"FITOR" and, produced on its basis products, known and loved not only in Ukraine but also far after her
limits. The substance of "FITOR" is produced from a digister without the use of chemical additions
(preservatives, dyes, flavours etc.)
FITOR is a natural universal bioactive complex, possessing a wide medical and preventive action, containing
plenty of bioactive substances (phenic connections, beta-carotene, ascorbic acid), about 32 micro- and
macronutrients and nutritives(glucose, fructose, free amino acids and simple peptids, organic acids).
Additional information
Initially, in 70th, FITOR was used, as bioactive addition is in the ration of cattle, that assisted the increase of
milk yields and decline of morbidity of animals.
As a result of the researches conducted in the laboratory of biostimulators of the Kharkov state university
(1978-1980) it was well-proven that FITOR promotes a capacity, promotes immunity and accelerates the
process of renewal after overloads and traumas in particular sporting, on the basis of what, in accordance
with a project Decisions "About preparation of soviet sportsmen on the Olympic period of 1981-1984". FITOR
was recommended to application in collapsible commands the USSR and got a positive estimation. How to
promote immunity through our products? This question our managers will help to understand.
FITOR passed clinical tests in the institute of orthopaedy and traumatology the name of Sitenko (Kharkiv,
1994-1995), in the institute of gerontology of Academy of medical sciences of Ukraine(Kyiv, 1994), in child's
traumatology separation of central hospital of Kharkiv(1996), in the endocrinology separation in central
hospital of Ivano-Frankivsk(1999), in the Ukrainian research institute of pharmtherapy of endocrine diseases
FITOR is protected by the patent of Ukraine(№ 49740 А), by a trade mark(oak sheet).
FITOR is not toxic (IV class of danger for 12.1.007-88), does not possess cumulative properties, does not
render an ulcerogenic and allergy action, approved by Ministry of the Health of Ukraine care 04.07.2002.
Company FITORIYA perfects and grows production capacities, extends the assortment of the produced
products, improving her quality and design, extends the markets of sale, continuing scientific researches and
clinical tests, to the producible products.
«FITOR» - quick-dissolving and tab forms
«ФИТОР» - быстрорастворимая и таблетированная формы
Natural universal bioactive complex, possessing general tonic, biomodulating and regenerating properties.
Composition: tannic substances, flavonoids, Quercetinum etc., gallic and ellagic acids, flobafen, pentozans,
pectins, monosugar, oil, albuminous substances, starch, carbohydrates, more than 30 macro- and
Vitamins: В1, В2, В6, РР, С
Method of application: to accept as food addition to, in time and after-meal as general tonic, biomodulating
and regenerating means.
FITOR tabs® it is necessary to accept in a cut-in kind(1 - 2 pills on a 1 glass of boiling water) is fitor-tea, it is
possible to add sugar and lemon.
At pharyngalgias a pill must рассосать are to 4-6 pills in a day (quinsies, laryngitises).
At a toothache a pill is glued to gum near a peccant tooth to complete dissolution.
Quick-dissolving FITOR® is measured out as follows: a tea-spoon goes down in a capacity with FITOR® apeak
to the middle: all, that will remain on a spoon after extraction of her upended,(approximately corresponds to
a 1 pill) and divorces on a 1 glass of boiling water - fitor-tea.
Quick-dissolving FITOR® is used also for the damaged skin: inflicted on the staggered areas of skin in a
divorcee (1: 2 by the boiled water) or not divorcee kind (dermatitises, eczemas, psoriasis, burns, injuries,
scratches, erypsipelatous inflammation, bedsores).
FITOR® can be used as additional general tonic, biomodulating and regenerating means for:
1) cordially - vascular system(hypertensive illness, ischemic heart trouble, atherosclerosis, phlebeurysm of
lower limbs);
2) respiratory systems(ОРЗ, bronchitis, tracheitiss, pneumonias);
3) gastrointestinal tracts(gastritises, ulcerous illness of stomach and 12-finger bowel, hepatitis), at the
enhanceable acid-making function of stomach of FITOR® accepted only after-meal and in a divorcee kind;
4) urogenital systems(urolithiasis, chronic pyelonephritis, cystitis);
5) woman sexual sphere(erosions of cervix of the uterus,vaginitiss);
6) neurological(state after a stroke,dystonia);
7) motive system (injuries, haematomas, tensions of ligamentary vehicle, breaks of bones, osteoporosis).
Contra-indications: individual unbearableness, period of intensifying of ulcerous illness of stomach and
duodenum with the enhanceable кислотообразующей function of stomach.
By-effects not found out.
Form of producing: pills for 12 things in a plate, 5 plastins in a box. Quick-dissolving FITOR® in a capacity 40ml
Terms and expiration dates: Quick-dissolving FITOR®,
pills in plates( to keep pills downward ) keep at a temperature no more than 25°With and to relative
humidity 75 expiration Date - 2 from the date of making
Approved FITOR® by Ministry of health of Ukraine ЗГСЭ care from 23.04.2003 №05.03.02-04/16253,
protected by the patent of Ukraine № 49740 А.
Cosmetic balsam with oils of hempseeds, nettle, goose-grass, sea buckthorn,
chamomile, walnut and FITOR® in fatty cylinders form
Косметический бальзам с маслами семян конопли, с крапивой, с
подорожником, облепихой, грецким орехом и чистые Фиторовые,
в форме жировых цилиндров
Cosmetic balsam
It is recommended to use as universal means that possesses regenerating property and anti inflammatory
action : - in a cosmetology;
- in proctology(cracks of rectum, piles);
- in gynaecology(erosions of cervix of the uterus);
- in urology(adenomas of prostate gland, cystitises, urethritiss).
Composition: bioactive addition of FITOR® (natural bioregenerator and boistimulator of phytogenous),
essential oil of lavender and rose aethereal oil, lanolin.
Method of application :
- in a cosmetology - to inflict on the damaged areas of skin and mucous membranes;
- in gynaecology - to enter a cylinder in a vagina, vaginitiss, in a rectum after a microclyster for the night;
- in proctology and urology - to enter in a rectum after a microclyster for the night.
Contra-indications: individual
Cosmetic balsam with oil of seed of hemp
Oil of seed of hemp of yore was known as antipiles means. Hemp oil in combination with FITOR® gives
excellent results in treatment of piles.
Composition: bioactive addition of FITOR® (natural bioregenerator and biostimulator of phytogenous), oil of
seed of hemp, essential oil of lavender and rose aethereal oil, lanolin.
Method of application: to enter in a rectum after a microclyster for the night
Contra-indications: individual unbearableness.
Terms and expiration dates: to keep in a dark place at t 5°with to 25°with and to relative humidity of 75term
fitness - 18 months from the date of making.
Form of producing : fatty cylinders by net of a 2,3 g weight
Packing: it is packed in tape of the polyvinilkhlorid brand let to МОЗ of Ukraine, for 10 units laid in a binary
code for 12301.THAT At 24.5 - 32031087 - 001 - 2002
It is approved by Ministry of health of Ukraine ЗГСЭ care from
A prophylactic cosmetic balsam with the expressed healing effect «FITORON»
Профилактический косметический бальзам с выраженным заживляющим
эффектом «Фиторон»
possesses, antiviral, regenerative and fungicide activity, and also antiedemic, antinecrotizing and antioxidant
action Balsas «FITORON». A balsam deeply gets to fabrics and destroys the causative agents of infectious
festering-inflammatory processes, creates favourable terms and stimulates active processes
Composition: bioactive addition of FITOR®, sea-buckthorn oil, iodine, propolis, glycerin. It contains
flavonoids, caratinoids, polysaccharidess, saponins, tannic substances, more than 30 micro-elements.
Testimonies to application: festering and infected wounds, festering fistulas, ulcers trophic, pyodermas, a
rash, mastitises, quinsies, tonsillitises.
In addition, the balsam «FITORON» can be used for inflammatory processes in gynaecology, urology,
proctology, stomatology.
Contra-indications to application of balsam «FITORON», except individual.
Prophylactic cosmetic balsam phytogenousfor a mucous
membrane and bosoms of nose «FITORICIDE»
Профилактический косметический бальзам
растительного происхождения для слизистой оболочки
и пазух носа «ФИТОРИЦИД»
It is recommended to use as a preventive in the period of epidemics of flu and catarrhal diseases : to bury for
2-3 drops in every nasal motion 3-4 times per a day.
Child's «FITIRICIDE» can be applied to the children only from 3th.
Composition: bioactive addition of FITOR® (extract of sheet of oak) 5(child's dosage 2,5 water disolved foods
of processing of cod-liver oil (including peroxides and aldehydes), oil is aethereal pine-trees, oil is aethereal
eucalyptus, oil is aethereal rosemary.
Properties: possesses an antiinflammatory, antiedemic, imuno-modulative and antimicrobial action, assists
normalization of microflora of mucous membrane of nose, improves circulation of blood, renders a
prophylactic action during catarrhal diseases and epidemics of flu.
By-effects were not observed.
Contra-indications: application of preparation is contra-indicated at unbearableness of one of components,
and also children are 3 to. Form of producing: small bottle by volume of 10 mls, concordantly ГОСТ 10117.
Terms of storage: to save the closed small bottle at a temperature from
5 °with to 25°with in a dark place.
Approved by Health Ministry of Ukraine. It is recommended to use as a preventive in the period of epidemics
of flu and catarrhal diseases: to bury for 2-3 drops in every nasal motion 3-4 times per a day. Child's
FITORICIDE can be applied to the children only from 3th.
Prophylactic cosmetic balsam of phytogenous for eyes «FAURINE»
Профилактический косметический бальзам растительного происхождения для
глаз «ФАУРИН»
It is recommended to use as a preventive (for 2-3 drops in every eye 2-3 times per a day) at:
- to the beginning cataract (phacoscotasmus);
- dimness of cornea;
- syndrome of the tired eyes(during work with a computer);
- conjunctivitises
Composition: bioactive addition of FITOR®, propolis, water distilled.
Properties: possesses an antiinflammatory, imuno-modulative, bioregenerating and sedative action,
normalizes exchange processes in fabrics of eyeball.
Contra-indications: individual unbearableness.
Not toxic, does not possess a locally-irritating action, does not possess cumulative properties, does not
render an ulcerogenic and allrgic action.
By-effects were not observed.
Form of producing: small bottle from glass by volume of 10 mls, concordantly ГОСТ 10117.
Expiration date: 24 months from the date of making.
Terms of storage : to keep the closed small bottle at a temperature from 5°With to
25 °With in a dark place, to save the unsealed small bottle 6 months at the the temperature 5° .
Approved by Ministry of health of Ukraine care.
Prophylactic tooth-pastes with FITOR “FITORDENT”
Профилактические зубные пасты с фитором «ФИТОРДЕНТ»
Prophylactic dental paste FITORDENT is worked out 2th kinds: "extrafresh" with a mint aroma and "flower"
with a floral aroma.
Tooth-paste «FITORDENT» possesses pleasant taste, well clears teeth, takes off a dental raid, not violating
the structure of enamel. FITOR gives tooth-paste a non-standard for tooth-pastes brown tint.
Tooth-paste «FITORDENT» due to FITOR ®, included in her composition possesses tannic and astringent
effects, assists strengthening of gums, prevents and liquidates their sanguifluousness, provides maximal
defence of oral cavity.
Tooth-paste «FITORDENT» it is recommended to apply at paradontosis, gingivitis, for the prophylaxis of
The wound-healing action of FITOR® assists renewal of mucous membrane of cavity of mouth after surgical
interference on teeth and gums.
Tooth-paste «FITORDENT» is approved by Ministry of health of Ukraine ЗГСЭ care from 27.10.2004
Form of producing: lamin tuba by volume of 50 mls in a cardboard.
Shampoos - balsams «FITORIYA»
Шампуни - бальзамы "ФИТОРИЯ"
-Shampoo-balsam with FITOR «FITORIYA» with oil of tea tree and extract of sheet of oak - "green" .
-Shampoo-balsam-conditioner with FITOR bioactive «FITORIYA» with oil of tea tree, extract of oil of coconut,
extract of sheet of oak - "yellow"
Shampoo-balsam bioactive with FITOR «FITORIYA PREMIUM» with the extract of leaves of oak - "lilac"
New formula of shampoo without salts with maintenance of glycerin.
Softer care of hair and skin of head
Shampoos - the balsams «FITORIYA» possess unique ability to stimulate the processes of regeneration of skin
of head and height of hair.
Incoming in the complement of shampoos imunomodulator FITOR® normalizes the micro-circular river-bed
of skin and hypoderm, work of greasy and sweat glands, assists stimulation, rejuvenation and improvement
of hair cover of head. Due to the expressed antiinflammatory and antiallergic property of FITOR®, shampoos
FITORIYA neutralize the irritants of the cutaneous covering, prevent dermatitises of different origin and assist
rapid cicatrization of микротрещин. Additional components entering in the complement of shampoos create
an antifungal effect.
Suppression of pathogenic microflora, height of fungi, removal of skin irritation, positively influences on the
height of hair and strengthens hair bulbs, assists liquidation of scurf.
Totality of positive factors prevents a pelade, restores the normal structure of hair (in 60 their natural color,
marked cases of height of dark hair in place of grey). One of meaningful internalss of shampoos of
«FITORIYA» is the expressed radioprotector effect. In this connection it is recommended to use as
prophylactic shampoo for adults and children. Shampoos - the balsams «FITORIYA» are approved by Ministry
of health of Ukraine ЗГСЭ care from 27.10.2004г. №05.03.02 - 04/42979.
Shower gel is fragrant restorative «FITORIYA PREMIUM»
Гель для душа ароматный тонизирующий с фитором «ФИТОРИЯ Премиум»
Soft means for the care of skin of body, worked out on the basis of natural components. Entering in the
complement of gel bioactive addition of FITOR® (extract of sheet of oak) possesses an antimicrobial action,
assists cicatrization of microtraumas, improves a microcirculation and tone of skin, exchange processes in
her, possesses an anticellulitis effect.
Warranty expiration date - 24 months from the date of making.
Shower gel is fragrant restorative with FITOR bioactive FITORIYA PREMIUM approved by Ministry of health of
Ukraine ЗГСЭ care from 27.10.2004 № 05.03.02-04/42981.
Form of producing: small bottle 350ml
Dietary addition «FITOR-HONEY» — 100% natural product. Natural foods enter in his composition only. Due
to quality of incoming all of the tools. «FITOR-HONEY» possesses — imuno-modulative, sedative, febrifuge,
wound-healing, blood-recovering, by antiparasitic, antifungal properties. FITOR honey is widely used, as
medications from a quinsy.
Composition: Natural honey, Propolis, Fallopian milk, Extraction of sheet of oak (FITOR).
CONTRA-INDICATIONS: individual allergic reaction on separate components entering in the complement of
preparation. (Pregnancy. Period of lactation. Children 12 to. )
Methods of application : Dietary addition of FITOR HONEY is used both outwardly and inward.
It is recommended to use for the following diseases: the Cardiovascular system; Gastrointestinal tract;
Pressure, high blood pressure, hypotension; Breathing organs; Inflammatory diseases of muliebrias : the
Inflammatory diseases of masculine genital organs(prostatite, an adenoma, is a piles etc..) of Illness of ear,
throat, nose(quinsy, pharyngitis, laryngitis, nose-bleed, antritis); Illnesses of organs of sight(glaucoma,
conjunctivitis, neuritis of visual nerve); Locomotorium(arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, gout, polyarthritis
etc.); Phlebeurysm, thrombophlebitis, atherosclerosis of vessels of lower limbs, hernia; thrombophlebitis,
Биоактивное жидкое мыло с Фитором
Soft means for the care of skin of hands and body, worked out on the basis of natural components.
Entering in the complement of soap bioactive addition of FITOR ®
(extract of sheet of oak) possesses an antimicrobial action, assists cicatrization of microtraumas, improves a
microcirculation and tone of skin, exchange processes in her.
Warranty expiration date - 24 months from the date of making.
Soap is liquid with FITOR bioactive FITORIYA PREMIUM is approved by Ministry of health of Ukraine ЗГСЭ
care from 27.10.2004
№ 05.03.02-04/42977.
Form of producing: small bottle with a metering device by volume of 330
Bioactive handwork Soap «FITORIYA» with FITOR,
glycerin and oils of hemp, flax, grapeseeds, with chocolate, with coffee
Мыло биоактивное ручной работы «Фитория» с Фитором, глицерином и
маслами конопли, льна, виноградной косточки, с шоколадом, c кофе
One of the last developments of FITORIYA ltd is bioactive handwork soap of FITORIYA with FITOR, by glycerin
and oil of hemp, flax, grapeseeds, with chocolate, with coffee. In the complement of soap natural vegetable
oils (hemp, linen to and other), glycerin, FITOR, palm-oil, castor oil, aromatic oils, enter only.
Bioactive soap of FITORIYA assists clearing, moistening of skin, and similarly improves the microcirculation of
skin and hypoderm, exposes pores, assists moving away of toxic substances and smoothing out of wrinkles.
Entering in the complement of soap bioactive addition of FITOR possesses an antimicrobial action, assists
cicatrization of microtraumas that does him irreplaceable at the inflammatory processes of skin, and similarly
at an eel rash.
Natural oils assist the feed of skin, remove dryness and irritation.
Packing of soap has an original design (natural fabric of hemp).
Every bar of soap is bandaged by a satin ribbon, important 130gr
FITOR is a natural universal bioactive complex, produced from the leaves of oak (Quercus robur L.). According
to data of chemical analysis the dry extract of leaves of oak contains the sum of phenic connections(not less
than 10 count on gallic acid and dry substance), sum of oxidicumarines(not less than 3 count on 7-oxi-4metilcumarine), catekhin Tanninums, polysaccharidess, microelements.
Composition: tannic substances, flavanids, Quercetinum, gallic and ellagic acids, penthosans, pectins,
monosugar, oil, albuminous substances, starch, carbohydrates, more than 30 macro- and microelements.
Vitamins: В1, В2, В6, РР, С.
Method of application : to accept as food addition for to a 1 capsule 3 times per a day after 20-30min to the
meal at diseases:
- cardiovascular system(hypertensive illness, ischemic heart trouble, atherosclerosis, phlebeurysm);
- respiratory system(ОРЗ, bronchitis, tracheitiss, pneumonias);
- gastrointestinal tract(gastritises,ulcerous illness of stomach and 12-и of finger bowel, hepatitis), at the
enhanceable acid-making function of stomach of FITOR accepted only after-meal and in a divorcee kind
-urogenital systems( urolithiasis, chronic pyelonephritis, cystitis, prostatite );
-women sexual sphere( adnexits, endoservisites, endometrites, erosions of cervix of the uterus, vaginitiss);
-nevrolgie( state after a stroke, vegetative-vascular dystonia, acids, flobafens, penthosans, pectins,
monosugar, oil, albuminous substances, starch, carbohydrates, more than 30 macro- and microelements.
Vitamins: В1, В2, В6, РР, С.
Method of application : to accept as food addition for to a 1 capsule 3 times per a day after 20-30min to the
meal at diseases:
- cardiovascular system(hypertensive illness, ischemic heart trouble, atherosclerosis, phlebeurysm);
- respiratory system(ОРЗ, bronchitis, tracheitiss, pneumonias);
- gastrointestinal tract(gastritises, ulcerous illness of stomach and 12 of finger bowel, hepatitis), at the
enhanceable acid-making function of stomach of FITOR accepted only after-meal and in a divorcee kind
-urogenital systems( urolithiasis, chronic pyelonephritis, cystitis, prostatite );
-women sexual sphere(erosions of cervix of the uterus, colpites, vaginitiss);
-nevrolgie( state after a stroke, vegetative-vascular dystonia,enthefalopathy);
-injuries, haematomas, tension of ligamentary vehicle, breaks of bones, osteoporosis).
Contra-indications: individual unbearableness, period of intensifying of ulcerous illness of stomach and
duodenum with the enhanceable acid-making function of stomach.
By-effects not found out.
Form of producing: capsules, powder.
Terms and expiration dates: to keep at a temperature 25 °With and to relative humidity 75
Being a natural preservative, Stevia possesses an antimicrobial and antifungal action. In combination with
bioactive addition FITOR assists the leadingout of foods of exchange, slags, salts of heavy metals from an
organism, renders a common tone up action, restores forces of man after nervous and physical exhaustion,
provides an organism a life-breath and energy, slows an aging process, is the means of prophylaxis. Stevia is
irreplaceable means for patients by a diabetes mellitus - a stevioside stimulates the secretion of insulin; for
people suffering cordially - by vascular diseases. A stevioside does not render a sugar-lower effect for healthy
Method of application : to accept as food addition to, in time and after-meal at diseases:
it is a diabetes mellitus;
- cardiovascular system(hypertensive illness, ischemic heart trouble, atherosclerosis, phlebeurysm);
- respiratory system(bronchitis, tracheitiss, pneumonias);
- gastrointestinal tract(gastritises, ulcerous illness of stomach, hepatitis), at the enhanceable acid-making
function of stomach of FITOR accepted only after-meal and in a divorcee kind
-urgental systems( urolithiasis, chronic pyelonephritis, cystitis);
-nevrology( state after a stroke, vegetative-vascular dystonia,enthefalophatia);
Contra-indications: individual unbearableness, period of intensifying of ulcerous illness of stomach and
duodenum with the enhanceable acid-making function of stomach.
By-effects not found out.
Form of producing: pills, capsules, powder