Dear CLPOA Members,

Dear CLPOA Members,
The Fall General Meeting of the Clearview Lake Property Owners’ Association will be held as
When: Thursday, September 29, 2011 at 7:00 PM
Where: Hampton Township Senior Center (adjacent to the Municipal Building)
All members in good standing are invited to attend and participate
If you are unable to attend, a ballot and proxy for the election of expired Officers’ and
Directors’ positions is enclosed. Only members in good standing may vote. Please
return the ballot if you wish to cast a vote or the proxy if you wish to assign your voting
privilege to another individual.
Ballot or proxy must be returned to be received by CLPOA no later than Wednesday,
September 28 2011. Please do not cross out the number on the return envelope as this
determines whether you are a member in good standing. Once the envelope is opened
at the meeting, there is no way to determine who cast which vote. If the number is not
readable, the envelope will be discarded and your vote will not count.
Please consider volunteering a few hours of your time each month. Business meetings
are held the last Thursday of each month at 7:30 PM and meetings are approximately 11 ½ hrs. long. It is important to all that the Board remains diverse in its composition to
effectively run the Association. Each individual’s perspective and expertise lends to a
more balanced result when decisions that affect every owner within the Association are
to be made. Everyone’s opinion is important and it is up to your Board to determine
priorities and how they are handled.
A proposed Budget for the 2011-2012 dues year is enclosed. We are happy to report at
this time, no increase in dues over last year’s amount is proposed. This Budget will be
voted on at this meeting.
I would like to extend a special note of thanks to Roy Porter and Jeff Calvani for coordinating
and organizing efforts to save the dam from washing away on August 28 th due to Hurricane Irene. A
special thanks is also extended to those community members called upon to assist with efforts at the
Township in creating sandbags and then laying those sandbags at the dam. All involved worked
tirelessly that Sunday morning and did what needed to be done without question, in order to save the
There were also several community members who assisted neighbors in clearing debris and
trees from the roads. Because we are a private community, it falls to the members to do this type of
work. Thank you to all who assisted in this regard as well.
Some of the more notable accomplishments that have occurred since the last General Meeting:
*Collection efforts continue.
The first court
appearances were made and all were successful, as the
properties within Clearview Lake are deed restricted
and there is no defense for not paying dues.
Approximately $37,000 has been collected since
inception, and a number of delinquent owners are back
on the rolls for current dues.
*A major repair to Highland Avenue has taken place at
a cost of $10,550. Quotes are being sought for
additional repairs to Hampton Drive and potholes
throughout the community.
Once again, funds
availability will determine the extent and number of
repairs able to be made.
*CLPOA has received all permits associated with the
dam repair. Bids have been received and reviewed.
Upon the awarding of the contract, work is expected to
begin within the next 4 weeks. The lake will be lowered
as a part of that work and the dam area road will be
blocked to all traffic. If you live in the vicinity of the
dam, an alternate route may need to be planned.
*Missing and stolen street signs are being found and/or
purchased and replaced. Interestingly, some of the
signs have been found in community members’ garages
or on properties. Every owner within the community
pays for these stolen signs which assists emergency
vehicles to find their location. Having to replace these
signs leaves less funds to repair roads.
If you are a member in good standing and wish to advertise a business you own on the CLPOA
website please send a business card sized ad, to CLPOA, Website Advertising, PO Box 592, Branchville,
NJ 07826. In addition, you may email your ad in JPG format only to Remember, only
members in good standing (those whose dues are current) may advertise.
Please know that the Board continues to make every effort to obtain the best value for every
dollar spent and operates on an incredibly tight budget. Aside from the State mandated dam
rehabilitation and repair, the roads are the biggest priority and any time extra funds become available,
the money is put into the roads. While we would all like to see every road in pristine condition, the
amount of dues charged each year only allows for so much road work in any given year. Beginning with
last year, the Board has re-established a rotation of roads to be addressed (provided no road
emergencies occur as was the case with Highland Avenue). Additional repairs will be made this year
based on the remaining funds available.
To new members as well as those who have been in the community and not attended a meeting
in the past, please consider joining the meeting on September 29th. We look forward to seeing those
that have attended in the past as well as those who have never attended before.
Julie Deitz, President