Student Data Sheet - New Hire-Rehire

Student Data Sheet
- New Hire - Rehire – Transfer / Budget to Workstudy
Additional Assignment
Student Information: (complete all information in this section)
Gender: ☐Female
Student ID#:
Ethnicity: ☐African American/Black
☐American Indiana/Alaska Native
☐Asian/Pacific Islander
Hiring Department:
Start Date: Click here to enter a date. Number of Hours per Week:
☐Regular Student (New hire / Rehire
☐College Work Study
Pay Rate: $
☐International Student
Student Payroll Information:
☐New hire / Never on UofL Payroll ☐ Rehire – On payroll within the last 12 months
☐Currently on UofL payroll in Department_________________________________________________________
☐Additional Assignment / Libraries or external department
☐Transfer from Budget to Work Study
End Budget Date: Click here to enter a date.
Begin Work Study Date: Click here to enter a date.
Note: Students may begin the work assignment the day after the hire processing appointment with the Personal
Officer. All students require a criminal background check approval if none is on file. The unit supervisor and the
student will be notified via email when Human Resources has approved the background check.
The Kornhauser Program Assistant will process student hires and notified supervisor and the student.
New hires and rehires must bring a driver’s license, student id card, Social Security card, voided check, a Higher One
Direct Deposit Form, or the name of the account holder, account and routing numbers on bank letter head to the hiring
appointment. International students must bring all above items, a passport, visa, I-20, 1-94 or permanent residency card
if applicable. College Work Study students must bring the CWS Award Certificate with the Blue Original stamp.
Dept. Supervisor
Telephone #
*Instructions on reverse side
GJC. 7/19/2013
A. Student Information – Complete all info A. Student Information – Complete all information in this section
Name: of student.
Student ID: Found on the U of L Student ID Card or on the CWS Award Certificate
Department: Unit name where the student will be assigned.
Gender: Check one
Ethnicity: Check one
Hiring Department: Type in the name of the Libraries Department requesting the hire.
Start Date: Type in the date. Students can begin the day after the hiring appointment if necessary.
Number of Hours: Limited to 30 hours weekly for regular, 15 hours weekly for work study and 20 hours
weekly for international students in student status (S26). During University Holidays, winter, spring and
summer breaks when regular students are not registered for class but will return in the fall semester can work
37.5 hours weekly. Internationals work 30 hours weekly or otherwise dictated by their Visa status.
Temporaries (T26) work 37.5 not to exceed 1000 hours within a twelve month period at which time they must
be terminated.
9. Pay Rate: Current beginning rate is $7.25 hourly. The following site will always have the current wage rate
B. Student Categories – Check one
10. Regular student: Check if the student is a U.S. citizen.
11. CWS: Check if the student has a Federal College Work Study Award
12. International Student: Check if applicable for foreign nationals with F-1 Visa status.
C. Student Payroll Information – Check one and include date and department
13. New Hire - Never on U of L payroll: Student has never been a UofL employee
14. Rehire - Previously on U of L payroll: Student is rehired within 12 months of resigning.
Indicate the previous department name.
15. Currently on UofL payroll - Type in the department name where the student is employed.
This is an Additional Assignment: student is employ in an external UofL department or another
Libraries department.
16. Transfer from Budget to Work Study: Students currently working in a Libraries department to be
transferred to the work study position control number. The work study must bring the award certificate to the
Personnel Office with this form. No appointment is necessary for this action.
D. Comments – Type in additional information.
E. Department Signature – Type in the following information
1. Name of Student Supervisor
2. Telephone Number
3. Date
*Instructions on reverse side
GJC. 7/19/2013