International Faculty-Led Program Proposal


International Faculty-Led Program Proposal

Please consult with the Office of International Affairs (Dr. Ted Kassier, 907-786-7773 or

; Leslie Tuovinen, 907-786-4135 or

) for assistance in developing this proposal.

Please return the completed, signed proposal, accompanied by the

Essential Tasks Agreement, IFLP Budget Worksheet, Course Content Guide, and syllabus to the

Office of International Affairs. After review, you will be notified within 10 business days of if the proposal can be approved as submitted or if additional information is needed.

Proposal Date: _____________________________


Version: Initial Revised

General Information


Name(s), UAA position(s), department(s), e-mail(s), and telephone number(s) of person(s) initiating this proposal.


Title of Program:


Program Location(s):


What are the program’s primary objectives? (Check all those that apply).

□ Learn/improve foreign language

□ Learn about host culture

□ Course work primarily in major

□ Course work in major or elective

□ Service learning experience □ Faculty/graduate research

□ Other (Please specify):

Please continue on an additional page if needed.


Please give a brief description of the program, with emphasis on academic objectives and benefits:

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List the principal parties who will sign agreement(s) if needed for this program. If available, attach a draft copy of agreement(s).

For UAA:

For providers:


Please Explain what led you to choose this location and provider(s):


Please describe the safety and security of the area to be visited, including any challenges and how they will be addressed-available medical care, contingency plan for emergencies, etc.


Please describe the need for this program at UAA and what led the organizer(s) to believe the need exists (i.e. Was student demand measured? If so, how? Formal or informal measurement?)

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For what group of students (e.g. undergraduate business majors) will this program be targeted or to which group(s) will it be limited?


To what extent will you request or need assistance from other UAA departments?

Please consider the full range of program-related duties, as listed in the essential tasks documents, including: program planning, contract negotiations, promotion and publicity, handling applications, interviewing and selecting participants, conducting orientations, coordination of program credits and grades and any other relevant duties.

II. Academic Issues


Describe the status of the course to be used in the program: discipline, number, title, approval status, and any additional information that is relevant. Please attach the

Course Content Guide and Syllabus.


What level of foreign language proficiency, if any, will be required for admission to the program?

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What prerequisites (if any) are contemplated?


Please list the names of all faculty members who will be involved in delivery of the course:

III. Administrative Information


How will participants be selected?


Minimum number of student participants:


Program calendar:


Anticipated application deadline

Approximate beginning date of travel

Approximate ending date of travel

IV. Budget Information


Please complete and attach the budget information worksheet.

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Proposal Completed by:

Name(s) and title(s) of person(s) completing form



Department Head and Dean or Campus Director: I have reviewed this international facultyled program proposal and support the creation of this program, with the approval of the Office of

International Affairs. I have also reviewed the attached Essential Tasks Agreement Form and

Budget Worksheet, and agree to commit staff members in my unit to complete the tasks assigned to my department, School or College, and financial resources as detailed in those documents.

Signature of Department Chair/ Director Printed Name Date

Signature of Dean or Campus Director Printed Name Date

Travel Accountant: I am satisfied that the proposed budget and payment methods comply with university travel policy.

Signature of Travel Accountant Date

Return to: Leslie Tuovinen, International Affairs Coordinator

Office of International Affairs, Rasmuson Hall, Suite 115

* Telephone: (907) 786-4135 * Fax: (907) 786-1060

Director of International Affairs : I have reviewed the documentation and I do I do not approve this proposal for a new faculty-led short-term study abroad program.

Additional information/clarification requested or reason for non-approval:

Dr. Theodore L. Kassier, Director of International Affairs Date

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