IB Commentary Checklist

Economics commentary number:_______
Title of extract:______
Source of extract:______
Date of extract:______
Word count:______
Date commentary was written:______
Section of the syllabus to which the commentary relates:______
Candidate name:______
Candidate number:______
IB Commentary Checklist
The first two sections are about following the directions, organizing, and making sure all
necessary diagrams are present and are perfectly drawn!! This portfolio will be representative
of two years of hard work and there should be a great deal of pride and accomplishment when
the final portfolio is submitted. Work hard on each one so you will not need to next February!
Turn in this checklist as the back page of the commentary submitted for an ISM mark:
Rubric Requirements
There is a cover page with all nine lines represented in the order required by the
IBO. (In the same format you were required last year)
The sections(s) you are using from the article are digitally highlighted (If this is
not done, the commentary will be assessed on all key points in the extract). Full
sentences must be highlighted.
The word count is within the required amount and is accurate.
The format for the definitions is standard throughout the commentary (and
No grammatical errors or misspelled words.
Organization and Presentation
There is a brief introduction which includes quotes from the article and a
minimum of 5 definitions.
The commentary is well organized with the final section being evaluation.
The evaluation has a brief conclusion.
All necessary diagrams are included in the commentary.
All diagrams are properly drawn:
a. They are digitally drawn and are roughly 1/3 a page in size
b. They have arrows on the x and y axis representing infinity
c. Each curve/line is properly labeled
d. Each axis is labeled properly (so as not to interfere with the labels
showing the intersection), and numerical values are used if there are
values in the extract, and the country’s monetary symbol or name
Is used.
e. Arrows are used to show changes in price and changes in quantity.
f. The curves/lines touch each intersection, are properly labeled and
numbered, and the shifts are shown with arrows.