MOHAMMED ALI OTHMAN SCHOOL, TAIZ. MINISTRY SYLLABUS. Scheme of Work academic year 2014-2015. Grade : 12 Subject : Chemistry ( semester I ) LESSON Aim and NC Reference Transition elements. Transition elements in the periodic table. Position in the periodic table. General properties. Electronic configuration and oxidation states. Elements of the first transition series. Fifth period ( Second series of the transition series ). Sixth period ( Third series of the transition series ). Iron : ---Ores of iron. 1. Magnetic oxides of iron. 2. Anhydrous ores of iron. 3. Hydrous ores of iron. ---Extraction of Iron : 1. Extraction by heating (roasting ). ---Properties of Iron : 1. Physical properties. 2. Chemical properties. 3 Weeks 01/9/2014 – 18/9/2014 Planned by : Imtiyaz Alam Student activity Resources Identify the groups and the periods in the periodic table. Identify the A group and the B group elements. Locate the different series of transition elements. Name the elements of the different transition series. Write the electronic configurations and oxidation states of these elements and define them. Chemistry in context Page nos:38,40,249 -64,536. A mod. App. to com. chem. Page no: 334367. A-level chemistry. 490-527. Study the important transition element e.g. Iron, the ores of iron, the extraction process of iron and the different physical and chemical properties of Iron. Take the tests for iron salts in the laboratory. ---Testing Iron salts. I-Semester-Scheme of Work-2014-15-Grade-12-Page No. - 1 Ministry Text book. Assessment 1. Write the electronic configuration of following elements. 2. Write all the reactions of blast furnace. 3. Write the reactions of iron. P.No. 3,6&7. LESSON Aim and NC Reference Ethalpy change during chemical reactions (thermo chemistry) Introduction: Heat energy. Different kinds of energies and their interconversions. Chemical energy. Thermo chemistry. The system, Surrounding. Heat capacity and kinds of heats. Chemical reactions and heat of reactions. Enthalpy. Heat of reaction. Exothermic reaction. Endothermic reaction. Thermo chemical equations. Kinds (types) of heat changes. Physical heat changes. Heat of solution. Heat of vaporisation and condensation. Heat changes in chemical reactions. Heat of neutralisation. Definition of heat of neutralisation. Heat of combustion. Significance of heat of combustion. Heat of formation. Heat of formation of some compounds. Heat of formation and stability of compounds. Determination of heat. Calculation of heat of reaction. Hess’ law. Application of Hess’ law. 4 Weeks 21/09/2014 – 30/10/2014 Student activity Name the different kinds of energies. Give the examples of inter-conversion of energies from day today life. Understand different kinds of energies. Define thermo chemistry, the system & surrounding. Understand the meaning and define heat capacity, enthalpy of reaction, exothermic and endothermic reactions. Write some balanced thermo chemical reactions and define them. Study different kinds of heat changes. Chemical and physical heat changes. Define with examples the heat of solution, heat of vaporisation, heat of condensation, heat of neutralisation, heat of combustion, heat of formation. Calculate the heat of reactions from the given data. Define and understand Hess’ law with help of few examples. Use Hess’ law for the calculation of heat of formation. I-Semester-Scheme of Work-2014-15-Grade-12-Page No. - 2 Resources Assessment Chemistry in context Page nos: 146-164. A mod approach to comp. chem.. Page nos: 77-99. Define the following. 1. System. 2. Surround-ings. 3. Boundar-ies. 4. Adiabatic process. 5. Isothermal process. 6. Heat capacity. 7. Specific heat. A-level chemistry. Page nos: 204-223. Ministry Text book. P.No.11&12. LESSON Aim and NC Reference Nuclear reactions and nuclear energy. 3 Weeks Difference between chemical and nuclear reactions. Discovery of isotopes. Definition of isotopes. Kinds of isotopes. Radioactive isotopes. Non radioactive isotopes. Balancing of nuclear reactions. Mass defect and nuclear binding energy. Nuclear stability and radioactivity. N/P ratio and nuclear stability. Nuclear radiations from unstable nuclei. Nuclear reactions. Radioactivity. Nuclear conversions and emission of beta particles. Nuclear conversions and emission of positron. Nuclear conversion when beta particle is absorbed. Nuclear conversions and emission of alpha particle. Nuclear conversions and emission of gamma rays. Examples. Half life period. Artificial nuclear changes. Factors affecting the products of the nuclear reaction. Types of projectiles. Speed of projectile. Types of targets. Reactions of nuclear change. 1. Nuclear decay. 2. Fission. 02/11/2014 – 20/11/2014. Applications of nuclear fission. Nuclear reactors. Coolant. Shield. Graphite rods. Moderator. Nuclear fuel. Uses of nuclear reactors. Production of isotopic radioactive material. Production of electricity. Water purification. Uses of Student activity Explain the structure of atom, and explain the properties of fundamental properties. Explain the difference between a chemical and a nuclear reaction. Define isotopes with examples. Give some examples of radioactive isotopes and some non radioactive isotopes. Balance different nuclear reactions. Define mass defect and explain binding energy and carryout some calculations based on it. Explain nuclear stability and radioactivity. Explain the nuclear stability on the basis of N/P ratio. Explain the different types of emissions from the nucleus explain nuclear conversions and write different examples. Explain half life period and calculate half life from given data. Explain the artificial nuclear changes, define projectile and target and write their types with examples. Explain the meaning of nuclear decay and nuclear fission. Explain the application of nuclear fission reaction in nuclear reactors with diagram in detail. Write the uses of a nuclear reactor e.g. production of electricity. Write the uses of radioisotopes. Define and explain nuclear fusion I-Semester-Scheme of Work-2014-15-Grade-12-Page No. - 3 Resources Assessment Chemistry in context Page nos: 7680. Draw the diagram of mass spectrometer. P.No.46. A-level chemistry. Page nos: 13-26. Ministry Text book. Define the following. 1. Mass defect. 2. Binding energy. 3. Average binding energy. 4. n / p ratio. 5. Magic no. Electrical energy as a result of oxidation and reduction reactions. 5 Weeks 23/11/2014 – 25/12/2014 radioisotopes. Fusion. Applications of nuclear reactions. Prevention of nuclear pollution. Safety procedures taken in laboratories and nuclear reactors. The safety procedures observed by the groups from radiations. reaction. Explain the uses of nuclear fusion reaction. Explain the safety procedures to avoid nuclear pollution. Oxidation and reduction. Meaning of oxidation and reduction. Meaning of oxidation and reduction according to the electronic theory. Oxidation numbers. Rules to calculate oxidation numbers. Oxidation reduction reactions. Electrochemical cell. Electrolytic cell.---Galvanic cell Electrode potential. Advantages of the electrode potential series. Some galvanic cells. Dry cell (batteries). Zinc-Carbon cell. Chemical reactions in the cell. Discharge. Re-charging of the battery. Fuel cells. Advantages and the disadvantages of the fuel cells. Electrolytic cell. Electrolysis of molten salts. Electrolysis of molten Sodium chloride. Conduction of electricity in electrolytic solution. Define with examples oxidation and reduction reactions. Write the oxidation and reduction reactions according to the electronic theory and define them with examples. Define oxidising and reducing agents. Define and write oxidation numbers. Write the rules to calculate oxidation numbers and carry out some calculations. Define with examples electrochemical cells. Define electrode potential with examples. Give the advantages of electrode potential and electrode potential series. Study some galvanic cells like dry cell, zinc carbon cells, the chemical reactions taking place in the cells during charging and discharging. Study fuel cells, their advantages and disadvantages. I-Semester-Scheme of Work-2014-15-Grade-12-Page No. - 4 Chemistry in context Page nos: 2031. A-level chemistry. Page nos: .244-288. Ministry Text book. Write the differences between electrolytic and electrochemi cal cell in the tabular column. Calculate the oxidation state of S in following. 1. H2SO4 2.Na2SO4 3.Na2S2O3 Draw the diagram of Factors controlling the products of electrolysis. Electrode potential of cathode and anode. Types of cathodes and anodes. Concentration of electrolytes. Applications of electrolysis of some electrolytes. Preparation of NaOH. Purification of metals. Electroplating. Faraday’s laws. Faraday’s first law. Faraday’s second law. Disadvantages of oxidation (corrosion). 2 Weeks 28/12/2014 – 08/01/2015 Study electrolytic cell, its use in the electrolysis of molten salts such as sodium chloride with reactions. Explain the conduction of electricity in electrolytic solutions and the factors controlling the products of electrolysis. Study the electrode potential of the electrodes. Study different types of cathodes and anodes. Study the effect of concentration of electrolyte on the electrolysis. Study the applications of electrolysis e.g. preparation of NaOH, purification of metals, electroplating. State and explain faradays first and second laws. Carry out some calculations based on these laws. Study corrosion. 1. Zn-C cell 2. Alkaline cell. 3. Mercury cell. 4. Fuel cell. P.No. 33, 34 & 35. Revision work sheets. Revision week END OF I SEMESTER I-Semester-Scheme of Work-2014-15-Grade-12-Page No. - 5