UBD – Unit 3– Pretest

Name __________________________________________ Core_________________ Date ________________________
UBD – Unit 3– Pretest
Identify and explain the following terms:
1. Strait-
7. Desalination-
2. The Fertile Crescent-
8. Hijab-
3. Aquifers-
9. Allah-
4. Wadis-
10. Mosque-
5. Depleted-
11. OPEC–
6. Fertigation-
12. Fossil Water-
Short Answer
1. Why is Southwest Asia considered to be a crossroads of world trade? _________________________________
2. What are the Five Pillars of Islam? _____________________________________________________________
3. The two main sects or groups of Muslims are what? _______________________________________________
4. What three religions have their roots in Southwest Asia? ___________________________________________
5. Explain what role crude oil plays in the lives of people around the world. ______________________________
6. Analyze the impact a petroleum-based economy has had on Southwest Asia. ___________________________
True and False
Circle the correct answer
1. True or False
Southwest Asia is the crossroad of three continents- Europe, Africa, and Asia.
2. True or False
Southwest Asia’s rivers are a vital resource while surrounding seas serve as transportation
3. True or False
Much of the world’s supply of oil is from Southwest Asia.
4. True or False
Three of the world’s religions- Judaism, Christianity, and Hinduism have their roots in
Southwest Asia.
5. True or False
Islam is viewed by many Muslims not simply as a religion, but also as a cultural identity and
6. True or False
Middle Eastern nations have had to overcome many obstacles to economic progress.
7. True or False
Water and mineral resources are abundant in Southwest Asia, and few nations contain oil.
8. True or False
Oil holds little value to many countries in Southwest Asia.
9. True or False
Terrorism seeks to hurt a few people and to scare a lot of people in order to make a point.
10. True or False
After the 9/11 attack, people in Israel lined up to donate blood, light candles, grieve the
dead, and fly the American flag.
11. True or False
Terrorism is a lawful act of violence that seeks to hurt a few people and to scare a lot of
people in order to make a point.
12. True or False
The risk of dying from terrorism is much higher than that from motor vehicles, smoking, and
alcoholic beverages.
1. _____ Analyze
2. _____ Compare
3. _____ Contrast
A. Judge; rank; put a value on
B. Create; design; build; make
C. Tell how
4. _____ Describe
D. How things are different
5. _____ Evaluate
E. Tell all about (5 senses)
6. _____ Explain
F. Tell what happens next
7. _____ Formulate
G. Short version
8. _____ Infer
H. How things are similar
9. _____ Predict
Back up with details
10. _____ Summarize
List in steps
11. _____ Support
K. Educated guess
12. _____ Trace
Break down into pieces
Multiple Choice:
1. OPEC stands for the Organization of Petroleum
_______ Countries.
A. Embargo
D. The United States
3. OPEC raised oil prices and refused to sell oil to
countries supporting Israel during the ________.
B. Exporting
A. 1973 Oil Embargo
C. Extension
B. Holocaust
D. Excavating
C. 1967 Arab-Israeli War
2. The OPEC member-countries with the greatest oil
reserves and influence are in _______.
A. South America
D. Creation of a Jewish homeland
4. After the oil crisis, many countries promoted fuelefficient cars to avoid the dependency on ________.
B. The Middle East
A. Energy conservation
C. Asia
B. Foreign-built cars
C. Foreign oil imports
B. Nile and Zambezi
D. The use of military force
C. Sajur and Sebou
Most of the Arabian Peninsula is covered by
D. Volta and Congo
A. Grassland
7. What is one reason that using fossil fuels causes
B. Desert
environmental damage?
C. Chaparral
A. Burning gasoline produces air pollution.
D. Mixed forest
B. Refining oil uses a large amount of energy.
6. The major rivers in Southwest Asia are the
A. Tigris and Euphrates
C. Petroleum-based plastics cannot be recycled.
D. Natural gas is a non-renewable resource.
Answer one of the following questions about Southwest Asia. Use complete sentences when answering the
questions. Your answer should be at least 35 words.
1. How do geographic characteristics affect life in Southwest Asia?
2. How has the environment shaped life in Southwest Asia? Also explain how have humans shaped the
environment in this region?
3. How have religious and ethnic differences influenced life in Southwest Asia?
4. To what extent are Southwest Asian countries democratic?
5. What impact has a petroleum-based economy had on Southwest Asia?
Explain in 150 to 200 words what you know about Unit 3.