evol.dr.camprefutation - The Earth Is Not Moving

EVOLUTION: It’s Time To Play Hardball...
The introduction of House Bill 179 in the Georgia Legislature by fifth term Rep. Ben
Bridges led to a response in the Northeast Georgian by Piedmont College Biologist--and
"community columnist" for the paper--Dr. Carlos Camp. Rep Bridge's Bill called for the
teaching of scientific facts in Georgia schools.
Dr. Camp’s three part rejection of the Bill’s proposal--and his overall assessment of the
ongoing controversy concerning the evolution monopoly--is available just ahead as a
reference for those who may want to review it.
Following his articles, I have made some factual observations with supporting links and
documentation which basically nullify his position.
These are Dr. Camp’s three responses
to Georgia House Bill 179...and to Critics of Evolution In General:
Click to view full articles. (Slow to load without DSL...)
Comments on Dr. Camp’s First Article:
Dr. Camp’s attempts in his first article to show that evolutionary theory is really
evolutionary fact reminded me of this cartoon:
The unvarnished and obvious truth of the matter is this: If the evolution hypothesis had
one single indisputable fact to back up its claims, the controversy would be over. No
such fact exists. Scientifically, evolution is not even a theory.
As it now stands, the insistence by evolutionists that all that exists came out of an
explosion of an infinitesimal "substanceless substance" billions of years ago and
"evolved" into the ineffably complex, functional, and beautiful reality that surrounds us,
is an hypothesis that has no resemblance to "science" whatsoever. "Science" [Latin
root: scire] means to know!
Observable, repeatable, testable phenomena--i.e., true science--is what must be taught
with tax money! Building a mountain of hypothetical assumptions and calling the result
even a theory, much less a fact, about the Origin of all that exists is nothing more than
"profane and vain babbling about science falsely so called".
This is doubly true when any and all science that proves evolution a lie is kept from
students. Why should students be forbidden to learn of hard scientific evidence which
rules out evolutionism, evidence such as: the Law of Biogenesis;... the Law of
Increasing Entropy; ...polystrate trees through several coal seams; ...dinosaur tracks
beside human footprints; ...zero evidence that "natural selection" and "mutations"
produce new species;...Carbon 14 dating of dinosaur bones at under 10,000 years;
...multiple proofs of a global flood which explains all fossils and real geology; ...the
proven hoaxes of Piltdown Man, Nebraska Man, Java Man, Peking Man, Heidelberg
Man, Neanderthal Man, etc.; ...the testimonies of hundreds of Ph.D. scientists who
believed in evolution but gave up on it when they seriously studied its claims and its
fraudulent use of dating methods, etc.; ...trainloads of fossils that have been found, not
one showing a link between species when there should be billions of such links,
etcetera, etcetera???
For Dr. Camp or anyone else to say that such evidence shouldn’t be taught in schools
shows a mindset that must not be allowed to continue to dictate what students (and the
rest of us!) shall believe about the Origins of the universe, the earth, and mankind.
Ridiculing Rep. Bridges’ attempt to put scientific truth in students hands on this matter of
Origins reveals the fear that evolutionists have of those facts.
Comments on Dr. Camp’s Second Article:
If you will look back at Dr. Camp’s 2nd article you will see that--aside from sucker
punching "ranting" Bible Fundamentalists here and there--his arguments rest
exclusively on the Darwinian Model of evolution.
This is astonishing! Hey, Doc; haven’t you heard that the evolutionist heavyweights
started backing off from Darwin’s nonsense with J. Gould’s "punctuated equalibria"
hogwash in the early ‘80’s (stolen from Goldschmidt’s "Hopeful Monster" hogwash in the 40’s)? You
do know that they are now playing out their new "theory" by hunting bacteria on Mars
and Titan as we speak??1
Darwin! Schmarvin! Give us a break, please! "Panspermia" is the name of the
evolutionist game today! "Cosmic Ancestry"...You know: Bacteria gets nourished inside
comets and is transported around the universe and spewed out on alleged billions of
planets. Over a period of 3800 million years (so goes this Tooth Fairy level "science" model),
these fortuitous deposits have allegedly "evolved" from bacteria to Rachmaninoff on the
Earth. On other landing sites bacteria may have "evolved" only into bugs and broccoli,
whereas many have gone on to "evolve" into "Star Trekian" apparitions flying about at
warp speed.
Sound familiar? This--and not the scientifically rejected Darwinian mythology--is the
current evolutionary "explanation" for the origin of life on Earth and the 100% totally
factless SETI (Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence) "science" which ceaselessly pushes
"evolved" extraterrestrials on the young...and the rest of us, through movies, books, TV,
video games, etc. The Darwinian mechanisms of Natural Selection and Mutations are
passé. Let students read about the incredible attempts by droves of evolutionists to
alter the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster with imposed mutations, and see what they
conclude about "positive" mutations being "science"!2
Mars Missions 1.docx, Mars Missions 2.docx, Mars Missions 3.docx
Thirty-six Bristles.docx
But wait! I forgot.... Those scientific facts would be bad for students and shouldn’t be
allowed in the classrooms a la Rep. Bridges’ Bill....
Well, if it’s wrong to give students scientific facts, and instead, keep them indoctrinated
with pseudo-scientific "theories", we should at least let them know that the Darwinian
mythology is out and the "Panspermia" mythology is in. Let them read about this stateof-the-art evolution "theory" that is being played out with every other NASA launch;
y’know, the ones searching for bacteria "out there" to "prove" that we could have
evolved from bacteria "here" (with billions of taxpayer dough footing the NASA bill, of course!) .
Let them read what the authors of this reigning evolution "theory" are saying. Would that
be all right? Let them check out Astrophysicist Dr. Chandra Wickramasinghe and
(recently deceased) renowned scientist Sir Fred Hoyle and their "Panspermia" evolutionary
"theory" about our alleged "Cosmic Ancestry"3. (And while doing that, don’t miss Dr. Wicky’s
classic destruction of Darwinian evolutionism on pp.2,3).
There’s something fascinating about science. One gets such wholesale returns
of conjecture out of such a trifling investment of fact. Mark Twain
Comments on Dr. Camp’s Third Article:
Having given all of us his concept of what science is and is not, Dr. Camp helps us out
again by giving us his concept of what "faith" is and is not.
The son of a pastor, he says, "I am a born-again Christian and have belonged to the
First Baptist Church of Cornelia for more than 20 years".
Correct me if I err here, but I have to wonder why the Biblical "born-again" teaching from
the Bible (John, chapter 3 and I John 2:29) is something one can have faith in as being a
trustworthy truth from God...and at the same time flatly deny well over a hundred
passages in both Testaments of that same Bible which uphold the Genesis Creation
"...faith makes room for the belief that Christ did these things [miracles]", Dr. Camp
PTL! I agree with that! I just don’t understand how one can--on faith--trust the Bible’s
record of those miracles--including the born-again one--and simultaneously reject the
Bible’s plain teaching that Jesus is the Creator of those miracles performed on the six
"evening and morning" days of Genesis I (Eph. 3:9; Col. 1:16; John 1:2,10; Heb. 1:3,10;
etc.). Savior and Creator! Is there a "faith" that allows us to claim Jesus as Savior
according to the Bible and reject Him as Creator in defiance of the same Bible? How
TSE Pt 1-Cosmic Ancestry.docx
solid could such "faith" really be? Would such "faith" be uncomfortably close to being
"double minded"? (James 1:8)
What kind of faith is it that rests on picking out the parts of the Bible that you like and
saying those are from a trustworthy God, and then rejecting those parts of the Bible that
you don’t like and saying they are not from a trustworthy God?
Of course, changing the plain meaning of "evening and morning were the first day",
etcetera, is one way to try to get the Bible to agree with evolutionism. Kabbalist "Big
Bangers" say the first day was 8 billion years and the next day was 4 billion years and
so on until they arrive at 15.75 billion years, which is now textbook "science" concerning
the Origin of all that exists.5
One is free to believe that if they want to, but those who would be Christians need to be
mindful that Pharisaic Talmud/Kabbalism is a religion that is the sworn enemy of
Christianity. In point of fact, the g’d of Talmud/Kabbala is not only the author of the Big
Bang Evolutionary Paradigm that now controls the Theoretical Science Establishment,
but is also the g’d who very nearly controls the anti-Bible morals and ethics evident
everywhere, morals and ethics that are diametrically opposed to what our Lord Jesus
Christ taught, as can be plainly seen.6
Moreover--as will be underscored in Part II and is found throughout the
www.fixedearth.com Web Domain--the keystone upholding the entire Kabbalic Big Bang
Paradigm is the mathematical model of a rotating earth orbiting the sun. The whole
world accepts as proven fact this assumption based, contra-scientific product of a
theoretical science establishment which has steadily expanded the age and size of the
universe since 1543 until it now fits the Origins Model of an anti-Bible religion. Dr.
Camp leans on the Copernican Model as his example of how "theory" has become
"fact" no less than three times in his first article. The unmistakable thrust of his
arguments is to raise evolutionism as safely out of reach of any truly scientific attack as
he perceives Copernicanism to have been raised.
No doubt there will be loud scoffing and howling at any suggestion that the sacrosanct,
Bible defying7 moving earth model must go on trial with the evolution model because
they are both demonstrably assumption-based, contra-scientific essentials in the
"creation scenarios" of an anti-Bible religion. But, scoff as some will, that happens to be
the case, as they will see if they read on....
And, by-the-way: From the standpoint of those churches that truly want all their
doctrines to be Bible certified, it must be recalled that there was no sun for the earth to
go around until the fourth day of the Bible's Creation Account. Then, when the sun was
created, it is indisputably plain from Scripture that it was the sun and not the earth that
Kabbala 1.docx
Talmud.docx (pp. 4-8)
Sixty-seven References.docx, Gram-Semant.docx
was set in motion.8 Indeed, the more one connects the dots after the acceptance of the
factless Copernican Model by the churches, the more certain it becomes that this was
the foundational deception that Satan required to put his Bible-destroying plans on
afterburners. It is these very plans that are now reaching their climax in a global
worship of a false science Idol that is wholly vulnerable to a scientific attack that never
deviates from known facts. Such an attack must begin in the churches according to
Scripture9, but all people everywhere who love truth and hate deception are invited to
participate (Rev. 18:4)10
On that note, here's something else: Other folks reading Dr. Camp’s articles, probably
wonder--as I did--if the First Baptist Church of Cornelia shares his rejection of the literal
Genesis Creation and his amorphous idea of what "faith" is. Most folks have the
impression, I believe, that this denomination prides itself on being Biblical down the line.
Perhaps a church survey would be a good idea. God knows....
Friedrich Nietzsche, the late 19th century atheist philosopher is often quoted for his
comment about a quarter century after Darwin’s book was published and at a time when
Marx and Freud were building communism and the behavioral sciences based on the
evolution concept. Nietzsche said, "God is dead." Not quoted so often is the whole
comment, which was: "God is dead. We have killed him with our science."
Nietzsche put his faith in the Darwinian Model that was sweeping the world in his day, a
faith that has since drawn hundreds, nay, thousands of millions into its nihilistic
embrace--and I not the least of them! I cannot speak for all those millions, but I am sure
I speak for a good percentage of them when I say that I believed that "science" had
actually proven evolutionism; that it was factual stuff and there was no point in trying to
get around it. It was in all the books that I encountered through 19 years of school and
university. All the professors and other smart people taught it as anti-gospel truth. What
was a lowly student to believe?
Like others who have understandably adapted to what seemed to be inescapable
reality, it never crossed my mind till years later that: a) There was not one piece of
indisputable proof for the whole evolutionary concept; b) That there were hundreds and
thousands of scientists with advanced degrees who had been evolutionists but had
totally rejected that concept and would lecture or debate the subject at any college at
the drop of a hat (how about an invitation to Piedmont, Dr. Camp?); c) That the steady advance
of evolutionism--and the concomitant advance of Bible bashing...which historically went to afterburners
as the Copernican Revolution got rolling--was, concept for concept, an alternate "Creation
Scenario" of a secret, mystic, anti-Christ religion masquerading as theoretical science.
In fairness to Dr. Camp and other evolutionary scientists: The point "c" cat has not been
out of the bag very long and the news hasn’t spread too far. However, he and all others
who prefer truth to deception can find the facts--not "theories"--which confirm how we’ve
House of God.docx
Atheism.docx, Koran.docx
all been duped by this fantastically successful masquerade. Several links on this web
page that will help anyone to understand what has happened to bring about so great a
deception are available and every reader is encouraged to return here and proceed to
investigate these links, perhaps in the order listed11.... Anyone who would like to copy
and use these essays in Bible studies, various classrooms, around the family dinner
table, or to share with those who don’t have computer access... whatever...please feel
free to do so.
Furthermore--by way of showing some credentials on this subject--if anyone would like
to see some reader’s testimonials about an anti-evolution book in its seventh printing
which I wrote some years back, go to Australian Response.docx, pp. 4,5 and TESTIMONIES evolution.docx. (Note especially this testimony from: Osyth Leeston, Reader at John
Murray Publishers, London, England, the original and continuing publishers of Darwin:
"We have been giving very careful consideration to your book The Truth: God or
Evolution?, which our readers found both stimulating and convincing....We also agree
that the book does undermine the theory of evolution and we congratulate you.")
Likewise--however incredible it may seem!--for those of you who can handle the whole
truth of the scope of the deception that lies behind the virtual triumph of evolutionary
false science worldwide, you are going to learn that the Copernican Model of a rotating,
orbiting earth is not only demonstrably as factless and fraudulent as the Darwinian and
Panspermian Evolution Models are, but that it is also absolutely indispensable to the
Religious Big Bang Kabbalic Model of the Cosmos. In other words, without the
universally believed rotating, orbiting earth model, the whole evolution-based, antiChrist Kabbalist masquerade as "science" comes crashing down. These links will help
get you started on turning your disbelief into belief12.
I think you can get all you need in order to see what has happened to establish the
religion of evolutionism virtually worldwide from just the links that are available at
www.fixedearth.com. If you want to go outside the webpage, see for yourself what
readers think of the evidence given in The Earth Is Not Moving (now in its third printing). I
invite and urge you to read these testimonies.
Being someone who once accepted and zealously promoted Copernicanism and
Darwinism, I fully understand how one gets deceived by the pagan religion of
evolutionism. I know how this deception can lead to atheism, agnosticism, and various
kinds of religious compromises. All of these isms and compromises are based on
confusion resulting from deception inculcated by a Kabbala-led Theoretical Science
The Bible speaks of the sudden and complete Fall of this Confusion (Babylon)
numerous times (e.g., Rev. 14:8; 17:19; 17:5; 18:2,4,10,19, 21). We are told plainly that God’s
people are caught up in this confusion caused by the deceiver, Satan. "Come out of her
Knowledge Impact.docx, Virtual Reality Fraud.docx, NASAs Agenda.docx, NASAs Hanky-Panky.docx, Kabbala
6.docx, Size-Structure Pt 6.docx
Size-Structure Pt 4.docx, Assumptions.docx, Size-Structure Pt 6.docx
[Babylon], my people, that ye be not partakers of her plagues"(Rev.18:4), God says. HE
wouldn’t call His people out of confusion if they were not in it, would He??
Well, enough of that here...
For the present--and in keeping with the Fair Education Foundation ad in the Northeast
Georgian--allow me to direct you to the other two links that will prepare the way for the
exposure and overthrow of the evolution monopoly in the government funded schools
and universities in the USA. You will see first of all some of the main historical
documentation which demonstrates that the Evolutionist Paradigm is the fulfillment of
the Kabbala-based Pharisee Religion’s "creation scenario". Go here to read Part II:
"Evolution is a RELIGIOUS Doctrine that is Taught In Violation of the Establishment
Clause of the U. S. Constitution".
Part III is the other link. It is entitled: "Points of Fact and Law for Conducting Cases
Involving the Teaching of Evolutionism in U. S. Schools." Former court rulings invoking
the Establishment Clause must now be applied to the defenders of evolutionism with the
same force and for the same reason that those rulings were applied to those
challenging evolutionism in the past. Both--as the facts now declare--have religious
agendas which are prohibited by the Constitution. The Courts must therefore identify
and apply the only truly secular remedy that upholds the Constitution. You will see why
only one option is legally open and what that option is13....