Trial edit conducted by Editage April 22, 2014 ABSTRACT In this study, the possibilities of influencing the surface properties of sessile oak (Quercus petraea), European ash (Fraxinus excelsior), Norway spruce (Picea abies), and European Larch (Larix decidua) by a low-temperature atmospheric plasma treatment, namely, diffuse coplanar surface barrier discharge, under various conditions were investigated. The effects of varying the mutual distance between the electrode surface and plasma-treated wood surface (0–1.2 mm), plasma treatment duration (3, 5, and 10 s) utilizable on industry lines, and the atmosphere applied during the plasma treatment (air, N2, and CO2) were studied. The effects of plasma on the wood surface were evaluated by measuring the contact angle, which represents changes in surface polarity. In comparison with a reference untreated sample, the plasma-activated samples exhibited the hydrophilization effect at distances lower than 0.5 mm from the electrode surface while exhibiting hydrophobization at distances greater than 0.5 mm. Further, conditions for the effective plasma modification of all tested wood samples were found. KEYWORDS DCSBD plasma; modification; surface polarity; contact angle; wetting; hydrophilization; hydrophobization INTRODUCTION Exterior wood is vulnerable to weather exposure; therefore, window facades and outdoor wooden furniture need to be protected using varnishes or other protective coatings, with new layers applied every few years. European legislation (ES 2004/42/EC, about coatings) mandates the use of water-soluble coating materials. This law poses a serious challenge for the wood handling and processing industry in Europe. In this study, we investigated an approach for overcoming this challenge; our approach involves the application of atmospheric plasma treatment on wood surfaces to activate them prior to coating. This activation provides better conditions for good adhesion between the wood surface and coating. In addition, we studied the possibilities offered by the application of diffuse coplanar surface barrier discharge (DCSBD) plasma technology during the wood coating process. Changes in the surface properties of wood modified by plasma discharge, such as surface free energy, contact angle, or wettability, were studied under different plasma treatment conditions. Measurements of wettability and surface free energy were performed under standard laboratory conditions. Wettability was evaluated by measuring the water droplet contact angle by using the surface energy evaluation (SEE) system. In recent years, plasma technologies have been at the forefront of industrial application as well as research and development of new methods for the protection of these products. Although DCSBD plasma has great potential to become an efficient means for modifying the surfaces of lignocellulosic materials, its application on these materials has still not been 1 explored well. Plasma application is a universal and efficient technique that is being employed to activate the surfaces of various polymeric materials. By producing highfrequency electrical discharge, plasma generates an ionized gas that can change the surface properties of a material in contact with the plasma. Plasma modification is very effective for altering the surface properties, especially wetting and adhesion, of various materials. One of the advantages of surface activation is that it provides the possibility of modifying the wetting and adhesion of wood and lignocellulosic materials toward those materials that improve their resistance to degradation effects. The laboratory-scale impact of DCSBD plasma has already been investigated on glass fibers/glass (Kováčik et al. 2006), textile materials (Černák 2004; Ráheľ et al. 2000; Ráheľ et al. 2003; Šimor et al. 2002; Šimor et al. 2003b; Štefečka 2003), foils (Šimor et al. 2003), paper (Černák et al. 2003; Tóth et al. 2007), and wood-fiber materials (Beňová 2007; Hnát 2005; Nováková 2007; Odrášková et al. 2008; Szalay 2009). MATERIALS AND METHODS The following wood samples were tested in this study: sessile oak (Quercus petraea), European ash (Fraxinus excelsior), Norway spruce (Picea abies), and European larch (Larix decidua). Preparation of Samples Before subjecting them to plasma treatment, samples were stored in an air-conditioned room (relative humidity: 50 ± 1%, temperature: 23 ± 2 °C) for a period of 24 h. Subsequently, the samples were sanded with sandpaper (grit: 150). For the measurement of contact angle and surface free energy, samples with sizes of 7 cm × 1.5 cm × 4 cm were used. Plasma Treatment Conditions For evaluating the plasma treatment effect, a DCSBD plasma system with an adjustable power output of up to 420 W was used. This system was a planar source of low-temperature plasma (Simor et al. 2002). DCSBD electrodes, consisting of 15 pairs of silver strip electrodes (length: 200 mm, width: 1 mm) embedded 0.5 mm below the surface of 96% Al2O3 ceramics, were energized by 14 kHz sinusoidal voltage, supplied by a HV generator (LIFETECH VF700). The mutual distance between the silver strip electrodes was 1 mm. The plasma treatment duration was set to 3, 5, and 10 s. As a working atmosphere, compressed air, N2, and CO2 were used. The effect of mutual distance between the sample surface and DCSBD electrode surface (termed “gap” in the figures) was also investigated. The mutual distance was varied using the stock of 0.13-mm-thick microscope cover slips from 0.133 mm to 1.064 mm. The thickness of the individual plates was 0.133 mm. Contact Angle For the evaluation of the effect of DCSBD plasma treatment on the change in the surface free energy of the samples, a SEE system was used. This system evaluates the surface free energy of a material by measuring the contact angle of liquids with different polarities. To evaluate the impact of wood surface modification caused by plasma treatment, changes in the water droplet contact angle for various distances from the electrode surface were monitored. In this 2 method, the shape of a liquid droplet on the solid surface of the studied substance is optically read. Contact angle is defined as the angle formed between the plane of the substance and the tangential plane to the droplet surface on the solid interface between the droplet and surrounding atmosphere. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Fig. 2–5 show the dependences of the contact angle (θ, °) on the distance between the sample surface and electrode surface (gap, mm) for various DCSBD plasma treatment durations (3, 5, and 10 s) in the air atmosphere for spruce (Fig. 2), oak (Fig. 3), ash (Fig. 4), and larch (Fig. 5). It was found that compared to a reference untreated spruce wood surface, the contact angle of the plasma-treated samples decreased up to a distance of 0.4 mm at all the tested treatment durations. The contact angle of water droplets on the reference spruce sample was 51.35°. A decrease in the contact angle implies that the sample surface became more hydrophilic than the reference sample surface. In practical terms, this means that plasma treatment at shorter distances result in better wetting of the spruce wood surface. At distances between 0.5 mm and 0.9 mm, the contact angle increased at all the tested treatment durations, and the sample surface became hydrophobic. The thickness of the generated DCSBD plasma layer was about 0.35 mm (Kováčik et al. 2006). Direct contact between the sample surface and plasma layer in the air atmosphere caused the generation of polar chemical groups on the sample surface. However, an increase in the distance between the sample and electrode surfaces caused an opposite behavior and the sample surface became hydrophobic without the addition of any additional chemical into the reaction system. Table 1 summarizes the results for the maximum hydrophilizing and hydrophobizing effects of the DCSBD plasma on all samples tested in air, CO2, and N2 atmospheres, for a treatment time of 5 s. Hydrophilizing and hydrophobizing effects were compared against a reference untreated sample. The results reveal that by changing the atmosphere, maximum hydrophobizing and hydrophilizing effects were obtained for various distances in the case of all samples. From these results, the following general conclusion can be drawn: for all samples, , the hydrophilizing effect occurs at distances shorter than 0.5 mm, while the hydrophobizing effect occurs at distances greater than 0.5 mm. These changes in the patterns of the sample surfaces were due to reactions during the plasma treatment, reflected by changes in the surface wettability of the samples due to the formation of various types of functional groups on the lignin, hydrocarbons, or extractives. At shorter distances, the generation of new polar groups caused hydrophilization of the plasma-treated sample surface. By means of electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis (ESCA), Belgacem et al. (1995) and others (Avramidis et al. 2009, Busnel et al. 2010, Lecoq et al. 2008) found that plasma treatment results in the formation of various functional groups such as aldehydes/ketones and carboxylic groups on cellulose, lignin, and wood samples. These results were also confirmed by Calvimontes et al. (2011). Using XPS analysis, they confirmed that plasma causes reactions, resulting in the decomposition of the polymer chain, oxidative reactions, and formation of aldehydes and carboxylic acids. CONCLUSIONS 3 In this study, the possibilities of surface modifications in wood samples (sessile oak, European ash, Norway spruce, and European larch) by DCSBD plasma treatment in various atmospheres (air, N2, and CO2,), for various industrially applicable treatment durations (3, 5, and 10 s), and at various distances between the wood surface and plasma electrode surface were investigated. 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