SUPERIOR YOUNG PRODUCER AWARDS BEEF - DAIRY - HORSES - SHEEP – SWINE ENTRIES ARE REQUESTED PRIOR TO THE STATE FAIR JUNIOR SHOWS Purpose: To create an educational activity at the Illinois State Fair which promotes youth development and personal growth through increased knowledge of the livestock industry and career development. Objective: To provide youth with livestock projects a practical experience that will develop their life skills, problem solving abilities and communication techniques. It will also provide an opportunity to win one of twenty-fi ve college scholarship that will be awarded annually. General Guidelines 1. The Superior Young Producer Award (SYPA) contest will be open to any youth 14 years of age or older and who are a current bonafi de IL 4-H or IL FFA member conducting project work in the species area for which he/she is entering the SYPA competition. The 4-H age is determined as of September 1, 2013. FFA member eligibility is up to and including the summer immediately following graduation from High School. 2. Participants do not have to be exhibiting animals at the Illinois State Fair in order to participate in the SYPA contest. 3. The SYPA contest will be held during the Illinois State Fair, Springfield, IL. 4. The contest will consist of the three following phases: skillathon, management test, and judging and/or meats ID. The phases for each species will be as follows: Beef - Skillathon, management test, and judging Dairy - Skillathon, management test, and judging Horses - Skillathon, management test, and judging Sheep - Skillathon, management test, and meats test and ID. Swine - Skillathon, management test, and meat ID/judging/quality assurance Rules and Regulations 1. ENTRIES ARE REQUIRED PRIOR TO THE STATE FAIR JUNIOR SHOWS. 2. Exhibitor may only receive a scholarship one time throughout his/her 4-H/FFA eligible years. 3. Upon receiving a scholarship in any of the specie award areas, the eligible 4-H and FFA members may participate in other specie award programs in following years but will be eligible to receive phase awards only. 4. In order to receive the scholarship, student must pursue studies at an accredited two or four year college, university, certified post secondary trade school or advanced educational program. 6. Scholarship monies are paid directly by the Illinois 4-H Foundation to the institution where the student is enrolled. No interest will be earned on scholarship monies. 7. Any unused scholarship money remains in the Superior Young Producer Award Endowment Fund for future recipients after a student has reached her/his twenty-fourth birthday as of January 1st. CONTEST FORMAT Skillathon: This will involve a series of learning stations with specific tasks and questions for participants to answer. Participants will rotate from station to station to test their knowledge and abilities in a learn-by-doing atmosphere. Management Test: A 50 question written test will be given to each participant. Questions will relate to all aspects of management and will challenge their knowledge and recall of related facts. Live Animal Judging or Meats ID: Two-six classes, of four animals each, will be placed by the participants based on type, conformation and in some cases production information. Participants will be scored on their ability to select quality livestock for the modern production system. In Beef area, 2 classes of live animals will be placed with questions. In the swine and sheep contests, retail cuts of meat will be ID and evaluated. AWARDS * A maximum of five individual winners of the overall Superior Young Producer Award will be selected in each of the following species: beef, dairy, horses, sheep and swine. Each winner will receive a $1,000 scholarship and plaque. * A plaque will be presented to each of the “top three” phase winners in the individual phase competitions. * The overall winners will be announced and recognized at an appropriate time during the Illinois State Fair. SCHEDULE: HORSES Thursday, July 24, 6:00 pm - Livestock Center – Show Ring BEEF Wednesday, August 6, 6:00 pm - Livestock Center - Show Ring SWINE Wednesday, August 6, 6:00 pm – Livestock Center - Show Ring SHEEP Thursday, August 7, 4:00 pm – South Show Ring, Open Sheep Barn DAIRY Saturday, August 16, 8:30 am – Livestock Center – Show Ring THE OVERALL SUPERIOR YOUNG PRODUCER AWARD PLAQUES A RE SPONSORED BY THE LAND OF LINCOLN PUREBRED LIVESTOCK BREEDERS ASSOCIATION AND THE ILLINOIS STATE FAIR. SUPERIOR YOUNG PRODUCER AWARD ENTRY FORM NAME: ____________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: _________________________________________________________ CITY: ___________________________ ZIP CODE: ______ County: ___________ TELEPHONE #: _______________________ E-MAIL: ______________________ AGE (AS OF 9-1-12) ____________________ BIRTH DATE:__________________ Have you won SYPA $1000 scholarship in the past? _____No; _____Yes. If yes, which species: _______________________. I certify that I am a current 4-H/FFA member in the species project area listed below. Signed: ______________________________________ Date: ________________ 4-H/FFA member PLEASE MARK (ONE) THE SPECIES THAT YOU ARE ENTERING. SEND THIS FORM TO THE COORDINATOR LISTED BELOW, BY THE SPECIES SELECTED. ENTRIES ARE REQUESTED PRIOR TO THE 2014 STATE FAIR JUNIOR SHOWS. _______ BEEF -- Teresa Steckler, U of I Beef Specialist, Jefferson County Unit, 4618 Broadway, Mt. Vernon, IL 62864 _______ DAIRY-- Dave Fischer, 901 Oak Hill St., Trenton, IL 62993; 618/224-7951 _______ HORSE-- Debra Hagstrom, U of I Extension Horse Specialist, 386 Animal Science Lab, 1207 W. Gregory Dr., Urbana, IL 62801; 217/333-1785; _______ SHEEP-- Dick Cobb, U of I Extension Sheep Specialist, 132 Animal Science Lab, 1207 W. Gregory Dr., Urbana, IL 61801 _______ SWINE-- Dan Jennings, U of I State Livestock Specialist 4-H, 801 N. County Fair Dr., Suite E, Champaign, IL 61821, 815/218-4358; (Dean Oswald, U of I Extension Educator, co-coordinated)