People's Democratic Republic of Algeria Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research University of Blida2 LOUNICI Ali Organises with the participation of the University of Maine, France THE FIRST INTERNATIONAL COLLOQUIUM GLOBALIZATION AND CHALLENGES May 2015 The main objective of this transdisciplinary colloquium is to gather specialists in the fields of Literature, History, Political Sciences, Social Sciences, and Law for a comparative and transcontinental view of several thematic issues interrogating the notions of globalization and challenges. The phenomenon of globalization and its major impact on the cultural and identity issues questions the teaching of Literature and Languages alike and challenges them to consider novel approaches from a resourceful intercultural perspective. Do the development and the diversity of languages constitute major interests at stake for maintaining and preserving the world cultures, or do they constitute a dangerous threat? yet the acceleration of exchanges and the development of the new Information technologies make this opening inevitable. The commercial relations in constant progress and the many attractive offers and services allow the selection of the best products at the most competitive prices. What about Algerian exports outside oil and gas, knowing that Algeria is about to join the WTO? The reflection will be on the circulation of capitals and the importance of the application of international accounting standards that could facilitate the partnership with foreign companies. The Algerian society is facing drastic changes in the relational, educational, functional, and statuary fields of position and status. This can lead to harmful malfunctions due to a conflict between the traditional cultural models and the exogenous ones. How can we approach this dilemma and work in favor of making that these inevitable contacts become a significant assets? Globalization has had negative effects on criminality allowing it to spread beyond the borders. It has given a transnational dimension to weapons and drugs trafficking, to banking embezzlements, and to cyber criminality etc... All these hazards have a negative impact on society and threaten social stability, international relations and even the countries sovereignty. Can we fight against this propagation and by what means? Areas of Interest (suggested Proposal Topics): The following issues may be considered for reflection : I. 1. Languages in Contact: Influences of languages in the teaching of literature, in the teaching/ learning and acquisition of languages. 2. Literature(s) and Globalization : Editing, Literary Prizes 3. Globalization, Linguistic and Cultural (dis)orders 4. Towards a New Comprehension of Power through Languages II. 1. The Future of the Algerian Family in the Era of Globalization 2. Algerian Culture, Specificities and Globalization 3. Mental Health within Families and Globalization 4. Impact of Globalization on Children and Teenagers Pathological Behaviours III. 1. Impact of Globalization on External Trade 2. Globalization and its Impact on Capital Circulation 3. Application of Standards IAS/IFRS: Constraints and Perspectives 4. Constraints and Adaptation of Financial and Banking System to the New International Environment Economic IV. 1. Crime in the Era of Globalization and the Notion of Sovereignty 2. Transborder Security and Stability of International Relations 3. The Impact of International Protocols on the Fight against the Organized Crime in International Law 4. International Standards of Human Rights and Globalization of Criminality Scientific Board Dr. AKHAM Malika (University of Blida2 Ali LOUNICI –Algeria-) Pr. AMIARD Dominique (University of Maine, le Mans –France-) Pr. BEDROUNI Mohamed (University of Blida2 Ali LOUNICI –Algeria-) Pr. BEKKAT Amina (University of Blida2 Ali LOUNICI –Algeria-) Dr. BILGIN Ahmat (University of Kirikkale –Turkey-) Pr. BOUHASSAINE Nacer Eddine (University of Blida2 Ali LOUNICI –Algeria-) Pr. BOUKHARI Mohamed (University of Blida2 Ali LOUNICI –Algeria-) Pr Dr BOUSALEM Abdelaaziz (University of Blida2 Ali LOUNICI –Algeria-) Dr. BRAKNI Dalila (University of Blida2 Ali LOUNICI –Algeria-) Pr. CHERRADI Nadia (University of Blida2 Ali LOUNICI –Algeria-) Pr. ELMALEH Éliane (University of Maine, le Mans –France-) Pr. LELLOUCHI Mohamed (University of Blida2 Ali LOUNICI –Algeria-) Pr. LEBDAI Benaouda (University of Maine, le Mans –France-) Dr. RAMI Halim (University of Blida2 Ali LOUNICI –Algeria-) Pr. SASSI Amar (University of Blida2 Ali LOUNICI –Algeria-) Dr. SIGIRCI Ilhami (University of Kirikkale –Turkey-) Pr. YOUSSEF Said (University of Blida2 Ali LOUNICI –Algeria-) Languages to be used : Arabic, French, English Date : 24th-25th-26th 2015 Deadline for abstracts submission (300 words) 31st January 2015. Replies : February10th 2015 Deadline for submission of complete articles April, 10th2015 (10 to 12 pages in Times New Roman, size 12, space 1,5) BO 64 bis El-Affroun, BLIDA, ALGERIA Phone : +213 25 25 00 03 Fax : +213 25 25 01 09 e.mail ( NB : papers must be sent to both e.mails)