What Is Time Management?

Learn 11 DLA:
Time Management (TMT)
If at any time, you have questions about how to complete any part of this DLA,
email them to: mdsc@lbcc.edu
The purpose of this DLA is to help students examine how they spend time now, teach strategies and
habits designed to help them make better use of their time in the future, and explain how to
eliminate the bad habit of procrastination.
After completing this activity, you should be able to:
 Understand how you currently use time;
 Identify time management problems which may be affecting your life,
 Determine which tools, techniques, and habits you can use to improve your time
management and eliminate procrastination.
Instructions for navigating through the LASSI module website to complete this DLA:
 Go To: Click on the blue link on the left side of the page.
 Read: Read the text in the center of the page.
 Skip:
Do not read this section.
To begin this DLA module, click on TIME MANAGMENT from the menu on the main page.
Please note that you will be using the LASSI module site (www.lassimodules.com) to access
readings, but you will type all your activities on this DLA. It is important that you follow the
instructions on this DLA since it will guide you through which parts of the module to read as well
as which readings you may skip. Download the “LASSI Module Instructions” document from the
MDSC Online Supplemental Learning website to find out how to register for and access the LASSI
Go To: Students Who Manage Time Well
Read: Characteristics of Students Who Manage Their Time Well
Go To: Learning From Research
Read: What Research Tells Us About Students Who Manage Their Time
Exercise #1: Choose two points from the above information that would be helpful for you. Write
them down here.
Point #1:
Point #2:
Go To: Students Who Manage Time Poorly
Read Characteristics of Students Who Manage Their Time Poorly
Go To: Learning from Research
Read: What Research Tells Us About Students Who Manage Their Time Poorly
Exercise #2: Identify two points from the above information that have ever been true of you. Write
them down here.
Point #1:
Point #2:
What Is Time Management?
Go To and Read: What Is Time Management
Go To: Questions To Guide Your Thinking
Read: Questions To Guide your Thinking as You Complete this Module
Exercise #3: Answer the questions below by circling Yes, Sometimes or No.
1. Does your management of time help you achieve your goals? Y S N
2. Are you normally on time for appointments? Y S N
3. Do you usually turn assignments in on time? Y S N
4. Do you maximize your time and energy toward working on your more important goals? Y S N
5. Do you minimize your time and energy toward working on your less important goals? Y S N
6. Do you avoid wasting your time on inappropriate commitments? Y S N
7. Do you recognize when you are procrastinating? Y S
8. Do you attempt to avoid procrastinating? Y S N
9. Do you ever feel stressed because you don't have time to accomplish all your goals? Y S N
10. Do you have enough leisure (free) time to enjoy your favorite hobbies/activities? Y S N
11. Do you avoid doing tasks because you do not feel confident in meeting your goals? Y S N
Which two of the eleven questions above do you need to improve on the MOST? What can you do
right away (specifically) to begin to improve?
Go To and Read: Time Management Is A Process
Go To: Why Time Management is Important
Read: Why Understanding Time Management Is Important
Time Management and You
Go To and Read: Analyzing Your Time Management
Exercise #4: Answer the questions below by circling Yes or No and providing a short answer if
1. Do you ever miss appointments or forget to do important tasks because you don't write them
If so, when was the last time this happened to you?
2. Have you ever waited until the last minute to start studying for a test or working on a project?
If so, when was the last time you did that?
3. Are there times when you do plan your work in advance so that you don't have to cram it all in at
the end? Y N
If so, why do you think you do this?
Go To: A Common Problem for Students
Read: Time Management Is a Common Problem for College Students
Go To: Management Versus Managing
Read: Time Management Versus Time Managing
Go To and Read: Relating Time Managing To Your Goals
Exercise #5: Write one academic goal you have set for yourself this semester.
What are three time management questions that you have to ask yourself while trying to schedule
the time you will need to achieve that goal? (Return to the Time Management Versus Time
Managing reading for examples to help you write your 3 questions below.)
Skip to the Time Management Problems section (click in the blue navigation section on the left.)
Time Management Problems
Go To and Read: Time Wasters
Exercise #6: Write down your two most frequent time wasters.
How do these time wasters affect your life as a college student?
Exercise #7: Write the three activities that take up the majority of your time outside of school
obligations (i.e. family obligations, hobbies, job).
Do you feel that you are committed to doing too many activities this semester? Why or why not?
Skip to Over-Commitments (Click in the blue navigation section on the left).
Read: Over-Commitments
Go To and Read: Making Trade-offs
Go To: Over-Commitments and Trade-offs
Read: Over-Commitments and Making Trade-offs Reflection
Exercise #8: What tradeoffs could you make with the time spent on your current activities to keep
up with your academic goals this semester?
Tips and Tools
Read: Tips And Tools For Time Management
Go To: and Read: Using A Master Calendar
Go To: and Read: Using A To-Do List
Go To: Calendars & To-Do Lists
Read: Using A Master Calendar And To-Do Lists
Exercise #9: Answer the following questions:
1. Do you think it would be helpful for you to create and use a master calendar? Why or why not?
2. Do you think it would be helpful for you to create and use daily to-do lists? Why or why not?
Go To: Suggestions for Time Managing
Read: General Ideas For Time Managing
Which one of the five bullet points do you think would help you most? Why?
Managing Your Study Time
Read: Managing Your Study Time
Go To: Setting Useful Study Goals
Read: Setting Goals That Are Useful To You
Go To and Read: Scheduling Your Time
Go To and Read: Establishing A Routine
Go To and Read: Studying On The Run
Exercise #10: Which three ideas from the four readings you just read do you think would be the
most helpful/important for you to add to your current time management habits? Why those three?
Go To and Read: Studying For Exams
Go To and Read: Analyzing Your Outside Activities
Go To and Read: Limiting Your Courseload
Exercise #11: Which two ideas from these last three readings do you think would be the most
helpful/important for you to add to your current time management habits? Why those two? .
Skip to the Procrastination, Part 1 section
Procrastination, Part 1
Read: Introduction To Procrastination
Go To: and Read What Is Procrastination?
Go To: and Read Reasons For Procrastination
Go To: and Read Perfectionism
Go To and Read: Inappropriate Commitments
Procrastination, Part 2
Read: Perceiving The Job As Being Too Big To Get Done
Go To: and Read I Work Best When I Am Under Pressure
Exercise #12: You’ve just read about four reasons for procrastination. Which one of the four do
you think describes you best? What did you learn in your reading that might help you reduce or
even eliminate your tendency to procrastinate for that reason? Be specific.
Skip to the Eliminating Procrastination section (click in the blue navigation section on the left).
Eliminating Procrastination
Read: Introduction To Eliminating Procrastination
Go To and Read: Procrastination Elimination Strategies
Go To and Read: Reinforcement, Reminders, Bits and Pieces, Five-Minute Plan, and Face The
Exercise #13: Of the five strategies you have just read about, which three sound like they would
help you most? Why those three? How could you apply them to an upcoming school situation?
Skip to the Summary section
Read Suggestions For Improving Your Time Management
Exercise #14: Which three of those eleven bullet points do you think would be most helpful to keep
in mind and apply to all that you have to do each day? Why those three? Give a personal example
of each of the three you choose.
Go To: Good and Bad News About Time Management
Read: Summary Of The Time Management Module
Go To: Suggestions From Other Students
Read: Suggestions From Other Students For Improving Your Time Management.
Exercise #15: Of the ten suggestions given, which two are you planning to use right away? Why
those two?
Congratulations! You have completed part of your time management supplemental learning
assignment. To receive credit for completing this assignment, you will participate in an online
follow-up session with a Center staff member. Go to the “Follow-up Sessions” tab on the
Multidisciplinary Student Success Center Online Supplemental Learning Assistance site:
http://www.lbcc.edu/SuccessCenters/mdsc/ to learn how to schedule your online appointment with a
Center staff member.