NORTHERN TERRITORY OF AUSTRALIA Government Gazette No. G17 DARWIN GENERAL INFORMATION General issues of the Gazette contain notices under the following headings: Proclamations; Legislative (Acts of Parliament assented to, Statutory Rules, By-laws, Regulations); Government departments administering particular legislation or functions; Notices under the Companies (Northern Territory) Code; Planning Act; Crown Lands Act; Private Notices; Tenders Invited; Contracts Awarded. Copies of each week’s General Gazette are available for a cost of $1.10 each (plus postage) and are published on a Wednesday. Copies of each week’s Special Gazettes are available separately for a cost of $1.10 each (plus postage). Special Gazettes are supplied with General Gazettes on a Wednesday and they are sold at $1.10 per set (plus postage). Annual subscription rates apply from 1 July 2001. All current paid subscriptions will not be effected and will continue until their expiry dates. NOTICES FOR PUBLICATION and related correspondence should be addressed to: Gazette Office GPO Box 1447 Darwin NT 0801 Telephone: 08 8999 4005 Facsimile: 08 8999 4037 Email: or hand-delivered to the reception desk Government Printing Office 203 Stuart Highway, Parap. ISSN-0157-8324 25 April 2012 SUBSCRIPTIONS are payable in advance and are accepted for a maximum period of one calendar year. All subscriptions are on a firm basis and refunds for cancellations will not be given. Rates include surface postage in Australia and overseas. Other carriage rates are available on application. AVAILABILITY: The Gazette may be purchased by mail from: Retail Sales Government Printing Office GPO Box 1447 Darwin NT 0801 Telephone: 08 8999 4031 or purchased from Retail Sales Government Printing Office 203 Stuart Highway, Parap Telephone: 08 8999 4031 Northern Territory Acts, Regulations and other Northern Territory Government legislation are only obtained from the Government Publications Office, Darwin. The Gazette is available for perusal at the Government Printing Office. Notices are accepted for publication in the next available issue, unless otherwise specified. ALLREMITTANCES should be made payable to: Receiver of Territory Monies, Government Printing Office and marked to the attention of the Gazette Office. Two copies with a covering sheet stating contact name, telephone, facsimile and or e-mail details is also requested with all material submitted for publication. OTHER ISSUES OF THE GAZETTE CLOSING TIMES: Notices for publication should be lodged at the Gazette Office by the following time (except holiday periods for which special advice of earlier closing times will be given). THE CLOSING TIME FOR ALL NOTICES IN THE GENERAL GAZETTE IS 4PM WEDNESDAY THE WEEK PRIOR TO PUBLICATION. Special Gazettes are published on urgent matters as required. Officers responsible for arranging the insertion of urgent notices should refer to the Gazette Officer on this subject. They are supplied free of charge to subscribers to the General Gazettes or are available separately for purchase from Retail Sales. Registration Gazettes which are published periodically are available for purchase from Retail Sales. Page 2 The Northern Territory Government Gazette No. G17, 25 April 2012 Marine Act Marine (Pleasure Craft) Regulations Marine (Examinations and Certificates) Regulations APPOINTMENTS McGrath Street Stephanie Street I, Gerald FrancIs Mccarthy, Minister for transport, under each of the following provisions, appoint Jonathan Tyrrell Abbey to the office specified: (a) section 8(1) of the Marine Act - shipping inspector; after Father John McGrath, Missionaries of the sacred heart and coast Watcher for Bathurst Island; and after sister stephanie Mcnally, a daughter of Our lady of the sacred heart, who worked at Bathurst Island. SCHEDULE (b) section 76(2) of the Marine Act - surveyor of vessels; (c) regulation 6(1) of the Marine (Pleasure Craft) Regulations - boating inspector; (d) regulation 12(1)(a) of the Marine (Examinations and Certificates) Regulations - examiner. dated 13th april, 2012. G. F. McCARTHy Minister for Transport 1/17 Place Names Act NAMING OF PLACE I, GERALD FRANCIS McCARTHy, Minister for Lands and Planning, under section 11(1)(a) of the Place Names Act, approve the recommendation contained in a report of the Place Names Committee for the Northern Territory that the roads for Bellamack shown hatched on the map in the Schedule be named Clarke Street, Corry Street, Eucharia Street, Flynn Circuit, Gabriella Street, Gerardine Crescent, Leonie Street, Marita Street, McGrath Street and Stephanie Street. Dated 4th April, 2012. G. F. McCARTHy Minister for Lands and Planning Note: Clarke Street Corry Street Eucharia Street Flynn Circuit Gabriella Street Gerardine Crescent Leonie Street Marita Street after Brother Basil Clarke MSC who was stationed at Garden Point Mission, Melville Island; after Father Alan Corry MSC who was appointed to Nhulunbuy to build a Parish; after Sister Eucharia Pearce, one of three foundation members to arrive at Garden Point Mission, Melville Island, in 1941; after Fathers Bill Flynn, John Flynn and Francis Flynn, Catholic Priests; after Sister Gabriella Fornarich, a Daughter of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart and a trained nurse, who worked at the Channel Island Leprosarium; after Sister Gerardine Corrigan, a Daughter of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, who worked at Bathurst Island; after Sister Leonie Pitt, a Daughter of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, who worked at Bathurst Island; after Sister Marita Scullion, a Daughter of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart and an obstetric and infant welfare nurse, who worked at Bathurst Island and Port Keats; 2/17 Planning Act AMENDMENT TO NT PLANNING SCHEME I, Gerald FrancIs Mccarthy the Minister for lands and Planning, under section 25(2)(a) of the Planning Act, amend the nt Planning scheme by making the amendment, specified in the Schedule. dated 30th March, 2012. G. F. McCARTHy Minister for Lands and Planning SCHEDULE AMENDMENT TO NT PLANNING SCHEME AMENDMENT No. 218 1. Citation This amendment to the NT Planning Scheme may be cited as Amendment No. 218. 2. Definition In this amendment"amending map" means the map, signed by the Minister for Lands and Planning and marked "NT Planning Scheme Amendment No. 218", deposited in the office of the Department of Lands and Planning, Darwin; "zoning map" means the zoning map within the meaning of the NT Planning Scheme. 3. Amendment of Zoning Map The NT Planning Scheme is amended by amending the zoning map relating to the Hundred of Bagot to The Northern Territory Government Gazette No. G17, 25 April 2012 the extent of its inconsistency with the amending map in respect of the area of land shown on the amending map bounded by a thick black line and lettered CP which is Sections 5857, 6342, 6343 and 6344 and Portion 2818 Hundred of Bagot. 3/17 Law Officers Act REVOCATION OF AUTHORISATION AND AUTHORISATION I, GreGOry JOhn shanahan, the chief executive Officer Department of Justice: (a) in pursuance of section 8(4) of the Law Officers Act and with reference to section 43 of the Interpretation Act, revoke the instrument dated 27 February 2012 authorising officers of the Department; and (b) in pursuance of section 8(4) of the Law Officers Act, authorise the officers of the Department specified in the Schedule, each officer being a legal practitioner, to act in the name of the Solicitor for the Northern Territory. dated 5th april, 2012. G. J. SHANAHAN Chief Executive Officer SCHEDULE Jacqueline Antoun Gregory Macdonald Saleha Awan Joan Macpherson Chantelle Balagengadaran Ashley Marsh Timothy Barrett Gabrielle Martin Ruth Barson Alison Maynard Jessica Black Thomas McCrie Nerida Bradley William McNeil Jonathan Bortoli Beth Midgley Robert Bradshaw Sarah Milligan Ruth Brebner Ruth Morley Peta-Lee Broughton Raymond Murphy Gabrielle Brown Louise Noto Richard Bruxner Leonie Paulson Page 3 Rosslyn Chenoweth Kathleen Chong-Fong Karen Christopher Emily Clarke Hannah Clee Marianne Conaty Kelvin Currie Jenni Daniel-yee Meredith Day-Huntingford Megan Dixon Craig Drury Martin Fisher Elizabeth Farquhar Chris Frey Elizabeth Furlonger Kalliopi Gatis Kathryn Gleeson Kathleen Gray Fiona Hardy Stephen Herne Laurene Hull Eric Hutton Joshua Ingrames Robert Jobson Earl Johnson Anita Kneebone Maria Pikoulos Robert Pocock Lee Rayner Guy Riley Kristy Rogerson Nestor Sanchez Arulkumar Selvaretnam Carol Sexton Gregory Shanahan Anthony Shelley Alastair Shields Sally Sievers Allison Smart Craig Smyth Kate Stevenson Leonique Swart Amanda Taylor Nicola Thompson Jana Tumuls Clare Venturini Andreas Vorst-Hopkins Thomas Wallace-Pannell Che Walsh Lynette Walsh Cheryl Watson Daniel Wauchope Lucia Ku Gemma Lake Jennifer Laurence Marilyn lester Tanya Ling David Lisson Candice Maclean simon Wiese Sarah Wilkie Tamika Williams David Winter Thomas Winter Sarah Witham Deenorah yellub 4/17 Notification of Subordinate Legislation notice is given of the making of the following subordinate legislation effective from the date of this Gazette, unless specified otherwise: Subordinate Legislation Empowering Act caravan Parks regulations (no. 16 of 2012)* associations amendment regulations 2012 (no. 17 of 2012) Caravan Parks Act Associations Act * these regulations commence on 1 May 2012 copies of the legislation may be purchased at northern territory Government Publications, Government Printing Office, Railway Street, Parap, Darwin NT 0800, and the Alice springs access centre, Westpac Building, todd Mall, alice Springs NT 0870. 5/17 Page 4 The Northern Territory Government Gazette No. G17, 25 April 2012 Crown Lands Act PROCLAMATION northern territory of australia sally Gordon thomas administrator By her honour the administrator of the northern territory of australia I, sally GOrdOn thOMas, administrator of the northern territory of australia, acting with the advice of the executive council, under section 76(1)(d) of the Crown Lands Act, revoke the reservation of land known as reserve no. 1604 over nt Portion 2013, Marrakai, reserved by proclamation made on 18 July 1979 and published in Gazette No. G30 dated 26 July 1979. Given under my hand and the Public seal of the northern territory of australia on 17th april, 2012. S. G. THOMAS Administrator By her honour's command G. F. Mccarthy Minister for lands and Planning 6/17 Fisheries Act APPOINTMENT OF ACTING DIRECTOR OF FISHERIES I, KOnstantIne VatsKalIs, Minister for Primary Industry, Fisheries and resources, under section 5(1) of the Fisheries Act and with reference to section 44(2)(b) of the Interpretation Act, appoint Bryan Keith Mcdonald to act as the director of Fisheries from 22 april 2012 to 4 May 2012 when Ian arthur curnow is unable to perform the duties of the office. dated 16th april, 2012. K. VATSKALIS Minister for Primary Industry, Fisheries and resources 7/17 The Northern Territory Government Gazette No. G17, 25 April 2012 Page 5 CONTRACTS AWARDED FOR VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS Reference Service or Material Value Contractor $ DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND EMPLOYMENT 12-0163 All Centres - Whole of Business Cost Modeling for the Northern Territory 49 860 Quotation KPMG, DARWIN, NT Q12-0087 Darwin - Provision of zOS Systems Programming Services for a Period of 12 Months 182 400 Public Quotation (est.) Asset Management Systems Pty Ltd, DARWIN, NT SD5325/12 T12-1190 Darwin Entertainment Centre - Replacement of Foyer Lighting 39 177 Public Quotation Nightcliff Electrical, WINNELLIE, NT SG5027/12 T11-2072 East Arnhem Region - Period Contract Minor Concrete and Drainage Works for a Period of 36 Months Alice Springs - Stuart Highway Urban area Asphalt Replacement from Wills Terrace to Traeger Avenue Litchfield National Park, Florance Falls Day use Area Ablution Upgrade 276 718 Public (est.) 2 500 827 Public Drumquin Enterprises (NT) Pty Ltd, DARWIN, NT 80 800 Public Quotation Galaxy Construction Pty Ltd, WAGAMAN, NT Cullen Bay - Installation of Fuel Tank 535 080 Sole 391 650 Sole (est.) 411 852 Sole (est.) 130 975 Public Quotation Advance Civil Engineering Pty Ltd, WINNELLIE, NT DEPARTMENT OF CONSTRUCTION AND INFRASTRUCTURE TW57-1112 T12-1001 SD5335/12 T12-1016 SD5331/12 T12-1109B SD5330/12 T11-1914 SD5333/12 T11-1911 SK5089/12 T12-1219 Period Contract - Repairs and Maintenance of Airstrips within the Victoria / Daly Shire Region for a Period of 36 Months Period Contract - Repairs and Maintenance of Air Strips within the Tiwi Islands Shire Region for a Period of 36 Months Pine Creek Primary School - Various Upgrades 70 426 Public Quotation 22 750 Public Quotation Downer EDI Works, WINNELLIE, NT Victoria Daly Shire Council, KATHERINE, NT Tiwi Islands Shire Council, PARAP, NT Scott Paley Hammet, T/as Scott Hammet Building and Carpentry, PALMERSTON, NT SD5330/12 T12-1026 Mataranka Primary School - Various Upgrades Doyle Contracting Pty Ltd, KATHERINE, NT SD5337/12 T12-1061 Palmerston Bus Interchange - Repaint with Vandal Resistant Paint Q12-0085 Darwin - Provision of a Subscription to Atomic Learning - Online Resource Support Tools for a Period of 12 Months 107 250 Sole (est.) Learnologoy Pty Ltd, WILLIAMSTOWN, VIC D12-0035 Darwin - Educational Modules for Online Vocational Learning 277 439 Exempt Charles Darwin University, CASUARINA, NT Scott Paley Hammet, T/as Scott Hammet Building and Carpentry, PALMERSTON, NT DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Q12-0063 Royal Darwin Hospital - Supply and Delivery of One (1) ENT Operating Microscope D12-0047 All Centres - Hospitals - Supply and Delivery of Reagents and Consumables for the Sysmex Coagulation System for a Period of 36 Months 177 615 Sole 363 607 Exempt (est.) Carl Zeiss Pty Ltd, NORTH RyDE, NSW Siemens Ltd, BAySWATER, VIC Page 6 The Northern Territory Government Gazette No. G17, 25 April 2012 Reference Service or Material Value Contractor $ DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 10-0533 Darwin - Supply of ‘Homecomings’ Advertising Campaign Material Including Scripts Q12-0043 Darwin - Territory Wildlife Park - Energy Audit 22 000 Quotation Victorian WorkCover Authority, MELBOURNE, VIC DEPARTMENT OF LANDS AND PLANNING 26 235 Public Quotation Lucid Consulting Engineers (NT) Pty Ltd, FANNIE BAy, NT DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES, ENVIRONMENT, THE ARTS AND SPORT 12-0259 D11-0507 Darwin - Supply and Delivery of Big Screen for NRL Match 14 April 2012 Territory Wildlife Park - Supply and Delivery of Fresh Fruit and Vegetables for Animal Food for a Period of 36 Months 15 506 Quotation 102 241 Public (est.) Production Resource Group (PRG), RICHMOND, SA Trans Territory Foods Pty Ltd, WINNELLIE, NT DEPARTMENT OF RESOURCES RFQCM-0043 Darwin - Provision of Risk Review of Fisheries Licensing System 20 460 Quotation Hallmark Consulting Services, DARWIN, NT POWER AND WATER PWC11-270 PWA01686-11 8/17 Darwin - Channel Island Power Station Condition Assessment of Unit 1-5 Gas Skids Alice Springs - Panel Contract for The Provision of Mechanical, Electrical, Instrumentation and Control Works and Services to Water and Sewerage Infrastructure for a Period of 36 Months 203 608 Public 11 000 000 Public (est.) Clough Projects Australia Pty Ltd, PERTH, WA Switchboard and Power Controls Pty Ltd, ALICE SPRINGS, NT Centre Electrical Services Pty Ltd, ALICE SPRINGS, NT Ridem Pty Ltd, T/as Dexter Barnes Electrical, TENNANT CREEK, NT Ross Engineering Pty Ltd, ALICE SPRINGS, NT Enston Pty Ltd, T/as Barkly Plumbing Services, TENNANT CREEK, NT The Northern Territory Government Gazette No. G17, 25 April 2012 Page 7 Page 8 The Northern Territory Government Gazette No. G17, 25 April 2012 NORTHERN TERRITORY GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE GENERAL GAZETTE PUBLICATIONS FOR 2012 Gazette Number Publication Date Closing Date G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 G7 G8 G9 G10 G11 G12 G13 G14 G15 G16 G17 G18 G19 G20 G21 G22 G23 G24 G25 G26 G27 G28 G29 G30 G31 G32 G33 G34 G35 G36 G37 G38 G39 G40 G41 G42 G43 G44 G45 G46 G47 G48 G49 G50 G51 4 January 11 January 18 January 25 January 1 February 8 February 15 February 22 February 29 February 7 March 14 March 21 March 28 March 4 April 11 April 18 April 25 April 2 May 9 May 16 May 23 May 30 June 6 June 13 June 20 June 27 June 4 July 11 July 18 July 25 July 1 August 8 August 15 August 22 August 29 August 5 September 12 September 19 September 26 September 3 October 10 October 17 October 24 October 31 October 7 November 14 November 21 November 28 November 5 December 12 December 19 December 28 December 4 January 11 January 18 January 25 January 1 February 8 February 15 February 22 February 29 February 7 March 14 March 21 March 28 March 4 April 11 April 18 April 26 April 2 May 9 May 16 May 23 May 30 June 6 June 13 June 20 June 27 June 4 July 11 July 18 July 25 July 1 August 8 August 15 August 22 August 29 August 5 September 12 September 19 September 26 September 3 October 10 October 17 October 24 October 31 October 7 November 14 November 21 November 28 November 5 December 12 December General Gazette publications for 2012 will be on Wednesday's, with the closing date for notices being the previous Wednesday at 4.00pm. Notices not received by the closing time will be held over until the next issue. All notices for publications must have a covering note with Telephone, Facsimile Number and any special requirements required. Further information may be obtained from the Gazette Officer on:Telephone: 8999 4005 Facsimile: 8999 4037 Email: When Emailing notices they should be sent to the two above mail addresses also a faxed copy is needed for confirmation. For all Subscription Enquiries: Telephone: 8999 4031 Facsimile: 8999 4001 NT PUBLIC HOLIDAYS 2012 2 January 26 January 6 April 7 April 9 April 25 April 7 May 11 June 29 June 6 July 13 July 20 July 27 July 6 August 25 December 26 December Government Printer of the Northern Territory New Years Day Australia Day Good Friday Easter Saturday Easter Monday Anzac Day May Day Queen's Birthday Borroloola Show Day Alice Springs Show Day Tennant Creek Show Day Katherine Show Day Darwin Show Day Picnic Day Christmas Day Boxing Day