History of Greek and Latin theatre

. – History of Greek and Latin theatre
Text under revision. Not yet approved by academic staff.
The course aims to provide students with specific knowledge related
to the modalities of theatrical representation in the Ancient world,
reconstructed by means of detailed study of source material in our
possession (archaelogical, literary, knowledge). Furthermore, via
noted reading of some of the most significant Greek plays and their
modern re-written versions, which have reinterpreted archetypal
myths and dramatic events from a modern angle, the course intends
to highlight the substantial continuity of theatrical phenomena from
Ancient Greece to the modern world.
a) General part
Introduction to ancient drama: general issues (structure of ancient
theatrical monuments and the creation of performances; semantic
structure and mechanisms of tragic and comedy plays; the writers).
b) Specialist subject
Female characters within Athenia tragedy and comedy: reading
Oral examination.
Further information can be found on the professor's webpage at
http://www2.unicatt.it/unicattolica/docenti/index.html or on the Faculty notice
1) the course will take place during the first term (October-December).
2) Programme for full-time students and the relative reading list:
a) lecture notes; photopies for students will be available from the Photocopy
Office at the beginning of the course; critical essays and predominantly
iconographic material online (it can be downloaded from the tutor’s webpage);
b) Il teatro greco. Tragedie, with an introductory essay edited by G. Paduano,
BUR, Rizzoli, Milano 20061; Il teatro greco. Commedie, with an introductory
essay edited by G. Paduano, BUR, Rizzoli, Milano 20071 (the examination
programme will include the selection of tragedies and commedies read and
discussed during lectures, the list will be posted on the tutor’s webpage at the end
of the course).
c) Home reading:
from Il teatro greco. Tragedie, with an introductory essay edited by G.
Paduano, BUR, Rizzoli, Milano 20061: Eschilo, Orestea; Sofocle, Trachinie, Edipo
re, Edipo a Colono; Euripide, Ippolito, Ifigenia in Aulide, Ifigenia in Tauride,
Troiane, Baccanti; from Il teatro greco. Commedie, with an introductory essay
edited by G. Paduano, BUR, Rizzoli, Milano 20071: Aristofane, Lisistrata, Le
donne all'assemblea, Le donne alle Tesmoforiazuse, Nuvole, Rane.
d) One of the following programmes (students from the Workshop on Ancient
Dramaturgy run by Professor C. Cuccoro do not need to bring this part of the
programme to the examination):
I) programme on modern revisitations of Ancient tragic myths: (an in-depth
look at theatre by Sophocles):
SOPHOCLES, ANOUILH, BRECHT. ANTIGONE. Variazioni sul mito, edited by
M.G. Ciani, Marsilio, Venezia (various reprints); ANTÓNIO SÉRGIO DE SOUSA,
Antigone, translation by C. Cuccoro, with an introductory essay edited by M.P. Pattoni,
Educatt, Milano 2014 (new edition).
II) programme on modern revisitations of ancient tragic myths (an in-depth
look at theatre by Euripides):
Marsilio, Venezia, 2006; M.P. Pattoni - R. Carpani (edited by), Sacrifici al
femminile: Alcesti in scena da Euripide a Raboni, Vita e Pensiero, Milano
(Comunicazioni sociali 26.3), pages 488-558 (this book is on sale at the Libreria
dell'Università Cattolica, in Via Trieste).
III) Reading of any play from those covered during the course (in Greek), to be
arranged with the tutor (also concerning the edition).
3)Regular attendance is recommended. Students with serious reasons for not
being able to attend lectures should contact the tutor by the end of the course so as
to arrange an alternative study programme.
4) Students may see Professor M.P. Pattoni in his office (Second Floor, East
Wing) on lecture days. The timetable will be posted online on the tutor’s webpage
as well as on the tutor’s notice board in his office; any chnages will be indicated on
the tutor’s webpage.