1 Media Protocol Overview The public image and prestige of any organisation is of key importance for the successful and sustainable execution of all its core activities. This is even more so in the case of a tertiary institution such as Stellenbosch University, which wishes to recruit and retain the best students and staff in a highly competitive market (both national and international). Reporting in the public media – whether newspapers, magazines, radio or television – has a direct impact on the public image of SU and therefore has to be handled in a professional manner to extend and optimise the prestige and stature of the institution. Bearing in mind that no institution in the world will experience only positive publicity, a media protocol is required to place the relationship and interaction with the media on a professional footing and to formalise it within the institution. It is essential to formulate guidelines in relation to who may speak with the media officially on behalf of the University on a specific issue or topic, particularly within the context of a University with 10 faculties and with more than 300 academic departments, four campuses and more than 2 500 members of staff. Points of departure: The media protocol of SU complies with the mission of the University as set out in the Strategic Framework of 2000. What it amounts to is briefly that SU, as an institution of excellent scientific practice, is a place where knowledge is discovered, shared and applied to the benefit of the broader community. This sharing of knowledge also includes the sharing of information concerning the core activities and the management of the University with the broader University community and the general public– in a spirit of openness and transparency, as contained in the accepted set of values that the University underwrites. (See full document at http://www.sun.ac.za/university/index.html.) Since the first responsibility of the University is to its internal community (its staff and students), the point of departure is that all external communication by SU will be shared with the internal University community first via the appropriate channels. Proactive communication It is imperative that all University reporting or communication – press releases on research achievements, academic programs, strategic communication, important announcements, events etc. – should be presented in a newsworthy and stimulating fashion. The dilemma is that most academics are used to expressing themselves in the jargon and terminology of their discipline which often comes across as being too complicated for the ordinary reader. The division for Communication and Liaison within University Advancement is primarily tasked to ensure professional external communication in collaboration with the subject or program leaders and the media officers in the respective faculties. News releases are not the sole means of communicating with the external media, though. Any good communicator knows the value of impeccable interpersonal 2 relations with journalists, the one-on-one visits, media interviews, the telephonic interview or on-air and in-studio participation. The most practical way of sharing information, however, remains the faithful, to-the-point and easily understood media release or statement that facilitates other media opportunities in one form or another. All news releases must comply with the following format: Corporate SU logo Date of release Heading: what is this release about? For immediate publication or Embargoed: date and time when it can be made known to the public (The contents of the release: maximum 800 words) Further enquiries: State the name and contact detail of the media liaison person and / or expert that can assist with more detailed information. Standard footer: Issued by Communication and Liaison, Stellenbosch University. Distribution of the release will be determined by the nature and content of the communication. The Media Office in conjunction with the Senior Director: Communication and Liaison will consider the widest possible media list for distribution. A directive in this regard will be given to the PR/Media company (where applicable and appropriate) with due allowance for their expert input to maximize opportunities for publicity. Reactive communication Enquiries from the media about matters pertaining to the various facets and activities of the University are divergent in nature. The Media Office in the Division for Communication and Liaison is the entry point for all media enquiries (whether from mainstream, community or internal media). For the sake of effective practical handling and easy flow of information, the University distinguishes in its dealings between different types of communication or enquiries, each determining the responsible person(s) who must provide the relevant information to the Media Office who will in turn communicate it externally to the media. Types of communication and responsible person(s) 1. Policy matters Dealing with media enquiries or communications regarding policy matters at SU is primarily the responsibility of the chairperson of the SU Council or his delegated representative. He/she will address the media on such matters and/or release an official media communiqué or statement to the media in consultation with the Rector and the Senior Director: Communication and Liaison via the Media Office of the University. 2. Strategic and management matters 3 Responses to any enquiries or communications on strategic and management matters are the responsibility of the Rector or his delegated representative within the rectorate or Executive Management of the University. Such communication takes place in consultation with the Senior Director: Communication and Liaison, who in turn communicates externally via the Media Office of SU. 3. Operational matters Communication on or responses to media enquiries about operational facets of SU is the primary responsibility of the relevant member of the rectorate in cooperation with the relevant member of senior management (dean, departmental head or director) responsible for the operational matter in question. Such communication takes place in collaboration with the Senior Director: Communication and Liaison and the Media Office. 4. Student matters Student matters usually are not purely student affairs, but often link to the aforementioned categories of communication (i.e. policy, strategic and management or operational matters) of the University. Sometimes it pertains to the field of community interaction. In order to best intercept these nuances, any enquiry or communication is coordinated by the Dean of Students and the chairperson of the Students’ Representative Council (or his delegated representative) in consultation with the responsible member of the Executive Management. The Senior Director: Communication and Liaison will relay the communication to the media via the Media Office. Media statements on issues that the Students’ Representative Council wishes to release independently to the student-, mainstream- or community media are the responsibility of the chairperson of the Students’ Representative Council (or his delegated representative) in conjuction with the Student Dean. 5. Expert matters or specialist enquiries Enquiries about specific disciplines, fields of specialisation or the announcement of specialised knowledge belong in the sphere of academics and researchers with proven knowledge of the topic or discipline. They may liaise independently with the media (particularly specialised media), with due allowance for the good name and stature of the University. Coordination with the Media Office will be done purely for the sake of information and in the interest of an integrated approach to media enquires and coordinated communication by the University. [See protocol for requests for expert comment] 6. Institutional information This is the type of information that concerns the University as a whole and entails matters such as the following: Student statistics Staff and employment statistics Research information Financial information Academic programmes Facilities and utilisation of facilities 4 The responsibility for this information is often spread across different divisions. The announcement and dissemination of such information is the responsibility of the head of division concerned, who will clear it (if necessary) with the head of his/her centre of responsibility and formalise the necessary communication in consultation with the Senior Director: Communication and Liaison. Definitions Rector and Vice-Chancellor He/she is the chief executive officer of the University as well as academic head of the institution. He/she is concerned primarily with the strategic direction and effective management of the University, and reports to the SU Council. The Rector (or his delegated representative) is the official spokesperson of the University, particularly on strategic and management matters. He/she will deal with any enquiries or announcements in this regard in consultation with the Senior Director: Communication and Liaison. Executive Management Consists of the three vice-rectors (Teaching, Research, and Community Interaction and Personnel) – as well as the Executive Director: Finance and Operations. Each member of the Executive Management is the head of a centre of responsibility and takes overall responsibility for all communication in his/her centre of responsibility. Any official communication takes place via the Senior Director: Communication and Liaison and the Media Office of SU. Senior Management This category includes the deans of faculties, heads of departments and directors of support service departments. They report to members of the Executive Management and are the primary providers of information on operational matters. In all cases, official communication takes place via the Senior Director: Communication and Liaison and the Media Office. Spokesperson of SU The Rector or his delegated representative is the primary spokesperson of the University. In their absence, or by way of their delegation, the Senior Director: Communication and Liaison is the official spokesperson of SU. In his/her absence, this function and role are delegated to the Head of Marketing and Publications. Media Office Thisis the centre to which all enquires about corporate matters concerning SU must be directed. It is also the office through which all communications are issued to the external and internal media. All enquiries are coordinated by the Senior Director: Communication and Liaison and the senior media officer. Professional expert These are academics and members of staff with proven expertise in specific academic and research spheres. They may liaise independently with the mainstream and specialist media about their discipline or field of specialisation, with due cognizance that the good name and stature of SU are upheld. 5 Student media These are student publications that are registered with the Students’ Representative Council and as such are subject to the code of conduct that is upheld by the SU Media Council. Mainstream media Independent newspapers, magazines, radio and television stations (nationally and internationally) -- including public broadcasting services (such as the SABC). Community media Newspapers, newsletters, community radio stations whose target markets can be defined in terms of geographical boundaries and/or interest groups. With the extension of the community interaction leg of SU, communication and coverage in these types of media is of increasing importance. All communication on the broad spectrum of community interaction by SU is dealt with by the Vice-Rector: Community Interaction and Personnel in consultation with the Senior Director: Community Interaction and the Senior Director: Communication and Liaison of SU. Specialised media Media for specific professional groupings or niche markets, such as Finweek, Engineering News, etc. Specialised knowledge and communication by experts at SU may be conveyed independently to this class of media, with due cognizance that the good name and reputation of the University be upheld. Tips for handling enquiries from the media: The Media Office of SU is the point through which all enquiries about University matters flow. Depending on the nature of the enquiry (policy issues, management matters or simply expert opinions), the Media Office will channel the enquiry in the correct direction for appropriate further attention. Responses from the relevant departments flow back to the Media Office for further communication to the media. Also see protocols for request for comment; request for expert comment and development of media releases. Media enquiries for expert input are an exception to the preceding rule. It often happens that journalists contact academics or researchers directly about their field of expertise. It is the prerogative of the expert to speak to the media. When staff and students in the various environments or departments are confronted with media enquiries and it clearly has to do with policy, management or institutional matters, the enquiry should be referred to the Media Office. A polite reply would be: “We will gladly assist if you lodge the enquiry at our Media Office. Please contact them on 808-4921.” Mohamed Shaikh October 2011