Supporting information: Figure S1: a. Distribution of 1Cx-values found across Melanthiaceae, showing admixture populations skewed towards both ends of the range. b. Representative fluorescence histogram of the genome size assessment for Veratrum fimbriatum using Pisum sativum ‘Ctirad’ [1: mean G1 (2C) peak of the target sample, 2 and 3: mean G1 (2C) and G2 (4C) peaks of the internal standard]. Figure S2: Fifty percent majority-rule consensus tree from Bayesian inference based on the trnT-trnF dataset. Supported branches (PP ≥ 0.95) are indicated in bold. a. Ancestral state reconstruction conducted under ML using categorized 1Cx-values. b. Ancestral state reconstruction conducted under MP using categorized 1Cx-values. Pie charts indicate the relative likelihood of the reconstructed character states. Figure S3: Ancestral chromosome numbers and evolution in Melanthiaceae inferred under ML optimization. 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Flora of North America Editorial Committee, Eds. 2002. *New chromosome numbers obtained in the present study using the same accessions as for GS assessments. Supporting Information Table S2: Model fitness scores obtained with ChromEvol. MODELS CONST_RATE_NO_DUPL (M0) CONST_RATE (M1) CONST_RATE_DEMI (M2) CONST_RATE_DEMI_EST (M3) LINEAR_RATE (M4) LINEAR_RATE_DEMI (M4a) LINEAR_RATE_DEMI_EST (M4b) LINEAR_RATE_NO_DUPL (M5) Log-likelihood (LRT) -279.7 -87.82 -82.57 -82.45 -87.15 -82.74 -82.68 -256.8 Akaike information criterion (AIC)* 563.3 181.6 171.1 172.7 184.3 175.5 176.6 521.6 *As recommended in Mayrose et al. (2010), AIC has been used to determine the model that best fits to the dataset.