Item 4.2 EAS Board Division of Education, Arts and Social Sciences Office of the Dean: Research & Research Education Telephone (08) 8302 4059 Fax (08) 8302 6623 E-mail Educating Professionals • Creating and Applying Knowledge • Serving the Community Memorandum To: Division Board From: Associate Professor Margaret Peters, Dean: Research & Research Education Date: 23 July 2010 Subject: Report on recent activities The following is an overview of some of the activities undertaken by the EAS Research Office since the last report to the Board in April 2010. Research Office staffing and appointments Associate Professor Margaret Peters was on leave from Monday 24 May to Friday 4 June 2010. Committee Membership The Dean: Research & Research Education is an active member of the following committees: University Council Academic Board (Chair) Honorary Awards Committee Division Executive Divisional Research Management Committee (Chair) EAS PEP Committee (Chair) Probation Review Committee Research Degrees Committee (RDC) RDC Exams Panel Exams, Scholarships or RESA Steering Group Research Policy Committee (RPC) Research Quality, Innovation and Engagement Metrics Working Group (REQIUEM) EAS Marketing Committee Research Centre for Languages & Cultures Advisory Committee Gender Equity Steering Group Workforce Strategy Group ARC Grant Development Committee ERA Internal Reference Group – Cluster 2 Humanities and Creative Arts ERA Internal Reference Group – Cluster 4 Social, Behavioural and Economic Sciences DRPF Working Group (Chair) Research Integrity, Accountability and Compliance Committee (RIACC) - alternate Since 1 April 2010, the Dean: Research & Research Education has: Met with representatives from Taylor’s University College Malaysia concerning the Masters in Teaching (12 April) Attended the 9th Quality in Postgraduate Research Conference (13 to 15 April) Attended the QIPR Sessions for Deans of Graduates Studies (16 April) Presented at the PEP Information seminar (19 April) Publications Working Party Review 2009 (20 April) Attended the Hawke Centre’s Adelaide Thinkers in Residence Public Lecture by Judge Peggy Fulton Hora (20 April) Interview panel member for the ACCP Workforce Development Coordinator – 1st interview (21 April) Convened the Division’s Autumn School for Higher Degree by Research Students (23 April) Attended the launch of the 2010 ECR Development Program (23 April) Attended the quarterly Teaching and Learning meeting with the EAS Dean: T&L and the EDS leadership team (29 April) International Marketing Committee meeting (3 May) Publications Working Party (7 May) Attended the Vice Chancellor’s General Staff Meeting (12 May) Panel member for the ACCP Workforce Development Coordinator - 2nd interview (13 May) Attended the Ethos Dinner (17 May) Attended the Ethos Forum (18 May) Interview panel member for the NCSEHE Research Fellow (19 May) Interview panel member for the HRI Director – 1st interviews (7 June) Honorary Awards Committee Meeting (9 June) Illuminations – UniSA Research Degrees Information evening (9 June) Attended the celebration for Professor Barbara Comber (11 June) Q2 EAS Research Income and Publications meeting (17 June) Attended the ‘Improving the Future’ CIL seminar (17 June) Interview panel member for the HRI Director (24 June) Attended the Indigenous Research Methodologies seminar (28 June) Interview panel member for the NCSEHE-MAANA Project Research Assistant (29 June) Attended the Inaugural SA Women’s & Gender Studies Annual Public Lecture (1 July) Attended the Indigenous Research Methodologies Masterclass Module meeting (1 July) Met with and presented to the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organisation members (2 July) Guest speaker at the launch of ‘Transfigured Night 3’ – SA School of Art, Architecture & Design and the Department of Art at Colorado Statue University (9 July) Attended the presentation by Professor Margaret Sheil, CEO of the ARC (12 July) Convened the Full Spectrum Academic Program Scholars lunch and meeting (13 July) Attended a lecture by Professor Ellen Ernst Kossek hosted by the Hawke Centre, the School of Management and the Centre for Work & Life (14 July) Met with Cathie Home, Regional and Programs Manager, Inclusive Directions (15 July) Attended lecture by AsPr Irene Watson ‘Producing Regions: Positioning the voice of the law-full Aboriginal women’ (15 July) Convened the Division’s 3 Minute Thesis heats (23 July) Interview panel member for CfSR Research Assistant (27 July) Attended SAMSTAG Exhibition opening ‘Abstract Nature’ (30 July) Interview panel member for Project Officer to the Dean of Graduate Studies (3 August) Interview panel member for HRI Director – 2nd interviews (5 August) Academic Board The Dean: Research and Research Education chaired Academic Board on 25 June and 23 July 2010, and attended University Council on 20 May and 17 June 2010. RESEARCH Research Income: As at the close of Quarter 2 2010, EAS had achieved $7.99m in Category 1-4 research income. This was above the Quarter 2 target of $7.5m (see Figure 1). Page 2 Figure 1. EAS Research Income Actual against Target (Category 1-4) 14.00 12.00 $ million 10.00 8.00 Actual 6.00 Target 4.00 2.00 0.00 Q-1 Q-2 Q-3 Q-4 The Quarter 2 research forecast for EAS is shown in Figure 2. The 2010 target for Category 1-4 research income is $12.05m. The Quarter 2 forecast is for $12.16m, this forecast includes $3m of State Government funding towards the International Centre for Muslim and Non-Muslim Understanding. Figure 2. Quarter 2 EAS research income forecast (Category 1-4) 14.00 12.00 $ million 10.00 Projected 8.00 Known 6.00 Actual 4.00 Target 2.00 0.00 MTFP Q-1 Q-2 Q-3 Q-4 Most of the forecasted income is either actual or known income, with only a small percentage as projected income. Known income includes grants and projects which have cost centres established and those which have been approved or have contracts under negotiation. Projected income includes applications and tender response currently underway as well as some more speculative income. ARC & NHMRC Grants On 23 June March the ARC announced the results of the 2009 Round 2 Linkage grants (for funding commencing July 2010). Successful projects include: Professor Marie Brennan, Professor Alan Reid, Dr Faye McCallum, Associate Professor Michele Simons, Ms Helen Strickland, Ms Kathy McEvoy, and Ms Karen Grigg. ‘Renewing the teaching professional in regional areas through community partnerships’. Dr Sharon Casey, Associate Professor Andrew Day, and Dr Astrid Birgden. ‘The effective treatment of drug using offenders: the impact of treatment modality, coercion and treatment readiness on criminal Page 3 recidivism’. Dr Casey has recently left UniSA but submitted this application when she was a UniSA staff member. Professor Barbara Pocock and Dr Natalie Skinner. ‘Work, life and sustainable living: how work, household and community life interact to affect environmental behaviours and outcomes’. In addition to the above, EAS researcher Dr Janet Bryan is involved in a project being administered by the Division of Health Sciences ‘Evaluation of peanuts as a source of bioactive nutrients for enhancement of endothelial function and cognitive performance’. EAS researchers Professor Marie Brennan and Dr Lew Zipin are involved in a project which will be administered by the University of Queensland, ‘Pursuing equity in high poverty rural schools: improving learning through rich accountabilities’. During July and August, researchers are involved in writing rejoinders to ARC Discovery (12), ARC 2010 Round 1 Linkage (3), ARC Discovery Indigenous Research Development (3), and NHMRC Project grant (5) assessment reports. Successful ARC Discovery, ARC Linkage Round 1 and NHMRC project applications are expected to be announced in October/November 2010. Research Support Activities DRPF Review A group of DRMC members are currently undertaking a minor review of DRPF guidelines/application in advance of 2010 DRPF applications which will be called in mid-August. The Division Research Office is presenting the updated guidelines to interested researchers in the Schools throughout July / August. The Dean reported on 2009 DRPF distribution and outcomes to Research Policy Committee in June. Quarterly Research Reports and RevGen tool During July nominated professional staff in each EAS School/HRI/research centre and the Business Development Unit updated information related to research income in preparation for both the Medium Term Financial Plan and the 3rd Quarter forecast. On 28 July the professional staff transitioned from the EAS SharePoint database to the Finance One based ‘RevGen’ tool to undertake this task. The F1 RevGen tool allows the research income data to be presented consistently across all the Divisions. It has been a joint project initiated by Research and Innovation Services and the Central Finance Unit, the implementation of the tool at the Division level has occurred with the support and guidance of the Divisional Accountant/Systems Analyst, Senior Finance Officer-Project Accountant, the Research Office and with the cooperation of all professional staff involved. The Dean presented the 2nd Quarter forecast to Research Policy Committee in July. RESEARCH EDUCATION HDR Activities 2010 Autumn School The 2010 EAS Autumn Research School was held on 23 April with the Division’s researchers running sessions on a wide variety of topics for Honours and HDR students. The program also included a very successful 2-hour session dedicated solely to Honours students and facilitated by a panel of EAS Honours Coordinators and Honours Supervisors Illumination Evening The University’s Illumination Evening for HDR students was held on 9 June 2010. The Division’s Research Office and several EAS Research Education Portfolio Leaders attended to provide advice to prospective HDR students. Professor Marie Brennan chaired one of the panel discussions. Page 4 HDR Forum On Friday 6 August and Saturday 7 August the EAS Research Office will host the annual HDR Forum. The two-day event provides HDR candidates and Honours students with an opportunity to present their work to their colleagues in a supportive environment. It is also a networking opportunity and a good way to experience the research culture of the Division. Keynote addresses at the Forum will be delivered by Professor Elspeth Probyn, Director HRI, and Professor Graeme Turner, Professor of Cultural Studies, and Director of the Centre for Critical and Cultural Studies, University of Queensland. The event is expected to be attended by approximately 150 HDR and Honours students and staff. Research Education Administration Since the April report to Division Board, the following administration duties have been undertaken by the EAS Research Office: General administration forms = 242 Student finance claims = 86 Thesis submissions = 23 HDR Completions To date, 18 students have successfully completed their HDR program (see table for details). The target is 44, although the 2nd quarter forecast has been revised to 42 expected completions in 2010. School Award CIL MPSI CIL Name Supervisor Mr Gokhan Ayturk Dr Giancarlo Chiro Dr Shamsul Khan MMRC Ms Genowefa Popczynska Dr Ioana Petrescu CIL MPSC Ms Jodie George CIL MPSC Ms Leanne Glenny CIL MPSI Mr Dylan Kissane CIL MPSI Ms Shelley Spencer Dr Zheng Lin Prof Tony Liddicoat DUCIER DPUN Ms Kiara Rahman Dr Peter Gale Dr Tangi Steen Dr Doug Morgan EDS LPEN Mr Dararat Khampusaen AsPr Jill Burton Dr Jenny Barnett EDS MPEM Ms Rochelle WoodleyBaker Prof Alison Mackinnon Prof Marie Brennan EDS LPEN Ms Jenni Werner AsPr Judith Gill Prof Marie Brennan EDS MPDE Mr Chong Zhou Dr Peter Willis Dr Tom Stehlik EDS MPEE Miss Pui Yu Chow Prof Wendy Schiller Dr Annette Raynor Ms Robyne Garrett EDS MPEE Ms Hartshin Chong-Loke Prof Marjory Ebbeck Dr Sharon Russo PSW MPHD Ms Elizabeth Reimer Prof Dorothy Scott Prof Anne Graham SLL DMRV Ms Brigid Noone Dr Pamela Zeplin Ms Louise Haselton SLL DPAT Mr Gjoko Muratovski Dr Kathleen Connellan Dr Jackie Cook Dr Ioana Petrescu Dr Vicki Crowley AsPr Ian Richards Dr Joy Chia Dr David Lundberg Dr Shamsul Khan Thesis Title Non-linear casuality in non-governmental disaster response: lessons learned from post-tsunami Aceh, Indonesia Living on the edge of a black hole: the legacy of WW2 among children who survived (novel and exegetical essay) Coming ‘home’: constructing small town sense of place through the nostalgic discourses of tourism Communication, ethics and the public servant: equality, reciprocity, truth and authenticity Moving beyond anarchy: a complex alternative to a realist assumption Language teacher as language learner: a diary study of a language learner’s perspective of independent learning of German Indigenous student success in secondary schooling: factors impacting on student attendance, retention, learning and attainment in South Australia Participation patterns and factors in professional development for ICT in Thai university foreign language teaching Challenging lives: young women managing family, school, work and welfare So few, so slow: a contemporary investigation of the immutability of women’s under-representation at senior levels of Australian organisations The price of learning a study on the cross cultural adjustment of Chinese secondary school students in South Australia Exploring a dynamic systems approach in teaching dance to pre-service physical education teachers in Hong Kong A self-evaluation and development framework for quality improvement in eight kindergartens in Singapore: a case study Exploring the parent family worker relationship in rural family support services: “You build a relationship … and before you know it you start working on the problems that you have got” Vulnerability and generosity: sensibilities in contemporary figurative painting Design research: corporate communication strategies from religious propaganda to strategic brand management Page 5 SLL DPRV SLL DPACA Dr Kathleen Connellan Ms Kirsten Coehlo Dr Robert Crocker Mr Alan Flashtig Ms Sophia Phillips Ms Maureen Prichard Metaphors with clay embodying the maker in the made Such endless pleasure: the illustrated private press books of Christine Margaret MacGregor A further 35 students are under examination or undertaking corrections. HDR Withdrawals 24 students have withdrawn from their HDR program in 2010. Award School MPHD MPSI MPSI MPSC MPSC MPSC MPHD MPHD MPSI MPCS LPEO MPEU LPEN MPEU MPEE MPEU MPEU MPDE MPDE MPEU MPHS MPHD MPHD MPHD CIL CIL CIL CIL CIL CIL CIL CIL CIL CIL EDS EDS EDS EDS EDS EDS EDS EDS EDS EDS PSW PSW PSW SLL Name Ms Catherine Lawler Ms Kathryn Heard Mr David Baker Ms Diane Lee Mr Christopher Somers Ms Skye Treloar Ms Jolie Thomas Ms Adrijana Asceric Mr Peter McGuire Mrs Hema Ujoodha Mr Antonio Finamore Mr Ian Hamilton Ms Wendy Engliss Ms Julia Gabriel Ms Jennifer Cook Mr Patrick Barrett Ms Gabrielle Scanlon Mr Ian Boon Mr David Badenoch Ms Helen O’Brien Ms Linda Martin Ms Joanne Boyd Ms Corinne Mensforth Ms Helen Duley Consumed Load 5.01 0.22 2.83 0.92 1.34 0.73 0.00 1.82 1.87 0.85 0.01 1.22 1.43 0.68 2.05 1.67 0.52 0.49 3.67 2.04 2.64 4.49 1.42 0.04 Page 6