Lecture 9 Handout: Reproductive System

Reproductive System Handout
Female structures
a. Internal structure
i. Ovaries
1. Located: end of _______________________ tube
2. Produce hormones___________________ & _________________
3. Stores _________________________________________
ii. Fallopian tubes
1. Thin ___________________________________
2. Smooth _______________________________
3. Lined with ______________________________
4. Usually where ____________________________ occurs
iii. Uterus: AKA ___________________________
1. Location: between ____________________ & ______________
2. Function
a. Receive ____________________________ egg
b. Site for _______________ & development of the _______
3. 3 Parts: ______________________________________________
4. 3 Layers: Perimetrium, Myometrium, ______________________
a. Responds to changes in __________________ & _______
b. Prepares for _________________________ of _________
iv. Vagina: AKA ________________________________
1. Fidromuscular _____________________________
2. Located between ____________________ & _________________
3. Function: _______________________, exit for _______________
b. External Genitalia
i. Mons pubis: pad of _________________________ tissue
ii. Labia: ___________________________________
iii. Vestibule: area between _______________________________
1. Clitoris: ______________________________
2. ______________________ opening
3. ______________________ opening
c. Breast / mammary gland
i. Supported by ______________________________________________
ii. Richly supplied with ______________ ____________ _____________
iii. Primary purpose: ___________________________________________
iv. Structures
1. _____________________
2. _____________________
3. Mammary ____________________________
4. Tail of _______________________________
Menstrual Cycle
a. Endometrium responses to changes in __________________
b. Menstrual phase
i. ______________________, slough & ____________________
c. Proliferative phase
i. ______________________ & __________________________
d. Secretory phase
i. ________ vascularity
ii. Prepares to ______________________ fertilized _________
Assessment of Female Reproductive System
a. Breast:
i. S_________________________
ii. S_________________________
iii. C_________________________
iv. Skin _________________________
v. L__________________________
b. Pelvic
i. Position: ____________________________
ii. Inspect
iii. Palpate
iv. Have the client “_________________ down”
1. _______________________ protrusions, incontinence
c. Mammography
i. ________________of the _____________________
ii. Purpose: Screen for _____________________________________
d. Abdominal Laparoscopy
i. ______________ examination of the abdomen using _____________ tube
ii. Abd is filled with ______________________________
iii. Nursing Care: Before
1. Informed _____________________
2. Reinforce _______________________
3. ____________________ questions
4. NOC before: __________________ & _________________ scrub
5. Empty _________________________
6. Baseline _____________________
iv. Nursing Care After:
1. __________________ Vital signs
a. Report temp > _____________________
2. Apply perineal _______________ Change ____________
3. Observe _________________: ____________________________,
4. May occur: ________________ pain, __________ through vagina
& __________________
5. Keep IV until _________________________
6. Provide ________________________ instructions
7. When to notify MD: ________________intense ________ pain ,
_____________ , __________ leakage, _________________,
Difficulty _________________
e. Colposcopy
i. Examine: ________________ & _________________________
ii. Brightly lighted __________________________________
Small Group Questions
1. A patient is going to have a colposcopy. What teaching would you do before the
2. What would you note in a breast exam as being abnormal and worthy of further
3. Identify the anatomical structures that an ovum travels through and then exits the body
(and their functions)
4. What is the endometrium and how is it different than other tissue of the body?
5. What would you teach your client following a laparoscopic procedure?
a. Endometrial tissue found _____________________ the uterus
b. ____________________ locations: _____________ organs, _____________
c. Complications: __________________, __________________, scarring,
d. S&S: Just before /during _________________
i. Dys _______________________
ii. Backache
iii. _______________________
iv. Dys_____________________
v. Infertility
e. Diagnostic procedure: ________________________________
f. Medication / treatment
i. Pain: ______________________________________________
ii. Suppress ovarian function: ________________________________
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
a. ________________________ of the pelvic _______________________
b. Common Cause: ________________________ (Gonorrhea & Chlamydia)
c. Major cause of female __________________________
d. Pathophysiology: Organism _________________ up ____________  ____
e. S&S
i. High ____________________
ii. Vaginal ______________________
iii. ________________lower abd pain
iv. _________________
v. _________________
vi. Dys ____________________
f. Tx/Rx ______________________________ & _________________________
i. Treat the ______________________________ too!
Small Group Quesitons
1. Describe the pathophysiology of endometriosis?
2. What are the S&S of endometriosis?
3. What are the complications of endometriosis?
4. What is the pathophysiology of PID?
5. What is the primary cause of PID?
6. What is the usual treatment option for PID?
Breast Cancer
a. General S&S
i. ______________, __________________ ____________lump or mass
ii. Change in ___________________/_______________of breast
iii. ________________________
iv. Rash ___________________________ flaking
v. Location: _______________________________________ quadrant
a. Nursing care before surgery
i. Preoperative ____________________
ii. ____________________ teaching
iii. Allow access to ____________________ persons
iv. Offer ________________________ support
b. Nursing care after surgery
i. Routine ______________________ care
ii. Reinforce teaching
1. Empty the ______________ and replace _____________daily
2. Return for drain ________________ in _________days per order
3. Take analgesics before ___________ becomes ________per order
4. Report excessive ______________________________
iii. ________________ & _______________ in axillary are common
iv. Arm / shoulder _______________________ per MD order
v. Drive: _________________________
vi. Return to work: ___________________________
vii. Don’t _____________________ with arm on operated side
c. Grieving
i. __________________ attentively
ii. Spend __________________________
iii. Explain feelings ____________________
iv. Enlist ______________________
d. Risk for infection
i. Assess _____________________, _____________________
ii. Enc ________________________________
iii. Teach incision ______________________________
iv. Report ______________________________________________________
v. Avoid ___________________________________________
vi. Skin ___________________________
e. Risk for injury
i. Use ___________________________ side
ii. ______________________________ arm on a pillow
iii. Enc ________________
iv. Teach to ______________________________
f. Risk for disturbed body image
i. Enc. _________________________________
ii. Explain _______________________________
iii. Include
iv. Provide
v. Enc. To _____________________
vi. Reassure: ____________________________________
Cervical Cancer
a. Most r/t ________________________________________ (______)
b. S&S
i. Early; ______________________________________________
ii. Invasive CA
1. _____________________
2. _________________ discharge
3. _______________ (back / thighs)
4. Weight _____________________
c. Diagnostic exam: Papanicolaou (__________) _____________________
i. During procedure
1. ______________ collected from the ______________
2. Schedule test when not ___________________________
3. Avoid__________, douching or vaginal meds ____ hrs before
4. _________________ before exam
5. ________________________ positing
6. ______________________ client
ii. After procedure
1. Provide ____________________________ for cleaning
2. Provide _________________________ to protect garments
3. Allow _____________________ while client dresses
4. Prepare ________________________ & slides
5. Provide ________________________
iii. + Pap smear - _______________________, __________, ______ scan
d. Cervical Biopsy
i. Before
1. ___________________
2. __________________ bladder
ii. After
1. _________________ area
2. Perineal _____________________
3. ________________ bleeding and vaginal ______________normal
4. No ____________________ x 1 wk
5. No___________ until ___________________cleared
6. Notify MD if __________________ bleeding, __________smelling discharge, _________________ or malaise
e. Tx/Rx
i. ________________________
ii. ________________________
iii. ________________________
f. Nursing Diagnosis: ____________________________________
a. Removal of the _________________________________
b. Approaches: ________________________ or ______________________
c. Advantages
i. V _______________________________________________
ii. A ______________________________________________
d. Major risk factor: __________________________ and ________________
i. Enc _______________________
ii. Stop _______________________
iii. Promptly report _____________________________________________
e. Nursing care post-op
i. Report: excessive _________________________
ii. Monitory for complications:
1. ___________________________
2. ___________________________
3. ___________________________
iii. Assess ________________________________
iv. Avoid: _____________________________________________________
v. Report
1. Temp _________________
2. Vaginal _____________________________
3. Urinary _____________________________
4. Burning / __________________________
5. Severe __________________
vi. Enc to ___________________________
vii. Provide info about __________________________ replacement
viii. Reinforce importance of ______________________________________
Small Group Questions
1. What is the most common location for breast cancer to form?
2. What might a women feel on a BSE that would indicate a possibility of breast cancer?
3. What is the #1 cause of cervical cancer?
4. What screening is done for breast cancer and cervical cancer?
5. Differentiate between abdominal and vaginal hysterectomy. How might the nursing care
6. Your client had a hysterectomy 24 hours ago. What would you teach her as part of her
discharge teaching?
7. A client had a mastectomy 24 hours ago. You identify a nursing diagnosis of impaired
body image. Identify 3 nursing interventions for this client.
Male reproductive structures
a. Testes
i. Produce
1. _______________________________
2. _______________________________
ii. Encased in: ___________________________
b. Epididymis: Houses ___________________
c. Vas deferens
d. Seminal fluid: ________________, ______________ gland, ____________ gland
i. Sperm + Seminal fluid = ____________________
e. Prostate Gland
i. Location: Encircles the __________________ just below the __________
ii. Function: ________________ fluid, aids in ________________________
f. Penis
i. Tip: _________________ covered by ________________________
ii. Removal of foreskin: _____________________________________
Physcial Assessment of Male reproductive system
a. Inspect _________________________
b. Palpate ______________________ area and ____________________
c. Penis:_____________________________________________________
d. Scrotum: ____________________ each testes
e. Digital Rectal Exam (______________)
i. Palpate ________________________________
f. Prostate-specific antigen (_____________)
i. Levels rise
1. _________________prostate hypertrophy
2. ________________ of the prostate
a. Inflammation of the ______________________________
b. Caused by _________________ or ______________________
i. _________________, pneumonia, TB
c. S&S
i. ______________
ii. ______________
iii. _______________
iv. Scrotal ______________________
d. Prognosis _________________  _____________________
e. Tx:
ii. __________packs
iii. Scrotal __________________________
iv. Bed ___________________
f. Rx: ________________________ , ________________________,
a. Inflammation of the ________________________gland
b. Caused by
___________________: Escherichia coli/ _____________
ii. __________-bacterial:Chlamydiae / Viruses
c. S&S
i. Pain, burning on ____________________: ______________Dyuria
ii. ________________________ & urgency
iii. _____________________& fever
iv. Low_____________ , perineal or ________________pain
v. Pain after _____________________________
vi. __________________________________urinary flow
d. Diagnostic exam
i. __________________, prostatic _______________________
ii. ________________
e. Tx / Rx
i. Bacterial: _________________________________
ii. Non-bacterial: ________________________________
1. Pain:_____________________________
2. Voiding problems: ________________________
iii. _________ fluid intake
iv. _____________ baths
XIV. Phimosis
a. _________________________ of the _______________________
b. Rick of:
i. _______________________ infection
ii. ________________________ of the glans
c. Tx: ____________________________________________
a. ___________________________________ testicle
b. Increased risk of: __________________________ & ______________
c. Teach_____________________________________________________
XVI. Testicular Cancer
a. Cause: ____________________________
b. Risk Factors
i. Age: ___________________________
ii. _______________________________
iii. Family _________________
iv. Race/ ethnicity: ______________________
c. Pathophysiology: Cancer  ______________________ normal cells  affects
_______ testicle  Spreads________________ , but only ________________
d. Stages
i. Stage 1: __________________________________
ii. Stage 2: Testicle + ______________________________
iii. Stage 3: ____________________________________
e. S&S
i. _________________ __________________ nodule
ii. Dull _________________ in ___________ or __________________
f. Tx
i. Surgery:
1. ________________________________________
2. Radical: __________________________________________
3. Prosthesis
ii. _______________________________
iii. _______________________________
XVII. Prostate Cancer
Small Group Questions
1. Follow the path of sperm from formation to ejaculation.
2. What is orchitis and what is its cause?
3. What are the symptoms of prostatitis?
4. How is prostatitis treated?
5. What are the S&S of testicular cancer?
6. What is the treatment for phimosis?
7. What is the complication associated with Cryptorchidism?
XVIII. STDs / STIs ________________________________________________
a. Chlamydia
i. General
1. Most _____________________________
2. Leading cause of _____________________________
ii. Organism: ___________________________
iii. S&S: Female
1. _______________ maybe: _____________, ______________,
vaginal __________________, pelvic _____________
iv. S&S Male
1. Maybe Asymptomatic: ____________, __________ or
___________ urethral discharge, Testicular ___________
v. Dx: __________________________________________
vi. Complications
1. Female: ___________, _______________spontaneous _______
2. Neonates: ____________________ & pneumonia
3. Male ______________________ & Prostatitis
b. Gonorrhea: AKA: _____________ or The ___________________
i. Mode of transmission: ___________ or ____________________
ii. S&S Female: Asymptomatic: maybe ____________ discharge,
Abnormal _______________, Dysuria
iii. S&S Male ___________, Frequency ______________ urethral discharge
iv. Complications: Female
1. _____________________
2. _____________________
3. Ectopic _____________________
4. Abdominal _______________________
v. Compilations Male
1. ____________________ & sterility
vi. Tx / Rx: ____________________________________________
c. Syphilis
i. Primary: Painless ___________________ at site of exposure
ii. Secondary: skin ______________, _________ mucus patches,
____________ malaise
iii. Tertiary: _________________, inflammation of the __________, ______
iv. Tx/Rx: _______________________________________________
v. Complications
1. Disease ________________________________
2. Tertiary:
a. _____________ failure
b. ______________________
c. Skin ___________________________
d. _________________ failure
e. _________________ illness
d. Genital Herpes
i. Herpes ____________________________ type _____
ii. “Single or multiple small painful vesicles on an erythematous base on the
genitals with associated pruritus, followed by painful ulcers”
iii. Complications: Female
1. Herpes _____________________
2. __________________ cancer
iv. Complications: Neonates:
1. Affects: ____________, skin, mucous membranes and _________
v. Complications Male
1. Herpes __________________
2. ___________________algia
3. ________________________________
4. Urethral __________________________
5. ____________ forming in lymph nodes
vi. Tx/Rx: No _________________________________________________
i. Mode of transmission
1. ____________________ contact
2. Direct _________________ of contaminated blood
3. ________________ to ___________________
ii. Causes destruction of __________________________________
iii. Kaposi’s sarcoma
1. ____________ on blood _________________
2. Reddish-______________ lesions on the ___________and
3. ____________________ painful
iv. Wasting Syndrome
1. Unplanned __________________ loss ________________
2. Chronic ____________________________
3. ___________________________________
v. Tx/Rx
1. _______________________________ medications
2. H______________ A ________ Antiretroviral T___________
Small Group Questions
1. What is wasting syndrome in AIDS patients
2. What is the most common form of cancer associated with HIV? What are its symptoms?
3. What are the S&S of Chlamydia, Gonarrhea, Syphilis, and genital herpes? How are they
each cured?
4. What can one do to prevent from getting an STI?
5. What is Herpes keratitis and which STI can cause it?