Available Committee Appointments

Committee Name
Committee on Academic Planning and Resource Allocation (CAPRA)
Graduate Council (GC)
OMBUDS Advisory Board
Research Council
University of California Student Association (UCSA)
GSA Committee on Research
GSA Social Life Committee
Transportation and Parking Services Committee (TAPS)
Student Fee Advisory Committee (SFAC)
Student Health Care Advisory Committee (SHAC)
Chancellor’s Sustainability Committee
Chancellor’s Advisory Committee on the Status of Women (CACSW)
University Hearing Board/Student Conduct Board
Violence Prevention Program Advisory Board
Graduate and Research Orientation Week (GROW) Committee
Chancellor’s Advisory Committee on Campus Climate, Culture, and Inclusion
Graduation Committee
Merced County Association of Government (MCAG)
# of Positions Available
GSA held
GSA held
GSA held
GSA held
GSA held, room for 1 more
1 from each school, more welcome
2 + more welcome
1 GSA + 2 more
1 voting, more welcome
1 or more
1 from each school
Student Health Care Advisory Meets once a semester to discuss Student Health Care for the campus.
Committee (SHAC)
The SFAC was created to advise the Executive Vice Chancellor and the Vice Chancellor for Student
Student Fee Advisory
Affairs with regard to the allocation of the student services’ fees and other campus-based student
Committee (SFAC)
fees. The SFAC has the authority to review fee-supported budgets and programs/services and make
recommendations as to changes and priorities for funding.
Transportation & Parking
Services Committee (TAPS)
Provides thoughtful and representative feedback, suggestions, and conveys top priority desires of students
for Parking and Transit issues. Communicates with the entire student body to gain majority opinions.
Balances desires with funding limitations and engages students on the costs and prioritization of services.
Violence Prevention Program
Advisory Board
The Violence Prevention Program Advisory Board reviews, innovates and implements services, policies,
prevention strategies and protocols for sexual violence, domestic and dating violence, and stalking in the
UC Merced community.
Chancellor’s Sustainability
Meets once per month. Promotes environmental stewardship and development that is based on ecological
principals at the University of California, Merced. The committee now includes social and economic
sustainability, in addition to environmental sustainability in its domain.
Chancellor's Advisory
Committee on the Status of
Merced County Association
of Government (MCAG)
The committee is dedicated to improving conditions for women and gender equity on campus. The charge
of the committee is to identify and analyze issues relating to the status of women at UC Merced,
including faculty, staff and students, to inform and educate the campus community about conditions that
affect the status of women within the university, and to advise and make recommendations to the
Chancellor regarding policies and procedures that would improve conditions for women.
This is an off-campus committee run by Merced County. The primary focus is coordinating UC Merced
and county bus lines. Meets bi-weekly.
Graduate and Research
Orientation Week Committee
Meets in the Spring once a month. Graduate and Research Orientation Week (GROW) is a one week
period of activities and programs held at the beginning of each academic year to provide students with an
opportunity to take care of important pre-enrollment tasks and to learn about UC Merced and the Merced
University of California
Student Association (UCSA)
Graduation Committee
Chancellor’s Advisory
Committee on Campus
Climate, Culture, and
Attends official UCSA Board Meetings, generally off-campus, with the UC Merced GSA External Vice
President. Would need to pay for their own transportation and lodging.
Meetings will be held as necessary to provide feedback. A graduating student is preferred.
Following a series of highly charged racial, religious and cultural incidents over the past few years on
several UC campuses, this board helps to assure that all students' voices are heard.
University Hearing
An opportunity to get involved by hearing academic and nonacademic student misconduct cases. Conduct
Board/Student Conduct Board cases will be held as necessary.
GSA Committee on Research
This committee would act as an interface for the Office of Research and the Graduate Division Research
Communication. The committee works to provide an open forum for graduate students to voice issues
related to research, and to develop a vibrant graduate student research community through the creation of
graduate student oriented research events. The committee aims to promote interdisciplinary research
through extramural research symposiums, collect and disperse graduate student achievements, and
provide feedback for the planning and effectiveness of Graduate Research Week.
GSA Social Life Committee
This committee would meet once a month to plan fun social events for graduate students in coordination
with the GSA Public Affairs Officer.