14th International Detail Design in Architecture Conference Paper Writing Guidelines and Specifications Formatting Requirements* 1. All manuscripts must be written in English, typed in Arial font, using singlespacing on one side of A4 paper only. No loose material or supportive information will be accepted. Pages should be numbered consecutively. The final paper should not exceed 12 pages in total, and must be arranged under headings and sub-headings. 2. Manuscripts should adhere to the following: Margins - Top 2cm, Bottom 2cm, left-hand side 4cm, right-hand side 2cm. Do not insert headers or footers. Paragraphs must be right justified. 3. Title page: the first page of the manuscript should contain the paper’s full title, the names of the author(s), affiliation, and contact address. If authors are affiliated to more than one institution, then please denote using superscript e.g. (Smith1 and Jones2, 2002) 4. Abstract and Keywords: The abstract must not exceed 300 words. This must accurately précis the paper. A maximum of six keywords must be included. These should be carefully chosen to reflect the whole content of the paper (for searching and indexing purposes). 5. Figures and Tables: illustrations accompanying the manuscript should always be included in the text. Photographs, forms, charts etc. should be referred to as Figures e.g. Figure 1, Figure 2 etc (numbered sequentially, in the order they are referred to).Authors should also ensure that the finished quality of such illustrations is capable of being reproduced (as very often, complex and small detailed work can be lost during this process). In this context, wherever Halmstad University • PO Box 823 • SE-301 18 Halmstad • Sweden Phone +46 35 16 71 00 • registrator@hh.se • CIN 202100-3203 Page 1 (5) possible, lines should not be less than 0.25 mm thick. Tables included in the text should be referred to as Table 1, Table 2 etc. (numbered sequentially, in the order they are referred to). 6. Metric nomenclature should be used throughout the manuscript. However, if this is not possible, conversions can be included in parenthesis. Footnotes/Endnotes are permitted (these should be numbered consecutively in the text, denoted by superscript). 7. References: the Harvard system should be used. References in the text should be quoted as follows: Smith (1990) or (Smith and Jones, 2002). If there are more than two authors, then use Smith et al. (2002). References should be collated at the end of the paper in alphabetical order by the first author's surname. If the referred author you wish to cite has published more than one paper in that year (and you need to refer to both papers), then differentiate by using sequential letter denominations e.g. 2009a, 2009b, etc. *Refer to exemplar for font sizes and layout detail. Submission Requirements Authors should submit one electronic version (in Microsoft Word format only) of their papers to: DDiA2015@hh.se. Please note, the subject header of email should include the title “DDiA14” followed by the surname of the presenting author e.g. “DDiA14 Smith”. Please submit your paper together with your completed conference submission form. All papers will be refereed anonymously by an international panel of experts. Only papers receiving favorable recommendations will be accepted for publication. General Notes for Authors Your paper should be well written and arranged in a style that is succinct, logical, and easy to read. The reader should be carefully guided through the paper. Always consider: Does the title accurately reflect the content and purpose of the paper?; Does the abstract accurately précis the paper?; Are the keywords appropriate?; Is the purpose of the paper accurately portrayed in the introduction?; Do the conclusions reflect the content?; Does the paper achieve its goal?; Is there a coherent development of an argument or theme?; Do the figures and tables add clarity to the paper?; Are the references correct and representative? Page 2 (5) Copyright All papers accepted for publication in the proceedings will require the transfer of copyright undertakings. Submission for publication is taken on the understanding that it represents your original unpublished work, and has not been submitted (or under consideration) for publication elsewhere. Authors will be asked to transfer copyright for their papers to the publisher. This covers the exclusive rights to reproduce and distribute these works (including reprints, photographic reproductions, microfilm, electronic, translation, or any other similar reproduction thereof). N.b. The Executive Committee reserves the right to not publish papers failing to meet the above requirements. Page 3 (5) THE TITLE OF YOUR PAPER (pt 14 bold CAPITALS) Smith1, A., and Jones2, B. (pt 12 bold) 1School of Construction, University of ABC, City, Postcode/Zip, Country (pt 12) 2School of Architecture, University of XYZ, City, Postcode/Zip, Country (pt 12) ABSTRACT: The abstract should not exceed 300 words. Short description of the problem; the research methodological approach taken; and the research findings presented. Using (10pt) for the abstract. Indent 1.25cm from left and right margins. Keywords – Up to six keywords (10pt) 1. INTRODUCTION (FIRST LEVEL HEADING) First level headings are in 12pt CAPITAL bold fonts. 18pt space before and 12pt space after the headings. The first paragraph after a heading begins at the left-hand margin. For the second and subsequent paragraphs, the first line indents 6mm from the left margin. All paragraphs are should be right justified. 1.1 Second Level Heading (12pt bold) 18pt space before and 12pt space after the headings. Figures…. these should be annotated as follows: Figure 1. Results of indoor environment questionnaire (italics) Page 4 (5) Tables…. these should be annotated as follows: Table 1. Field Allocation for Data (italics) Field 1 Field 2 Field 3 Bbbbbb Bbbbbb Bbbbbb Cccccc Cccccc Cccccc CONCLUSION (12pt CAPITALS bold) This section may also include recommendations and any research limitations. REFERENCES (12pt CAPITALS bold) Use the Harvard system (citing first author in alphabetical order) using 10pt font, e.g. Aouad, G., Kagioglou, M., Cooper, R., Hinks, J., and Sexton, M (1999). Technology Management of IT in Construction: A Driver or an Enabler?. Logistics Information Management Journal, 12, Part 1/2, 130-137. Betts, M. (1992). How Strategic is Our Use of Information Technology in the Construction Sector. International Journal of Construction Information Technology, 1(1), 79-97. Goulding, J., and Alshawi, M. (1997). Construction Business Strategies: A Synergetic Alliance of Corporate Vision, I.T and Training Strategies. First International Conference on Construction Industry Development, University of Singapore, Singapore. 9-11 December 1997. Page 5 (5)