Section 14 Vegetation - Minnesota Department of Transportation

MnDOT Design-Build Program
Federal Project No. [insert #]
Book 2—[insert full name of project] Design-Build Project
S.P. [insert #]
This Section identifies the design and construction requirements for vegetation, including establishing turf,
tree and shrub seeding operations, tree and shrub maintenance, preliminary work for future planting areas,
preserving and protecting existing vegetative assets, managing soils, and controlling noxious weeds, erosion,
and hazard trees for the Project.
Administrative Requirements
In the event of a conflict among the standards set forth in Book 3 relating to vegetation, the order of
precedence shall be as set forth below, unless otherwise specified:
 MnDOT Standard Specifications for Construction
 MnDOT Technical Memorandums
 MnDOT Special Provisions
 MnDOT Standard Vegetation Protection Detail
 MnDOT Standard Specifications for Construction
 MnDOT Guidelines for Protecting, Salvaging and Replacing Vegetation Along State Highways
 MnDOT [enter district name] District Turf Establishment Recommendations
 MnDOT Seeding Manual
 Code of Federal Regulations, Title 23 (Highways), Chapter 1, Part 752, Landscape and Roadside
 AASHTO A Guide for Transportation Landscape and Environmental Design
 International Society of Arboriculture and the Council of Tree and Landscape Appraisers Guide
for Plant Appraisal, 9th Edition
 MnDOT Inspection & Contract Administration Manual for MNDOT Landscape Projects
 Remaining standards set forth in Book 3
Meeting Requirements
Prior to commencing with clearing and grubbing operations, schedule a time to walk the site with MnDOT
representatives to review Notable Trees identified and marked by the Contractor to be protected or
transplanted within the project site.
If noxious weed infested soils are removed from the Project site and not brought to a Minnesota Department
of Agriculture (MDA) approved site, obtain a permit from MDA.
If Project area is within MDA quarantine areas, obtain a compliance agreement prior to removing
quarantined materials from Project site. Determine if the Project limits are within an MDA-quarantined area
throughout the life of the Project and obtain the required permits and agreements.
Provide the following additional permits/authorizations:
MnDOT Design-Build Program
Federal Project No. [insert #]
Design Requirements
Investigations/Supplemental Work
Book 2—[insert full name of project] Design-Build Project
S.P. [insert #]
Conduct a Vegetation Preservation and Removal investigation to determine the proposed impacts on
vegetative assets, including any impacts on vegetative assets outside of the clear zone or the construction
limits. Provide this information on the Vegetation Preservation and Removal plan sheets. Noxious Weed Control
Consult the current state list of prohibited noxious weeds and restricted noxious weeds located on the MDA
website: Timber Utilization
Estimate the volume of marketable trees expected to be lost to construction activities on the Project. Estimate
sawtimber in board feet and estimate pulpwood and firewood in cords. For trees not considered marketable
or purchased as sawtimber, pulpwood, firewood, or other uses, grind them and use that material to the extent
possible as an erosion control material, other project related uses, or as directed by MnDOT. Show where
and how this material will be used in the SWPPP.
Design Criteria Vegetation Preservation
Identify proposed impacts on vegetative assets including any impacts on vegetative assets outside of the clear
zone or construction limits. Do not designate any ash trees for preservation.
Inventory Notable Tree species on the Project that are 12-inch diameter at breast height (DBH) or greater.
Submit to MnDOT a count of the number Notable Trees proposed to be removed due to construction
operations and those proposed to be preserved in the final construction. Noxious Weeds
Remove or control all noxious weeds located in areas where turf will be disturbed. Disturbance of turf
includes people treading, vehicles driving, equipment moving and materials being placed upon that turf.
Place fence around areas with noxious weeds where the turf will not be disturbed to ensure that the turf in
those areas are not disturbed and does not need to be removed or controlled.
If noxious weeds are present, identify and map areas of noxious weeds to be removed or controlled in
accordance with the requirements established by MnDOT, the Minnesota Department of Agriculture, and
counties and record the locations of these areas on Noxious Weed Control plans. Record locations of areas of
noxious weeds to be removed or controlled, noting the location, species, and extent on a map showing
existing topography. Document the quantity of vegetation to be removed or controlled on the plan sheets as
either a numerical count of the plants being removed or an estimate based on acreage and vegetation density
of areas being controlled. Define methods used to control noxious weeds at each location. Review and update
the Noxious Weed Control plan once per year and provide to the MnDOT Project Manager for review and
acceptance. Soils Management
In areas treated with non-residual herbicides to control noxious weeds, do not disturb the soils until after the
minimum required time to kill the plant listed on the herbicide label. Leave any soils treated with herbicides
that are effective for a period longer than one month undisturbed or stockpiled for a period not less than the
residual time of the herbicide used. Clearly identify the location of such soil stockpile areas in the RFC plans.
Soils removed from the Project area are subject to the restrictions of the Minnesota Noxious Weed Law.
Indicate in the RFC plan sheets the disposition of soils moved within the Project area and locations of soils
disposed outside of the Project area.
MnDOT Design-Build Program
Federal Project No. [insert #]
Book 2—[insert full name of project] Design-Build Project
S.P. [insert #] Erosion Control
Design temporary and permanent erosion and sediment control measures complying with the requirements of
Section 4 in a manner that will not prohibit or compromise the installation, effectiveness, health, or design
intent of permanent turf or other vegetation.
In areas where seeded turf will be mown, follow MnDOT Standard Specification 3885, except employing
only natural netting erosion control blanket. Use only Type 3 mulch in all mulched areas.
Temporarily or permanently stabilize the last 200 feet of ditch from where it leaves the project or flows to a
resource water with appropriate erosion control blanket and seed.
In areas next to wetlands and areas of environmental sensitivity, use the following rapid stabilization
methods for temporary conditions:
 Method 2—Type 3 mulch placed at a rate of 1.5 ton per acre [3.4 tonne per ha], 3884, Type
Hydraulic Mulch, placed at a rate of 750 lb/acre [835 kg/ha]
 Method 3—3884, Type Hydraulic Mulch, placed at 350 lbs per 1000 gallons of slurry mixture
[159 kg per 3.8 cubic meters of slurry mixture]; Seed mixture 22-111 placed at a rate of 10 lb per
1,000 gal [4.5 kg per 3.8 cu. m] of slurry mix; Type 3 Slow Release Fertilizer 10-10-10 placed at a
rate of 50 lb per 1000 gal [22.7 kg per 3.8 cu. m] of slurry mix; Water placed at a rate of 875 gal
per 1,000 gal [3.3 cu. m per 3.8 cu. m] of slurry mix; Apply mixture at a rate of 6 000 gal per acre
[56 cu. m per ha]
 Method 4—Category 3 erosion control blanket; Seed mixture 22-111 placed at a rate of 2 lb per
100 sq. yd [1.1 kg per 100 cu. m];Type 3 Slow Release Fertilizer 10-10-10 placed at a rate of 8 lb
per 100 sq. yd [3.6 kg per 84 cu. m] Turf Establishment
Establish turf in all disturbed areas using species that are compatible with the requirements below,
stormwater management methods, and MnDOT requirements. Note on the RFC plan sheets the requirements
for depth and location of topsoil placement, as well as any soil decompaction measures and their relation to
each type of turf or planting area in the Project area. Restore vegetation in all temporarily impacted wetlands.
Use the following seed mixes for the Project:
 Seed mix [xx-xxx] for all exposed soils along the inslopes of mainline and interchanges
 Seed mix [xx-xxx] for ditch bottoms; seed mix 35-241 on back slope
 Seed mix [xx-xxx] for wetland buffers and wet pond buffers where soils are designed to be
 Seed mix [xx-xxx] for flood plain wetland areas
 Seed mix [xx-xxx] or [xx-xxx] for any short term (up to 6 months) temporary seeding, replaced
with permanent seed mix, as indicated above, prior to Project completion
 Seed mix [xx-xxx] for any long term (6 month to 2 years) temporary seeding replaced with
permanent seed mix, as indicated above, prior to Project completion
 For dry (filtration) pond
 Seed mix [xx-xxx] for the pond bottom and 3 feet up from the bottom
 Seed mix [xx-xxx] 3 feet up from pond bottom to top of pond
 Seed mix [xx-xxx] or seed mix used on surrounding area
MnDOT Design-Build Program
Federal Project No. [insert #]
Book 2—[insert full name of project] Design-Build Project
S.P. [insert #]
Establish turf using the following sod types in the areas noted unless specified differently in Section 15:
 Lawn sod: In all disturbed yards (residences and businesses)
 Salt-tolerant sod: Adjacent to all trails and sidewalks to one mow width (8 feet), transitioning to
Seed Mix [xx-xxx], or between trail/sidewalk and curb section
Utilize all topsoil present on the Project within the Project limits. Landscape Planting Area Establishment Plant Establishment
Ensure plant establishment of transplanted trees. Hazard Trees
Identify for removal hazard trees with height sufficient to place them within striking distance of targets,
including infrastructure such as buildings, shared-use paths, sidewalks and roadways, if the tree fell over or a
portion of the tree fell. Hazard trees are defined as trees (including tree parts) with defects which would
cause property damage or human injury if the tree failed.
Identify for removal all ash trees within 25 feet of any soil disturbance, which includes driving equipment or
placing materials within 25 feet of any ash tree.
Record the areas of disturbance and the locations of the above trees on the Released for Construction (RFC)
plan sheets.
Include the following in RFC documents:
 Vegetation Preservation and Removal plan sheets per MnDOT Highway Project Development
Process Handbook, Part II, Section D, Subject Guidance - Vegetation indicating:
 Areas of vegetation removal—species, size range, condition, and location of tree species
proposed to be disturbed or removed or transplanted. Disturbance shall include total or partial
damage or injury to the roots, trunk, or crown, including damage caused by soil compaction.
 Proposed transplants of tree species and transplant locations (if applicable to project)
 Delineation of protection measures conforming to MnDOT Standard Specification 2572 for
existing trees, and shrub masses that will not be removed both within the construction limits and
directly adjacent to the construction limits
 Soils Management plan sheets identifying the type and location of herbicide treatments used
 Permanent Turf Establishment plan sheets defining specific areas for turf establishment and seed
mixtures for each area.
 Timber Utilization plan sheet(s), indicating marketable trees, with an estimate of the type and
quantity of marketable trees noted on each area where such trees exist
 Vegetation Preservation drawing including an inventory of Notable Tree species showing the
 Area of vegetation removal.
 Species, size, condition, and location of Notable Tree Species proposed to be disturbed or
removed. Disturbance shall include total or partial damage or injury to the roots, trunk, or
crown, including damage caused by soil compaction.
MnDOT Design-Build Program
Federal Project No. [insert #]
Book 2—[insert full name of project] Design-Build Project
S.P. [insert #]
 Proposed transplants of Notable Tree Species and transplant locations.
 Delineation of protection measures conforming to MnDOT Standard Specification 2572 for
Notable Tree Species, existing trees, and shrub masses that will not be removed but are within
100 feet of the vegetation proposed for removal.
Construction Requirements
Construction Criteria Vegetation Preservation and Removal
Follow all requirements of MnDOT Standard Specification 2572.3. Remove the fencing when the Project has
reached Final Acceptance.
Mark Notable Trees and transplantable trees to be protected in a conspicuous manner and install fencing as a
demarcation line of disturbance. No ash trees shall be designated for preservation.
Transplant the Approved trees according to the following:
 Deciduous: April 7 to May 8 or August 15 to November 15
 Conifers: April 7 to May 17 or August 25 to September 15
Provide supplemental watering and all other post-transplant care for transplanted trees during the term of the
Contract in accordance with MnDOT specifications.
Allow access to the Project to the Cities of [names of cities] and [name of county]County for additional tree
salvage and transplanting operations of those entities.
Remove hazard trees, ash trees, and any hazardous portions of trees using methods that prevent damage or
injury to nearby vegetative assets, as indicated on the Vegetation Preservation and Removal plan sheets. Timber Utilization
Utilize marketable trees in accordance with MnDOT Standard Specification 2101.3D and as described in
Section Soils Management
In areas treated with herbicides with residual effects longer than one month, stockpile the soil for a period of
not less than the residual time of the herbicide used. Clearly mark such herbicide-treated stockpile areas to
prevent disturbance prior to the required stockpile period. Turf Establishment
All future landscape planting areas will be free of underground utilities. In the final grading process, perform
subsoiling on soils in all landscape areas, including native seed mix areas and tree and shrub seeding areas, in
accordance with MnDOT Standard Specifications prior to spreading of the topsoil as described above. For
slopes of 3:1 or greater, roughen existing soils before placement of Select Topsoil Borrow so topsoil will
bond with existing soil. BMPs for stabilization methods will be defined by MnDOT’s District Turf
Establishment Recommendations. Landscape Planting Area Establishment
Materials/Testing Requirements
MnDOT Design-Build Program
Federal Project No. [insert #]
Instrumentation/Monitoring Plan
Noxious Weed Control
Book 2—[insert full name of project] Design-Build Project
S.P. [insert #]
Remove noxious weeds or treat areas designated on the Noxious Weed Control plan sheets. Maintain maps
indicating areas of noxious weed control and records indicating name of applicator; date/time and method of
application; and herbicide(s) name, strength, and quantity used throughout the Project duration to ensure:
 Treatment of noxious weeds in areas left undisturbed
 Proper placement of weed-infested soil in areas disturbed by construction activities
 Topsoil treated with certain herbicides (those with residual soil activity) is not relocated to another
part of the Project, except as noted in Section
Retain all pesticide (herbicide) application records and maps and submit them to MnDOT.
Submit the following to MnDOT:
 Vegetation Preservation plans
 Soils Management plans
 Permanent Turf Establishment plans
 Hazard tree identification
 Noxious weed control plans
 Timber utilization estimate
 Pesticide (herbicide) application maps and records at Final Acceptance