1 Carolyn Carter Lab 5 & 6 write up GLG 204 Introduction To perform the data analysis of fossils, various samples were taken from several sites around Brookville, Indiana. The first outcrop was the Causeway Outcrop right near Brookville Lake, this outcrop has two parts: the lower part exposes the Waynesville Formation and the upper part exposes the Liberty Formation. The next outcrop that we visited were along Route 1 and were also the lower Waynesville, upper Liberty but this outcrop included a separate area exposing the Whitewater Formation. The purpose of visiting these sites and collecting data was to determine the species found, their abundance, and their evenness among the different locations. These things were found using various graphs and charts discussed later on in the results and discussion sections. The purpose of this lab was to see what the diversity of the Paleozoic was like. Methods The first step at each outcrop was to walk around and see which types of fossils were abundant in the area and get to know the outcrop. This was done for about 10 minutes at each location. The next step was to, with a partner, find different types of species and number them within about a 1 foot by 1 foot cross-sectional area. This was only by their physical appearance, not yet identifying their respective species. Once the fossil was given a number, it was placed into a plastic bag, there was a separate bag for each location. In our areas, all of the fossil were counted. If the species matched one that was already numbered, it was counted as that number. For example, if a Branching Bryozoan was found first it would have been labeled as a number 1 and then every Branching Bryozoan found after that would be counted as a number 1. 2 The next step was done in lab the next week. The bags of fossils from all 5 locations were sorted for each of the groups in class. The class was presented with a list A-Z for each species, for example the Branching Bryozoan was given a letter F. The class worked together to sort out the species of each fossil and match the fossil with its alphabetical letter. There were a high number of Brachiopod species throughout the class. These were set aside until the end when the class was able to go through and determine every species of each brachiopod, these were each assigned a letter as well. After lab, each group in the class went through an Excel sheet that had the species listed and put in the number of each species they found in each outcrop. Here is an example of one group’s Excel plot: Letter s Group given s in lab Species Waynesvill LibertyeCausewa Waynesvill Liberty Whitewate Causeway y e- Rt 1 - Rt 1 r- Rt 1 Group 1 A Bivalve 1 0 0 0 0 B Onniella meeki 76 0 0 22 20 C Tetraphalerell a neglecta 4 0 14 20 57 D Hisobeccus capax 0 22 4 19 10 E Crinoid 7 1 0 0 0 F Branching Bryozoa 0 0 0 7 6 G Trepostome 14 33 12 0 14 H Tentaculites 0 0 0 0 0 I Encrusting Bryozoa 0 0 0 0 0 J Plaesiomys subquadrata 0 0 4 0 0 K Rugose Coral 0 0 0 1 0 L Leptaena richmondensi s 0 0 0 0 50 3 M Hebertella occidentalis 0 7 4 18 0 N Coral (on brachs) 0 2 0 0 0 O Rafinesquina sp. 0 33 2 10 0 P Gastropod 0 0 0 0 0 Q Glyptorthis insculpta 0 0 0 5 0 R Retrosirostra carleyi 0 4 0 0 0 S Thaerodonta clarksvillensis 0 0 0 0 0 T Trilobite 0 0 0 0 0 U Zygospira modesta 0 0 0 0 0 V Strophomena sp. 0 0 0 0 0 W (WW3) Plectorthis sp. 0 0 0 0 0 X Cephalopod 0 0 0 0 0 Y Onniella multisecta 0 0 0 0 0 Z Strophomena planumbona 0 0 0 0 0 AA Lepidocyclus sp. 0 0 0 0 0 BB Platystrophia clarksvillensis 0 0 0 0 0 102 102 40 102 157 Group Total This process was done for all nine groups in the class. The plots were used to find rarefaction curves next. To find a rarefaction curve, Group 1’s first column would be copy and pasted into the Notepad feature on the computer and saved as rarefact.txt. Next, the Rarefact application was opened and asked for the name of the file, “rarefact.txt” (the Notepad document) was typed in and then it asked for “n specimens” in which the number 10 was typed in. This was saved into the computer and then through Excel, this could be opened onto a spreadsheet. The first two columns, number of individuals and number of species, were copied and pasted into a new Excel 4 sheet. This was done for each outcrop for the group and a graph was made with number of individuals on the X- axis and number of species on the Y- axis for each outcrop. Results Pooled Data WC LC WR1 LR1 WW A Bivalve 5 0 B Onniella meeki C Tetraphalerella neglecta D Hisobeccus capax E Crinoid 48 F Branching Bryozoa 65 110 G Trepostome 38 122 150 H Tentaculites 1 0 0 0 8 I Encrusting Bryozoa 2 11 28 18 6 J Plaesiomys subquadrata 0 2 34 30 45 K Rugose Coral 0 26 10 85 9 L Leptaena richmondensis 0 3 8 3 50 M Hebertella occidentalis 0 88 87 209 70 N Coral (on brachs) 0 6 8 18 0 O Rafinesquina sp. 0 113 23 26 67 P Gastropod 0 1 18 Q 28 115 22 473 101 12 3 26 42 218 314 11 112 128 0 250 6 20 57 84 327 135 9 41 85 92 114 135 62 108 25 7 Glyptorthis insculpta 946 4 R Retrosirostra carleyi 0 37 0 36 0 S Thaerodonta clarksvillensis 0 31 0 6 0 T Trilobite 4 1 1 1 2 U Zygospira modesta 0 0 4 0 38 V Strophomena sp. 12 0 8 572 0 W (WW3) Plectorthis sp. 0 0 0 0 24 X Cephalopod 0 2 0 1 4 Y Onniella multisecta 5 0 0 0 0 Z Strophomena planumbona 0 13 0 5 0 AA Lepidocyclus sp. 0 0 37 0 0 BB Platystrophia clarksvillensis 0 0 1 0 0 Table 1: This is a list of the total number of species found at each outcrop from each group 5 6 Table 2: the names of each species A Bivalve B Onniella meeki C Tetraphalerella neglecta D Hisobeccus capax E Crinoid F Branching Bryozoa G Trepostome H Tentaculites I Encrusting Bryozoa J Plaesiomys subquadrata K Rugose Coral L Leptaena richmondensis M Hebertella occidentalis N Coral (on brachs) O Rafinesquina sp. P Gastropod Q Glyptorthis insculpta R Retrosirostra carleyi S Thaerodonta clarksvillensis T Trilobite U Zygospira modesta V Strophomena sp. W (WW3) Plectorthis sp. X Cephalopod Y Onniella multisecta Z Strophomena planumbona AA Lepidocyclus sp. BB Platystrophia clarksvillensis Table 3: Amount of species at each outcrop 7 Figure 6 Pool table with 95% curves 8 9 Discussion The class looked at samples from Liberty and Waynesville formations at two different locations but a lot of the time there didn’t seem to be a consistency between the two locations even though they were the same formation. I noticed on a lot of different group’s censuses there would be a significantly higher amount of species comparatively at Route 1 or Causeway. For example, group 1 found a high number of Omniella meeki at the Waynesville Causeway Formation but none at the Waynesville Route 1. This could have just been from people getting bored towards the end counting so many different types of Brachiopods and perhaps their counting got lazier so they missed some. Although some of these species varied, there were some similarities. For example, group 1 found almost the same amount of Trepostome at both Waynesville Formations. Besides human error, another problem that was encountered while doing the census was at the Route 1 Waynesville Formation. The problem here was that a lot of samples appeared to have washed down from above and it was hard to tell if they actually belonged in the correct outcrop. These samples could have been miscounted and included within the wrong outcrop. My group, group 6, had a similar species diversity as compared to the bulk sample but not exactly the same. For us, the most diverse outcrop seemed to be Liberty Causeway but overall, it appeared that the Whitewater Formation was the most diverse. In terms of abundance, our Liberty Route 1 and Waynesville Causeway were the highest on our rank abundance plot which is the same as the bulk sample. The evenness between the Liberty, Waynesville and Whitewater formations varied for each species. The Whitewater appeared to be the most even but the Liberty and Waynesville had 10 no consistent pattern. The Liberty Causeway was much more even than Liberty Route 1 and the Waynesville Route 1 was more even than the Waynesville Causeway. Most types of Brachiopods prefer deeper water which is what the Waynesville and Liberty formations came from. This could make the species less even because there could have been a very high number of some species of Brachiopod and then very few other types of species. The Whitewater is the shallowest so species could have washed up into this region in addition to the species that already lived there giving the species a more even layout. There are a lot of different aspects that could affect the changes in the evenness and diversity of each formation. The location of the formations is the biggest aspect of richness and evenness because of which kind of sediment is formed in each location and which organisms prefer which sediment or water depth. Another factor affecting the evenness could have been the turbidity of the water maybe from different storm events mixing around the species. Once the species samples are collected, it is important to rarefy the data because it is a clear way to show each group’s data and make it easy to compare. The rarefaction curves show the amount of individuals vs. the amount of species for each group so the diversity of each location can be easily compared to one another. Rarefaction curves are a good way to compare evenness of species within a location instead of having to go through a bunch of large, confusing Excel plots. Conclusion The importance of this study was to find species abundance between different formations and that using rarefaction curves is far easier than sifting through large Excel plots. It was also a chance for the class to learn about different habitats each species lived in and some ways that 11 error could have disrupted some of the data. From the curves and graphs we rarefied, we could get a feel for the diversity of the species living in the Paleozoic.