Tobago Paediatric Conference 2015 Program

Specialty Pearls: Tobago Paediatric Conference 2015
DATE: May 3rd, 2015
TIME: 8:00am- 3:00pm
VENUE: Coco Reef Resort and Spa, Crown Point, Tobago
- To promote Continuing Medical Education in
Paediatrics in Trinidad and Tobago and the Caribbean
with special focus of the Medical Professionals in
- To focus on topical issues with our children that are
increasing in incidence especially with a focus on sport
medicine and allergies.
- Paediatricians
- General Practitioners
- Nurses that manage children
7:00am- 8:00am-
Introduction: Moderator- Dr. Ravi Boodram
8:00 am - 8:05 am
National Anthem
8:05 am – 8:10 am
Welcome remarks- President of The Paediatric Society of
Trinidad and Tobago- Dr. Virendra Singh
8:12 am- 8:17 am
Tobago’s culture featured- Children’s Speech Band
8: 19 am- 8:22 am
Remarks- Scarborough General Hospital- Medical Chief of
Staff - Dr. Nathaniel Duke
8:24 am- 8:27 am
Remarks- Ministry of Health
8:29 am- 8:32 am
Remarks- Tobago Regional Health Authority- Chief
Executive Officer (Ag.)- Mr. Goodwin Richardson
8:34 am- 8:37 am
Remarks- Tobago House of Assembly- Secretary of Health &
Social Services- Mrs. Claudia Groome-Duke.
8:39 am- 8:40 am
Introduction to The Sessions
Session One: Moderator- Dr. Inger Manswell-Myrie
8:40 am- 8:43 am
Introduction to Session One- Speech Band/ Moderator
8:43 am- 9:03 am
Microcytic Anaemia- Dr. Pauline Balkaransingh
9:05 am- 9:25 am
Stabilization and Transportation of the Sick NeonateDr. Marlon Timothy
9:27 am- 9:47am
Update on the Diagnosis of Food Allergy – Dr. Gillian
9:49 am- 10:09 am
Management of Urinary Tract Infections –
Dr. Maolynne Miller
10:11am- 10:30 am
Questions and Answers
10:30 am- 10:50 am
Break/ Visit Exhibits
Session Two: Moderator- Dr. Sasha Monteil
10:50 am- 10:53 am
Introduction to Session Two
10:53 am- 11:13 am
Red light, green light- Who gets to play? –
Dr. Diane Alexander
11:15 am- 11:35 am
The Fussy Infant - Dr. Sherman Soman
11:37 am- 11:57 am
Thoracic Cases in Paediatric Surgey- Dr. Nicola Lewis
11:59 am- 12:19 pm
Medical Negligence in Trinidad and TobagoDr. Albert Persaud
12:21 pm- 1:40 pm
Questions and Answers
1:40 pm-1:50 pm
1:50 pm- 3pm
Vote of Thanks
Lunch/ Visits Exhibits
Regional Paediatric Conference 2014
Biographies for Speakers
Dr. Pauline BalkaransinghMD, MPH. Consultant Pediatric Hematologist/Oncologist. Paediatrics- Jersey Shore University Medical
Center 2011. Fellowship in Pediatric Hematology/Oncology, Virginia Commonwealth University, Virginia,
2014. Epidemiology Track, Masters in Public Health 2014, Virginia Commonwealth University, Virginia,
Dr. Marlon TimothyMBBS (UWI), DM PAED (UWI), DIPLOMA in Perinatal & Neonatal Medicine, (UNIV OF TORONTO), 2014.
Neonatologist, Specialist Medical Officer in Paediatrics & Neonatology, Sangre Grande Hospital.
Chairman of the National Neonatal Committee. Chairman of Perinatal Committee, Sangre Grande
Hospital. Perinatal and Neonatal Academic Fellow of the Year 2014, Univ of Toronto.
Dr. Gillian WheelerMBBS (UWI), FAAP Pediatrics- Consultant Paediatrician and Head of Department of Paediatrics at
Scarborough Regional/General Hospital. Conducts Asthma Clinic at the Scarborough General Hospital &
has private practice clinics in Paediatrics and Allergy/Immunology. Director- CAREST (Caribbean
Researchers of Sickle Cell and Thalassemia) from 2011. Member of the Adoption Board of Trinidad and
Tobago from 2012. Brooklyn Hospital Center, New York 1995. Fellowship in Allergy/Immunology at Long
Island College Hospital 1997.
Dr. Maolynne MillerMBBS (UWI), FRCPC. Consultant Paediatrician and Paediatric Nephrologist- Department of Child Health,
University Hospital of the West Indies. Associate Lecturer- Department of Child and Adolescent Health
University of the West Indies since 1984. Founder and Chairman of Jamaica Kids Foundation- A nonprofit organization for children with kidney disease. Fellowship in Paediatrics and Paediatric NephrologyHospital for Sick Children, Toronto.
Dr. Diane AlexanderMBBS, FRCPC, FAAP, FACC. Graduate of the University of the West Indies and University of Toronto.
Qualified in Paediatrics & Paediatric Cardiology. Has worked in all tertiary care hospitals in Trinidad until
2013. Now works as a private practitioner in Paediatric Cardiology. Last appointment as Consultant
Paediatric Cardiologist at Eric Williams Medical Sciences Complex. Has played a pivotal role in the
establishment of Paediatric Cardiology, Paediatric Open Heart Surgery & Paediatric Cardiac intervention
in Trinidad & Tobago.
Dr. Sherman SomanMBBS (UWI), MRCPCH (Lond), CCT Paed (UK), FRCPCH (Lond). Lecturer in Child Health (UWI). Consultant
in Paediatrics & Paediatric Gastroenterology. Paediatrics with subspecialty in gastroenterology- Sheffield
Children’s Teaching Hospital. Lead for Paediatric Gastroenterology & Food Allergy ServicesMidyorkshire NHS Trust. Lead Co-ordinator, Yorkshire Paediatric Gastroenterology Network. Research
interests in Immunomodulation in Paediatric Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Currently Lecturer in Child
Health, UWI, St. Augustine.
Dr. Nicola LewisMBBS (UWI), FRCS Paed Surg (England). Consultant Paediatric Surgeon, Scarborough General Hospital.
Fellowship- paediatric surgery- Birmingham. Research fellow- Developmental lung biology, The Buffalo
Institute of Fetal Therapy, Children’s Hospital of Buffalo, and the Departments of Surgery, Gynaecology/
Obstetrics, and Paediatrics, SUNY Buffalo School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences.
Dr. Albert PersaudFRCP (Edinburgh), LLB (London). Specialist Physician & Pulmonologist, Attorney at Law, Former Medical
Director, Executive Medical Director, Southwest Regional Health Authority, Executive Medical Director,
Northwest Regional Health Authority & President of the Medical Board of Trinidad & Tobago.