BOOLEROO CENTRE DISTRICT SCHOOL Site Improvement Plan 2015 - 2017 PRIORITY 1: HIGHER STANDARDS OF LEARNING ACHIEVEMENT To maximise each and every child and young person’s learning, to help them become the most successful learners they can be, confident individuals and informed citizens. Create high expectations to raise standards of achievement and reduce the gap between our highest and lowest achievers. Improve teaching quality and leadership capability. Elaboration: Improve numeracy and literacy outcomes Implement Phase 2 and 3 Australian Curriculum Engage with the South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE) and vocational pathways (VET, Trade Training) Use data to inform practices in numeracy, literacy and teacher development Lead learning – increase the effectiveness and depth of leadership across staff for effective teaching (TfEL) Challenge students to achieve high standards and intellectual stretch with appropriate support Targets Strategies DECD Standard of Educational Achievement Year Running Records Reception 5+ 1 15+ 2 21+ Yr 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11,12,13 NAPLAN Band 3+ PAT-R PAT-M 100+ 40+ 110+ 45+ Band 5+ 115+ 50+ 120+ 54+ Band 6+ 124+ 55+ 127+ 58+ Band 7+ 130+ 60+ 135+ 62+ C or above, awarded SACE STUDENTS 100% student participation in PAT testing in Weeks 7-10, term 3 in order to have data ready for Week 0 and to include transitioning students 100% student participation in NAPLAN in Term 2 Communicate NAPLAN, Running Records & PAT data with parents Running Records recorded in EDSAS 10th April and 25th September 2015 Consistency for PAT testing procedures (timing, staff, communication with students about test event, results and use of data). PAT testing in wks 7-10 Term 3. Allocate PAT tests to target individual ability to collect more accurate data and be mindful of student wellbeing Utilise PAT online resources for targeted intervention (PAT-R, PAT-M, PAT-G , PAT-) Target intervention for students recognised in the Nationally consistent Collection of Data for Students With Disabilities (NCCDSWD) process with teacher and SSO program, wave 2 (wave 1 being students with a negotiated education plan) Improved literacy outcomes Achieve 5% improvement in the number of students achieving above the National Minimum Standard in NAPLAN literacy results Achieve 10% improvement in the number of students showing positive growth in reading levels e.g. Year 2 students reading at Level 24 or better STAFF Implement Ann Baker and Matt Miller, Gaffney & Faragher natural maths programs, problem based learning and leading improvement in student numeracy. Generate a Numeracy PLC Generate and implement a whole school numeracy agreement Utilise Flinders Partnership resources and strategies Undertake PAT testing in Term 4 in order to have data ready for Week 0 and to include transitioning students Communicate PAT and NAPLAN data with parents Consistency for PAT and NAPLAN testing procedures (timing, staff, communication with students about test event, results and use of data) Allocate PAT tests to target individual ability to collect more accurate data and be mindful of student wellbeing Utilise NAPLAN and PAT online resources for targeted intervention (comprehension and Maths in 2015) Generate baseline data for PAT writing (e-write) Refer to DECD Educational Achievement Standards flowchart for NAPLAN & PAT growth data levels Implement Jolly Phonics and Jolly Grammar as strategies Refer to BCDS Assessment Tools and Targets appendix for specific year level targets Analysis of NAPLAN and PAT data with differentiated programs developed in response to the data. Implement Phase 2 and 3 Australian Curriculum 100% of students (those not identified in NCCDSWD) achieve at C level or above in each learning area when assessed against AC achievement standards 90% of teachers rate themselves as competent at teaching the Australian Curriculum Engage with the South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE) and vocational pathways (VET, Trade Training) 100% SACE completion rate 100% of students achieve their intended pathway beyond schooling (enter into employment or post-secondary study) Continue the Literacy PLC Implement and continuously improve whole school literacy agreement (WSLA) Ensure staff are cognizant of WSLA and implement in their practice through regular professional development Develop consistent genre templates for written tasks through curriculum faculties Target intervention for students recognised in the Nationally consistent Collection of Data for Students With Disabilities (NCCDSWD) process with teacher and SSO program Ensure consistent use of data to inform programming and teacher practice Continuous and targeted teacher and SSO professional development Promote participation in Premier’s Reading Challenge and competitions Dedicate student free days and meetings to work in PLCs on understandings of learning area requirements Utilise CPAC, SACIO and DECD personnel/resources to work with staff individually and on a whole staff basis Undertake moderation exercises to ensure consistency of achievement and to inform practice and programs Engage in Flinders Partnership and MNSEC hub networks Target intervention for students recognised in the Nationally consistent Collection of Data for Students With Disabilities (NCCDSWD) process with teacher and SSO program Monitor student progress in accordance with their aspirations, making links between the current actions and future implications Provide regular information sessions and updates to parents and students regarding VET opportunities Familiarise staff with graduate qualities and attend Coaching Young People for Success training Communicate teacher concerns with parents/caregivers Promote whole school agreement on learning expectations which establish increased resilience, persistence, responsibility and respect Collect and analyse destination data and student satisfaction surveys Promote opportunities within Flinders and Pichi Richi Trade Training Centres and through the Careers Strategy group Use data to inform practices in numeracy, literacy and teacher development 100% of staff access and utilise data to inform teaching practices to improve learner outcomes Lead learning – increase the effectiveness and depth of leadership and experience amongst staff 100% of staff rank themselves as familiar with each of the elements as identified in the TfEL improvement plan 100% of teachers participate in peer observation with a trusted colleague Challenge students to achieve high standards and intellectual stretch with appropriate support Increase the % of students who attain higher achievement levels and maintain their achievement and progress through schooling Increase the proportion of Record intended use of data in learning and assessment plans Use observational and anecdotal data to complement numeracy and literacy data Collect student feedback to inform individual improvement priorities which align with the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers and TfEL Utilise Flinders Partnership initiatives Encourage all teachers to act as leaders of learning in the class environment and across the site Recognise wealth of staff experience as a valuable resource by encouraging staff to lead learning activities for professional development of other staff Evaluate and improve teaching programs using the TfEL framework Identify, plan and engage in specific professional learning activities to improve practice and therefore student learning outcomes Collectively build knowledge of the TfEL framework through staff meetings Increase confidence through providing a supportive environment to share success at regular staff meetings Provide specific strategies and direction for peer/trusted colleague observation in relation to the TfEL domains Engage with Australian Professional Standards for Teaching through performance development plans and line management meetings Identify areas for improvement in individual Performance Development Plans which aligns with the TfEL framework and APST Develop common structures and strategies for performance management Promote active involvement of Step 9 teachers in leading/mentoring/addressing individual and site key objectives as per lodged Performance Development Plans and annual reviews Monitor student achievement levels and identify students at risk for targeted intervention Promote opportunities in Pathways programs for students to monitor and analyse individual progress against achievement standards and set goals for further improvement De-privatise classrooms through building a collaborative and supportive culture with the intent of enhancing pedagogy students above the NMS Encourage staff to participate in peer observation with a trusted colleague and review pedagogy for further improvement Promote intellectual stretch by using higher order thinking strategies to inform learning design Engage in professional development which encourages differentiated learning, high challenge/low threat learning opportunities and safe conditions for rigorous learning Build upon the resilience and persistence of learners by challenging students to achieve high standards with appropriate support Create opportunities in learning programs for students to develop resilience when faced with adversity PRIORITY 2: IMPROVE WELLBEING AND CHILD SAFETY We will target intervention to meet every child’s learning, wellbeing and developmental needs. Work with families to ensure every child has the foundation for success through transitional phases of their life. Elaboration: Implement strategies for early identification and targeted intervention programs for individual students in collaboration with families Connect with feeder schools and preschools within the Flinders partnership to enable smooth transitions at key transition points Every student has opportunities to explore personal pathways, and life and career aspirations are nurtured and developed. Students acquire life skills and values to become active citizens, lifelong learners and powerful and resilient individuals Targets Strategies Implement strategies for early identification and targeted intervention programs for individual students in collaboration with families 100% of students in targeted intervention programs demonstrate improvement in relation to identified individual improvement goals Promote whole school agreement on learning expectations which establish increased resilience, persistence, responsibility and respect Use NAPLAN and PAT data to identify students at risk Use observational and anecdotal data to complement numeracy and literacy data Target intervention for students recognised in the Nationally consistent Collection of Data for Students With Disabilities (NCCDSWD) process with teacher and SSO program Create, implement, monitor and review Individual Learning Plans Involve parents as key stakeholders Create common meeting times for staff involved in intervention programs for planning identified individual improvement levels and informing future direction Connect with feeder schools and preschools within the Flinders partnership to enable smooth transitions at key transition points Year planner with dates published and accessible to all key stakeholders at the start of each calendar year 90% of key stakeholders indicate satisfaction with transition process By the end of 2017 the program for Weeks 8 and 9 in Term 4 will be embedded in school and wider community culture as a time to begin the next academic year Every student has opportunities to explore personal pathways, and life and career aspirations are nurtured and developed. Publish key dates across the Flinders Partnership on school website Encourage and schedule regular meetings / student free days with feeder schools within the Flinders Partnership at both a leadership and curriculum level Encourage Kindy and Year 7 teachers from feeder schools to meet with Reception and Year 8 teachers in Term 3 and provide time to do so Gather personal data from feeder schools and parents to inform future class structures Gather data from student and parent satisfaction survey Recognise that transition is not limited to Week 8 and 9 of Term 4 Notify community in a timely manner Implement effective utilisation of weeks 8 and 9 in Term 4 to begin the next academic year Schedule Friday of Week 7 of Term 4 as a student free day to enable processes to occur which ensure smooth transition into next academic year Promote expectation of 100% staff and student attendance to begin new academic year in Weeks 8 and 9 of Term 4 (known staff absences to be submitted by end of Term 3 to enable successful delivery of rigorous curriculum). Promote whole school agreement on learning expectations which establish increased resilience, persistence, responsibility and respect Formalise R-6 personal profile to include future aspirational goals at the beginning of each year which includes recognition of proficiencies, influences, areas for improvement and reasons for direction change Adapt and enhance existing 7-12 Pathways curriculum Participate in Coaching Young People for Success professional development and embed in Pathways curriculum Report individual pathway development and aspirations are within comments written by homegroup teacher each term Continue to include Year 9 Roundtables as a valued element of the curriculum and a method of communicating individual aspirations and self development Include opportunities for students to undertake mock interviews which involve members of the community. 100% of students acquire life skills and values to become active citizens, lifelong learners and powerful and resilient individuals Investigate Year 10 Work Skills Australian Curriculum program with the view of including key ideas in SACE Personal Learning Plan and Year 10 Pathways. Promote whole school agreement on learning expectations which establish increased resilience, persistence, responsibility and respect Participate in Coaching Young People for Success professional development and embed in Pathways curriculum Reflection of student wellbeing and development of life skills is reported by homegroup teachers in written comments each term as means of communicating with parents Implement Civics and Citizenship Australian Curriculum across Year R-8. Create curriculum which challenges students in a safe learning environment and encourages them to persevere, problem solve and embrace the unknown Attend professional development which provides teachers with strategies to create lifelong learners and powerful and resilient individuals PRIORITY 3: ENGAGE CHILDREN, FAMILIES AND COMMUNITIES We will build our capacity to engage with children, young people, families and the wider community. Elaboration: Include children, young people, families and the wider community in our planning and decision making processes Interact with communities to build learning partnerships and connect students learning beyond the school Connect and work with Flinders Partnerships, DECD and outside agencies Targets 93% Attendance Include children, young people, families and the wider community in our planning and decision making processes Strategies Newsletter items regarding the importance of regular attendance Home Group teachers to follow through with nonattendance and report according to legal requirements. Home Group teachers to report nonattendance in excess of 3 days to leadership Letters home regarding concern over attendance Build a positive profile within the community which encourages consistent attendance. Collect student feedback through TfEL review tools framework to inform pedagogy Collect targeted opinion data surveys regarding numeracy, literacy, wellbeing, Information and Communication Technology and other school priority areas Further develop processes and procedures for education committee to address both staff and parent concerns Involve Student Representative Council in creation and analysis of opinion data surveys Interact with communities to build learning partnerships and connect students learning beyond the school Review and improve student leader selection process to improve rigour and accountability Further develop processes and procedures for education committee to address both staff and parent concerns Encourage and support volunteers to be involved in educational programs Build partnerships with businesses and community groups to be involved in learning programs (mock interviews, Roundtable, tree planting, environmental field day, memorial services, Mt View Homes etc) Communicate with Flinders and Pichi Richi Trade Training Centres to promote local vocational pathways programs Network with local school communities from Flinders Partnership and MNSEC Utilise skillset and knowledge of SACIO and CPAC personnel to create learning programs to engage students within the Australian Curriculum Liaise with community providers including Mid North Health Services, SAPOL and other emergency services personnel to meet wellbeing needs of students Engage regional support services to enhance learning outcomes for identified students (disability, Aboriginal Education, attendance, behaviour management, ICAN) Meet once per term with Flinders Partnership delegates to identify and work on common elements of each site’ Connect and work with Flinders Partnerships, DECD and outside agencies ADDITIONAL NOTES 1. 2. All targets are based on the SMARTA principle of goal setting: Specific Measurable Attainable Realistic Timely Agreed Appendix documents to include: PAT mean score and growth table for each PAT test (PAT Maths achievement in year levels). We are using the PAT recommendations which are above the DECD suggested levels of achievement in recognition of our priority: higher standards of learning achievement. Reading levels assessment tools and targets for year levels Sheena Cameron DECD Educational Achievement Standards flowchart