Whitehorse Drive Epsom, Surrey KT18 7NQ Tel: 01372 720439 Email: info@rosebery.surrey.sch.uk www.roseberyschool.co.uk 14 September 2015 Dear Parents and Carers As of the week beginning Monday 14 September, your daughter has been placed in a new Maths set. We believe that it is vital that the students who are arriving at Rosebery from many different schools and backgrounds, and with varying levels of confidence in Maths, are placed into sets as early as possible. The girls were assessed in both their current mathematical knowledge and their problem solving skills. It is their performance in these assessments that have dictated which set they have been placed in. In Year 7, due to the timetable and the available teaching staff, we are able to split the students into four sets, each containing 30 girls; these will also be their same sets for Science lessons. In Years 9, 10 and 11, we have five sets, which allows a much greater amount of flexibility in the number of students in each group and therefore the placing of students within them. This system has been adapted and refined over the past few years, and we are confident that all the students at Rosebery are challenged and given the opportunity to fulfil their full potential. During both Years 7 and 8, we will be making regular adjustments to the sets based on the students’ performance in assessments, tests and general class work. We will continue to try and identify any students who may benefit either from being pushed faster in a higher set, or by being allowed to gain more confidence at the top of a lower set. Both of these actions can help to raise achievement and ensure that all of the girls feel both challenged and supported. The details of your daughter’s new set are as follows (please note there maybe changes to the days your daughter has Maths and Science): Week 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 Day/period Monday p1 Wednesday p2 Wednesday p3 Thursday p1 Thursday p2 Friday p1 Tuesday p5 Wednesday p1 Wednesday p2 Thursday p1 Thursday p5 Friday p5 Subject Maths Maths Science Science Science Maths Science Maths Science Science Maths Maths Teacher Miss V Scarff Miss V Scarff Mr P Van Den Elshout Mrs S Curtis Mr P Van Den Elshout Miss V Scarff Mr P Van Den Elshout Miss V Scarff Mr P Van Den Elshout Mrs S Curtis Miss V Scarff Miss V Scarff Room M3 M3 C3 C3 C3 M3 C3 M3 C3 C6 M3 M3 Should you need any further clarification on this matter, please feel free to contact me. Yours sincerely N. Bailey Miss Nicole Bailey Key Stage 3 Coordinator (nbailey@rosebery.surrey.sch.uk)