2012-2013 Week of___10-14-2014 – 10-17-2014________ Grade Level __6th___ Content___Science ___ PAQ#5 10/16/14 EQ/DBQ: What happens when continental crust meets continental crust at a convergent boundary? SIOP Format Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday AKS/CC Objectives: No school teacher plan day 16. - investigate the composition and formation of Earth's surface (GPS, ITBS) 17a. - demonstrate how the deformation (e.g., tension, compression and shearing) of the Earth’s plates produces landforms 17b3. - explain the processes that produce volcanoes and earthquakes 17b4. - analyze the relationship between volcanoes and earthquakes 17b3. - explain the processes that produce volcanoes and earthquakes 17b4. - analyze the relationship between volcanoes and earthquakes 17b3. - explain the processes that produce volcanoes and earthquakes 17b4. - analyze the relationship between volcanoes and earthquakes Graham Cracker plate lab Volcano Flow Earthquakes Tsunamis Lesson Title: 2012-2013 Week of___10-14-2014 – 10-17-2014________ Grade Level __6th___ Content___Science ___ PAQ#5 10/16/14 EQ/DBQ: What happens when continental crust meets continental crust at a convergent boundary? At end of class SWBAT/Standard SWBAT use model to investigate the formation of the earth while comparing and contrasting layers of the earth SWBAT explain processes involved with volcanic activity SWBAT analyze the relationship between earthquakes and tsunamis SWBAT explain the processes that lead to earthquakes Materials/Resources Needed: Lab materials for Graham cracker lab Volcanic events squares printouts for each group of 4 students (to be scanned), PPT from resources called volcanoes, earthquakes and tsunamis Bill Nye Video, “Earthquakes” Laptops or computer lab based on availability for use on the following activity: http://www.mhhe.com/p hyssci/chemistry/bauerw estfall/Applet%20Library /tsunami/tsunami.html PPT from resources called volcanoes, 2012-2013 Week of___10-14-2014 – 10-17-2014________ Grade Level __6th___ Content___Science ___ PAQ#5 10/16/14 EQ/DBQ: What happens when continental crust meets continental crust at a convergent boundary? earthquakes and tsunamis Anticipatory Set : Teacher will review lab procedures Teacher will show BrainPop video on Volcanos or additional clips of volcanic activity at teacher discretion. Teacher will ask students about their prior knowledge of Pompeii from LA class. Teacher will read excerpts from story to encourage inquiry into Volcanos. Teacher will display Google Earth visual with the various fault lines and earthquakes. Teacher will show students different real time seismic activity. Using the program teacher will explore various parts of the world based on teacher discretion. Selected students will present essay about earthquakes and tsunamis. Teacher will correct and reteach any incorrect information. Guided Practice: (I do, we do, you do, Working with Teacher will briefly Teacher will show Teacher will present 2012-2013 Week of___10-14-2014 – 10-17-2014________ Grade Level __6th___ Content___Science ___ PAQ#5 10/16/14 EQ/DBQ: What happens when continental crust meets continental crust at a convergent boundary? MONITORED LEARNING FEEDBACK) instructional coach, teacher will facilitate Graham Cracker plate tectonic lab from resources. explain the role of plate tectonics in the formation of volcanoes, earthquakes, and tsunamis. In groups, students will use volcanic events cards to create a flow map to predict the sequence of a volcanic eruption. Students will need to write captions to explain their reasoning for each selection. Teacher are encouraged not to video “Earthquakes” Teacher will occasionally freeze video to summarize and check for understanding. the rest of the PPT from resources called volcanoes, earthquakes and tsunamis. In groups, students will work on In groups, students computers to will discuss video and understand how the summarize. formation of the continental crust Students will then effects the height and write an essay strength of predicting the linkage earthquake created between earthquakes tsunamis from the and tsunamis. following website: http://www.mhhe.com/p Students will 2012-2013 Week of___10-14-2014 – 10-17-2014________ Grade Level __6th___ Content___Science ___ PAQ#5 10/16/14 EQ/DBQ: What happens when continental crust meets continental crust at a convergent boundary? limit the amount of steps that students choose, just to facilitate student explanations for each. complete essay for homework. Students will complete the following pages in their interactive workbook: 135 -140, 141- 144, 145 – 150 Students will write why they chose each step within the flow map. Students will write how they know the information in the frame of reference. Closure: Teacher will complete lab report. Students will present their flow maps and explain each groups’ reasoning. hyssci/chemistry/bauerw estfall/Applet%20Library /tsunami/tsunami.html Extension: Students will do earthquake bar graph activity from share drive. On a sticky note, have students write 1 thing they learned from Bill Nye and attach to Whip around Students quickly and verbally share one thing they learned in 2012-2013 Week of___10-14-2014 – 10-17-2014________ Grade Level __6th___ Content___Science ___ PAQ#5 10/16/14 EQ/DBQ: What happens when continental crust meets continental crust at a convergent boundary? board in front of room. Homework: Interactive textbook pages #151-156, 157160, 161-166 the class today about the relationships between volcanos, earthquakes, and tsunamis. You can have them toss a ball from one to another or just have volunteers.