization Information Organization Name Mailing Address (PO Box or Street) City, State, ZIP Code County Phone Website (if applicable) Type of Business Entity (check one) Mission Statement Population(s) Served by the Requesting Organization Geographical Area Served by Requesting Organization Programs and Activities of the Requesting Organization Organization Primary Contact Information: Prefix First Name Middle Name or Initial _ Non-Profit Organization _For Profit Organization _Limited Liability Corporation _ Partnership Funding Provided by Ma Dept. of Mental Health Last Name Suffix Title Email Office Phone and Extension Cellphone Application Contact Information: Prefix If different from Primary Organization Contact Information First Name Middle Name or Initial Last Name Suffix Title Email Office Phone and Extension Cellphone BASIC PROJET INFORMATION Please use as much space as needed to complete each section. There is a 10 page limit on the total application. Target Population to be Served Describe the population/community you are applying for. Funding Provided by Ma Dept. of Mental Health Provide brief definition of the community (i.e. County, town, city, hospital--centered, neighborhood, community health center catchment area, etc.) to be served -- Include: ethnicity, race, languages, economic status, teen pregnancy, and other important factors EFFORTS Community efforts to address perinatal depression to date What resources are currently available to mothers with perinatal depression within the community? Describe any known screening protocol for perinatal depression in the community. Are there any existing interventions/grants/programs to address perinatal depression in the community? Experience working on issues related to perinatal depression (if applicable) Describe your agency’s experience providing perinatal depression services or engaging in perinatal activities. Please list the type of services provided, number of staff providing these services, and years of experience providing these services, etc (if applicable). Describe strengths and challenges experienced providing services related to perinatal depression. COMMUNITY CLIMATE Justification Explain the impact of perinatal depression in your community. Identify unique barriers to care for mother experiencing perinatal depression within the community. Funding Provided by Ma Dept. of Mental Health Describe how the CPSM will benefit your community. Project/Program Goals List 3 main goals for your community that you hope to accomplish by implementing the CPSM. How do you plan to collaborate with diverse community partners? How do you envision the CPSM assisting in expanding resources that address perinatal depression in your community? COMMUNITY KNOWLEDGE OF PERINATAL DEPRESSION Are community members aware of the impact of perinatal depression on mothers, families and communities? What members of the community seem most concerned about perinatal mental health? (i.e. moms, OB, pediatricians, social services) What members of the community could benefit from knowing more about perinatal depression? COMMUNITY KNOWLEDGE OF EFFORTS Are community members aware of existing efforts to address perinatal mental health? How do you plan to reach out to community members to make them aware of your efforts to implement the CPSM? Funding Provided by Ma Dept. of Mental Health LEADERSHIP Collaboration Describe proposed partnerships and include hospital commitment (if applicable). Describe resources that may be contributed by proposed partners (e.g. time, use of facility, etc.). How do you plan to build on your existing list of proposed partners? Who will be responsible for the project implementation? The “lead agency” is the applying entity for CPSM implementation. Who will be the champion and take the lead role for implementation within the lead agency? List proposed partners that will participate in the leadership team. Which providers, agencies or individuals (e.g. medical, mental health, social services, community organizations) are missing from the proposed leadership team and what role would they fulfill? How do you propose addressing the gaps in the leadership team? Implementing Support Groups Support groups may be successfully implemented as a partnership between collaborating partners or may be implemented by lead agency or other entity within the community. What agencies/organizations will be involved in implementing a support group? What will the community approach to implementing support groups be (e.g. location, language, target population etc.)? Funding Provided by Ma Dept. of Mental Health List identified leaders to attend MotherWoman Group Facilitator Training© (Ideally would represent diverse backgrounds, language and lived experience) RESOURCES On a scale of 1 – 5 how would you rate the following statements regarding your current situation? Strongly Disagree ------------------------------ Strongly Agree 1. Have a defined “lead agency” 1 2 3 4 5 2. Have the resources to begin a coalition 1 2 3 4 5 3. Have the resources to implement a support group 1 2 3 4 5 4. Have 3-5 committed agencies and/or organizations 1 2 3 4 5 5. Have hospital or birthing center commitment Sustainability 1 2 3 4 5 Describe your vision of how the project will result in lasting change regarding care for mothers with perinatal depression in your area. COMMITMENT TO CPSM ACTIVITIES Confirmation of Participation in all CPSM and Support Group Activities: Do you believe you have the capacity to recruit community leaders and providers to attend the CPSM Community Training (about 30 participants)? Propose possible recruitment strategies you would employ for this training? Do you have the capacity to identify a location for trainings to be held (i.e. conveniently located, able to accommodate a minimum of 30 participants). Funding Provided by Ma Dept. of Mental Health Preferred Date for CPSM Community Training© Please select your top 3 dates for participating in the CPSM Community Training session. Training sessions may be held on: Oct. 6th, Oct 8th, Oct 13th, Oct 15th, Nov. 10th and Nov 12th. By each date selection please put whether you prefer 9am – 12pm or 1pm – 4pm. Preference: DATE 1. 2. 3. TIME Commitment to MotherWoman Group Facilitator Training© - Date to be Confirmed Provide names of two or more possible attendees (include email address and area of expertise). If unavailable, how do you plan to recruit attendees? Attendees must submit the MotherWoman Facilitator Training Addendum clearly stating their intention to implement a support group and commitment to participating in coalition activities. 1. 2. Commitment to CPSM Leadership Team Training – Date to be Confirmed Provide list of names of five possible attendees and include their area of expertise. If unavailable at time of submission, how do you plan to recruit attendees? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.