School Library System of Jefferson-Lewis BOCES 20104 NYS Route 3 Watertown, NY 13601 Jefferson-Lewis BOCES SLS Communication Coordinator & Council Meeting Minutes Wednesday, November 12, 2014 ACES Building Conference Room, Watertown Communication Coordinator Meeting 9:00-12:00 In attendance: Tina Frank, Deanna Henry, Meghan Davison, Patty Nortz, Ann Morosini, Elizabeth Jurkiewicz, Mickey Schied, Janelle DeCicco, Krisha Greene, Tina Rogers, Cynthia Tidd, Tasha Laverghetta, Sonya Dykeman, Emily Thomas 8:30-9:00 Meet and Greet/Sign-in 9:00-9:30 SEARCH for Success: New options and templates Does not have an Apple app but works on the internet with an iPad Sorting by elementary, middle, high is not available at this time (verified with MediaFlex) We found old records that show the purchase of SEARCH but no record that we have paid anything recently for SEARCH SLS only is allowed to have control of the admin account at this time Showed new template 1 and A-Z listing which allows students to check and uncheck by topic Librarians like the template- Meghan will convert schools to the new template and send out the new link that is generated when template is converted Federated searching is available but this will not be rolled out until link issues are resolved and after the new template is rolled out to districts (we are taking things one step at a time) Some databases are in SEARCH but still request a password because the vendors do not work with MediaFlex to get the database to authenticate in SEARCH- librarians will need to have a way to distribute these passwords to students (School World has the option to create a password protected page) Librarians asked if a password protected database page was available in OPALS (Meghan followed up with MediaFlex after the meeting and they did not seem interested in doing this because they believe that SEARCH gives people one stop shopping for databases) 9:30-10:30 Google Apps Derek LaLonde- presenter E-mail account for students can be shut off Unlimited storage, syncing across devices Add comments to documents Can share documents as view only Google Hangout- conferencing Google forms can create interactive quizzes Google Classroom- assignments Snag it- screen capture tool Add Block Plus- can be done through network Lucidchart- similar to publisher Use Google Apps to access web 2.0 tools for one stop shopping access Librarians were on the BOCES wireless as guests and they were blocked from the Google URL shortener because this is only unblocked for BOCES staff- Meghan, Derek, and Adam had to log in to unblock them Fill out Google form and Google group will be created from that form Google Group will be used to collaborate between meetings Will use this to create a bank of lessons Librarians would like more professional development sessions with Derek 10:30-11:00 World Book Presentation: E-books, EWOL, free trial John Gummoe- presenter un: wbebooks pw: Nov- hill, Dec- rock E-books are digitized versions of the print books with the same copyright date iPad compatible 75 cents per student- possible deal for SLS Early World of Learning 11:00-11:30 E-book discussion: Bring 1 E-book idea to share Spotlight on NY- lesson plans by Mary Ratzer and Paige Jaeger Meghan will set up a free trial of Spotlight on NY to consider for purchase with the E-book CoSer money (now on free trial page) Rosen Cybersmarts are iPad compatible and there is a bookshelf feature (no app though) 11:30-12:00 Share one way you are using the databases in your lessons Sonya and Krisha are using PebbleGo tabs- Which Tab? lesson Sonya Dykeman has lessons using databases that she is willing to share with anybody who would like them Patty Nortz shared Animal Research Book and resources Weeding Criteria PowerPoint- postponed to another meeting due to time constraints 12:00-1:00 Lunch on your own Council Meeting 1:00 – 3:00 In Attendance: Tina Frank, Deanna Henry, Meghan Davison, Patty Nortz, Ann Morosini, Elizabeth Jurkiewicz, Mickey Schied, Janelle DeCicco, Krisha Greene, Tina Rogers, Cynthia Tidd, Tasha Laverghetta, Emily Thomas, Nadine O’Shaughnessy Approval of minutes for May 14, 2014 Everybody was encouraged to read through the minutes A motion to accept was made by Deanna Henry and seconded by Patty Nortz. Vote was approved by all. Conference Grant Process was reviewed When applying for a conference grant, the application must be submitted along with BOCES paperwork for substitutes (request and request for reimbursement) Deanna Henry reported that the Teacher’s Center is offering districts up to $1,000 for sub pay to send teachers to conferences as long as the conference is connected to Common Core Approval of Equipment Purchase (Materials and Supplies Budget)- iPad for testing apps and databases Motion- Deanna Henry, Second- Elizabeth Jurkiewicz, Vote was approved by all CoSers: 502 and 528 Submit CoSer orders on time because late orders have caused a lot of problems this year All schools who purchase the same product should be on the same PO and late orders did not allow this to happen and it created a lot of extra work for the SLS and the business office Late orders have also held up other schools This also delays getting SEARCH set up because they now have a Global Editor for getting products into SEARCH No $ = No E-book access Jefferson Lewis Library Association News Anybody interesting in busing students to the book festival? Busing is very expensive so it would be nice if districts could share a bus like they do for the Rochester festival Meghan is willing to apply for grants with the grant writer for a bus but she needs people who are willing to chaperone students Copenhagen can take 5 kids per van that teachers can drive but they are already busing students to the Rochester festival May 16th is Teen Book Festival in Rochester North Country School Library System Association (NCSLSA) News Meghan is meeting with other coordinators about streamlining the ILL process NovelNY will be continued but NYS DLD is concerned about funding to sustain NovelNY longterm North Country Library System (NCLS) News: no report Northern New York Library Network (NNYLN) News: no report Other matters: Copenhagen is having a family literacy night on November 13, 2014 at 6:00 Pro book ideas- Melissa Stewart and Leslie Preddy IFC on EngageNY! Breakout Sessions Administrative Breakfast Poster Session Work Time: bring ideas for posters and handouts for administrators Mark Aronson willing to Skype in- Council did not feel that watching a screen would hold the attention of attendees Handouts and posters- who is providing?- librarians will provide their own Anybody opposed to switching March meeting to Watertown and May meeting to Glenfield and LaFargeville to get materials for the breakfast to Watertown?- none opposed This is because the March meeting is right before the Administrative breakfast poster session Meghan will check on rooms for meetings and looking into changing the date of the May meeting because it conflicts with the principal meeting (Done after meeting- May meeting was changed to the 14th in Glenfield and March meeting will be at Watertown ACES) Meghan created a Google Doc for librarians to sign up with their poster session ideas Librarians worked on the poster session ideas while the by-laws committee met By-laws Committee Committee met about changes that will be proposed at the next meeting and voted on at the final meeting Proposed changes are in an additional document A motion to adjourn was made by Tina Rogers and seconded by Deanna Henry at 3:00. Vote was approved by all.