Winter Graduation Ceremony The Dome, Brighton Thursday 21 January 2016 Please complete this form and send to: Sara Tooth, Room 200, Sussex House, University of Sussex, Falmer, Brighton, BN1 9RH. Email: General Information Please complete the boxes below: The names you complete below will be those that are recorded on your certificate and on University records unless you indicate otherwise. Once your award has been conferred we cannot change your name on our records or on your certificate Please indicate accents, hyphens etc. Please use mixed case e.g. “Sussex”. Full names should be supplied not initials. Surname/Family Name Forenames School (or equivalent) Programme Degree/Award Please PRINT your address, telephone No. and email address where we can contact you regarding graduation Address: Address should be valid from now until 12 February 2016 Home Telephone No: Email address: Mobile No: Please indicate your intention by ticking the relevant boxes below: 10.00 am I wish to attend graduation in person on 21 January 2016 Or I shall not be attending graduation in person on 21 January 2016 10.00 am I note that I will be able to attend a later ceremony. My certificate should be sent to the above address after the ceremony. I understand that if I do not provide an address by returning this form, the University will hold my certificate until I do so. Tickets I do not require any guest tickets NB: I shall be unaccompanied Or I wish to purchase the following guest tickets (I note that only my graduand ticket is free, all adult guest tickets are £25 each) Graduands ticket (free) No. of tickets Total cost 1 NIL Guest tickets at £25.00 each Free Child guest tickets (12 years and under) NIL * No ticket required for children under 2 years Totals £ Tickets order d should be paid for on graduation day when you collect your tickets. Please note that you can only pay by card or cash on the day. Academic dress Please note you must wear full academic dress in order to attend the Graduation ceremony (see graduation webpage) It is your responsibility to hire or purchase your gown from the University robe makers Ede & Ravenscroft Ltd (see graduation webpage for details on how to order your gown) You must order your gown by 31 December 2015 at the latest Access needs and special seating requirements We are committed to making the graduation ceremonies as inclusive as possible. Please indicate below what you or your guests require to participate fully in this event e.g. wheelchair access, sign language interpreter, special kind of seating such as end of a row etc. Name of person requiring special arrangements: Is that person a graduand or a guest? Requirements: If you have any queries about this, please telephone Sara Tooth on (01273) 877015. NOTE: Due to limited wheelchair seating available in the Dome we can only arrange this for you if we are informed in advance. DEADLINE FOR RETURN OF FORMS Monday 7 December 2015 After this date we will regard aby student who has not returned this graduation form as having elected to receive their certificate in absentia. It will not then be possible to attend in person at the ceremony. Please send completed for to: Sara Tooth, Room 200, Sussex House, University of Sussex, Falmer, Brighton, BN1 9RH Email: Phone: 01273 877015