Early Intervention Parent Newsletter November 2013

Issue 3, November 2013
Early Intervention Parent Newsletter
Welcome to the Parent Newsletter, for families accessing the Helping Children with Autism
(HCWA) package or the Better Start for Children with Disability (Better Start) initiative.
The new Department of Social Services (DSS) was created with effect from
18 September 2013. This new department will now have responsibility for both the HCWA
and Better Start programmes.
DSS is pleased to have assisted over 30,000 children through HCWA and nearly 7,500
children through Better Start, since both programmes commenced.
This newsletter is an opportunity for DSS to share stories, news and updates with parents
and carers. We hope you find this newsletter useful.
Information for Parents
New online resource
In 2012, DSS provided funding to Amaze (formerly Autism Victoria) in Victoria to develop a
resource that would assist parents and carers of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
(ASD) to understand what is involved in early intervention – that is, what to expect when you
start accessing services for your child. This work has resulted in the TherapyConnect
The TherapyConnect website provides a useful tool to help families navigate the therapy
pathway for their child with ASD. It can be helpful for parents just beginning their therapy
journey, as well as for families who are a little further down the path. With a wide range of
information as well as videos from parents and allied health professionals, it is certainly
worth a visit.
Raising Children Network
DSS funds the Raising Children Network (RCN) to provide families with information about
the HCWA and Better Start programmes. The RCN website helps families and carers to
find services, resources and information to assist them with all parenting issues. The
website includes a “My Neighbourhood” section which allows you to search for HCWA or
Better Start service providers in your area.
National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)
From July 2013, the first stage of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)
(previously known as DisabilityCare Australia) began in South Australia, Tasmania (for
young people aged 15-24), the Barwon area of Victoria and the Hunter area in New South
Wales. The Australian Capital Territory, the Barkly region of the Northern Territory, and the
Perth Hills area of Western Australia are due to commence from July 2014.
HCWA and Better Start are Commonwealth Government disability programmes that are
transitioning to the NDIS. Children in relevant launch sites who are accessing assistance
from the HCWA and Better Start programmes have been gradually entering the NDIS
scheme since 1 July 2013. Children who are currently receiving assistance from the HCWA
and Better Start programmes will be able to continue to do so until they enter the NDIS
scheme (or until they exit HCWA or Better Start because of their age or if they have
expended their funding).
If you live in the Barwon, Hunter (within the Local Government Area (LGA) of Newcastle) or
South Australian launch sites and haven't already received an information pack from the
National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA), please phone 1800 800 110 to request an
Access Request Form. HCWA and Better Start will gradually close to new clients in launch
sites as the NDIS is rolled out in accordance with agreed phasing arrangements, as follows:
South Australia
1 July 2013
1 October 2013
1 January 2014
1 April 2014
1 July 2014
HCWA and Better Start closed to children 0-2 (up to age 3)
HCWA and Better Start closed to children 0-3 (up to age 4)
HCWA and Better Start closed to children 0-4 (up to age 5)
HCWA and Better Start closed to children 0-5 (up to age 6)
HCWA and Better Start closed to children 0-6 (up to age 7)
Victoria (Barwon)
1 July 2013
HCWA and Better Start closed to all new clients
New South Wales (Hunter)
1 July 2013
30 June 2014
1 July 2015
HCWA and Better Start closed to residents in Newcastle City Council LGA
HCWA and Better Start closed to residents in Lake Macquarie City LGA
HCWA and Better Start closed to residents in Maitland City LGA
Once an Access Request Form has been submitted, the NDIA will contact you to arrange
an appointment during which it will be determined if your child meets the access
requirements. If your child meets the relevant requirements for the NDIS, the planner will
work with you and your child to develop an individualised plan that may contain funded
Once the plan is approved your child will have a Plan Approval Date recorded on the
FaHCSIA Online Funding Management System (FOFMS) and will be exited from the HCWA
or Better Start programme. The Early Intervention Helpdesk will notify you in writing when
your child’s access to HCWA or Better Start has ended. Please note that HCWA and Better
Start will not pay for services provided after the child’s Plan Approval Date. However, they
will process claims for services provided prior to this date.
If your child does not meet the access requirements for the scheme, they can continue to
receive funding under the HCWA or Better Start programme, until they exit the programme
or have expended the funding.
Please note we are encouraging our HCWA and Better Start service providers to register
with the NDIS so that continuity of support is not affected by the transition to the NDIS.
For more information please visit the NDIS website. For specific questions or
information you can phone 1800 800 110 for the cost of a local call (please note that
calls from mobile phones may incur additional costs).
Better Start Evaluation
An evaluation of Better Start is currently being conducted by ACIL Allen Consulting
(formerly the Allen Consulting Group) to assess the extent to which this programme is
meeting, or is on track to meet, its objectives; to identify possible improvements to Better
Start; and to assess the effectiveness of the current model in delivering desired outcomes.
The evaluation has completed the first of two rounds of data collection, and we would like to
thank all parents and carers who have contributed. The evaluation is expected to be
completed in December 2013.
If you have any queries regarding the evaluation, please email
Early Intervention Survey – HCWA and Better Start
DSS has also engaged ACIL Allen Consulting to conduct an Early Intervention Survey
designed to measure the outcomes of children who have accessed early intervention
services funded through both the HCWA and Better Start programmes. The views that
parents and carers share in this survey will help the Department to further develop and
improve the two programmes in the future.
The first round of the survey has now closed. If you completed the survey, thank you very
much for taking the time to share your opinions with us.
You will receive a separate invitation for the second round of the survey in March or
April 2014. By participating a second time you will allow the researchers to detect any
progress your child may have made since the first round of the survey.
If you have any queries regarding the survey, please email
Important notice to parents/carers of children who are registered for either Better Start or
HCWA but have not received any services yet:
Your input is particularly valuable as it will allow us to establish a “baseline” to use to measure
the progress of children accessing early intervention services under HCWA and Better Start. For
this group of participants only, the survey will remain open over the coming months, with the
questions specifically designed for this circumstance. If you have not yet completed the survey,
we warmly welcome you to do so as soon as possible by visiting the Early Intervention Study
survey website, or by copying or typing the following address into the address bar of your
browser: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/EarlyInterventionStudy
Better Start Early Days Workshops
Carers Australia and the First Step Alliance consortium have been engaged by DSS to
deliver Better Start Early Days Workshops across Australia.
Carers Australia is delivering the “Moving Forward” workshop. This workshop is designed
to support families of children eligible for Better Start funding by providing information and
strategies to navigate the disability landscape as well as develop social supports with other
The primary focus of the workshop is to provide strategies and information on health,
education and financial support to families in the stage of transition; either entering school
or the conclusion of their Better Start funding.
The workshop is holistically designed and delivered. It is flexible, relaxed and family
orientated, taking into consideration work, school and caring commitments. If you are
interested in attending a workshop, please contact your local Carers Association for more
information. You can find them on the Carers Australia website.
The First Step Alliance consortium, led by Cerebral Palsy Australia, will also be delivering
workshops to families across Australia. Details on these workshops, which are due to
commence in 2014, will be provided in future newsletters.
Diagnostic criteria for Autism Spectrum Disorder
DSS has conducted a number of consultations to discuss the implications of the new
diagnostic criteria for autism spectrum disorder, introduced in the Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5). These consultations have been well
attended with many different perspectives shared between a wide range of stakeholders.
DSS is now in the process of considering the feedback from these consultations and the
implications, if any, on the eligibility criteria for the HCWA package.
However, due to the timing of the introduction of the DSM-5, in May 2013 the Department
introduced an interim policy response which removes reference to the DSM-IV. This interim
policy states:
Diagnosis - The Autism Advisor must sight a written conclusive diagnosis made in Australia
by or through any one of the following:
a state/territory government or equivalent multidisciplinary assessment service; or
a private multidisciplinary team; or
Paediatrician; or
A multidisciplinary assessment team must consist of a psychologist and speech pathologist
but may also include an occupational therapist.
An acceptable diagnosis is one of the following conditions, as diagnosed by one of the
professionals listed above:
Autism Spectrum Disorder;
Autistic Disorder;
Asperger’s Disorder/Syndrome;
Rett’s Disorder;
Childhood Disintegrative Disorder; or
Pervasive Developmental Disorder – Not Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS).
This policy bases eligibility on expert advice from professionals who are using either the
DSM-IV or the DSM-5, thereby, maintaining in principle the current scope of the
programme. This interim policy should continue to be used by service providers involved in
assessing a child’s eligibility to the HCWA package.
Based on the consultations we have provided advice to the Minister on the impact of the
DSM-5 and the policy response around eligibility for HCWA. Once a decision is made the
guidelines will be amended accordingly.
iTunes vouchers – change in Better Start policy
DSS received a query regarding the ‘ownership’ of iTunes vouchers when purchased as a
Better Start resource. The existing Better Start policy states that Service Providers are
responsible for purchasing and loading apps onto iPads, not parents/carers. Following this
query, the policy has been reviewed and amended. From now on, in cases where Service
Providers have determined that an iPad app is integral to a child’s therapy, the parent/carer
will be able to retain purchased iTunes vouchers and select the appropriate educational
apps themselves. This policy change was effective from 27 June 2013 and brings Better
Start into line with existing HCWA policy.
The National Auslan Interpreter Booking and Payment Service (NABS) is a national service
funded by DSS. NABS provides interpreters to anyone who uses sign language to
communicate and needs an interpreter for private medical appointments.
Bookings for interpreting services can be made for people with hearing impairments,
including situations where there is an adult with a hearing impairment and a child with
normal hearing attending a private medical consultation. You can make a booking by
calling NABS on 1800 246 945.
Medical services covered by NABS include appointments with GPs, Aboriginal Health
Workers, Psychologists, Mental Health Workers, Occupational Therapists, Speech
Pathologists, and Paediatricians. More information can be found on the NABS website.
Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS)
If you need translating or interpreting the service is available on 13 14 50 to help you
communicate with your Autism Advisor, RIS Officer and early intervention Service
From our Parents
The Early Intervention Helpdesk is continuing to hear great things about the difference
Better Start and HCWA are making to families around Australia.
A parent of a Better Start child who recently turned seven emailed the Better Start inbox to
say thank you to everyone involved. Her son had received two years of physiotherapy
under the Better Start initiative, was starting to walk and was much more active. She
advised that this would not have been possible without Better Start funding.
We love hearing good news stories like this one and knowing that our programmes are
making a difference to families.
From the Helpdesk
Monitoring your child’s Early Intervention spending
We would like to remind parents and/or carers that it is your responsibility to monitor your
child’s HCWA or Better Start spending.
DSS generates a monthly Family Activity Statement (FAS) for each child who has had a
claim processed during the previous month. Details include the balance of remaining funds.
Sometimes there may be a delay in the service provider lodging the claim, which means
that the balances shown on the FAS may not be accurate. Please ensure that you keep
your own expenditure records.
Early Intervention funding and pets
Following several recent requests, we wish to specify that early intervention funding cannot
be used to reimburse costs associated with pets or animals, including companion dogs.
Issues and complaints
If you have any issues about your child’s therapy, please talk with your service provider.
DSS requires all service providers to have a complaints policy in place to help you resolve
any issues that may arise.
If the issue was not resolved to your satisfaction and you continue to have concerns, please
email ASD.Support@dss.gov.au or Better.start@dss.gov.au with your child’s details and an
outline of your concerns along with your consent for DSS to contact your service provider
and disclose your name and child’s details.
Do you have any feedback?
You can write to the Early Intervention Helpdesk about your child’s success with early
interventions, any questions about Better Start or HCWA, or future article suggestions.
Important Note
You have access to a maximum of $4,200 to purchase
resources. The amount can’t exceed $2,100 in a financial
year (from 1 July to 30 June). Funding for resources comes
out of your child’s total funding amount and is not a separate
amount. Your child’s therapist must determine that the
resource is integral to your child’s Individual Plan, and
supports their therapy.
Early Intervention Helpdesk
The Early Intervention Helpdesk can be contacted on
1800 778 581 (toll free) or by emailing
ASD.Support@dss.gov.au or Better.start@dss.gov.au.
Staff are available between 9:30am – 12:30pm and
1:30pm – 5:00pm AEST. Voicemail is available 24 hours a
day, 7 days a week. Please leave your full phone number
including the area code.
Friendly Reminder
Email is a more reliable and quicker method of receiving your
Family Activity Statement. Ask your Autism Advisor or
Registration and Information Service (RIS) Officer to update
your e-mail address.