February 1, 2016

Finance and Administration Directors’ Meeting Minutes
Monday, February 1, 2016
1:00-3:00 p.m. – L3201A
John Hurley, Tony Alfonso, Sharon Goodman, Holly Joseph, Dave Kohler, Dan
Ralph, Jeanne Rynne, Steve Trotter and Laurel Uznanski
The minutes from January 4th were approved as submitted.
Senior Staff Report
From January 25th:
Steve Hunter presented information on enrollment applications for Fall 2016.
Laura Coghlan presented information on retention, highlighting areas of possible
There was a de-brief from the Board of Trustees meeting on January 11 th.
Computing and Communications – Tony Alfonso
Tony reported that the Banner hardware project is nearly finished. Progress is still being made
on developing requirements for the CRM project in Advancement. Tony and Dave reported out
on their visit to the Lean Center at the University of Washington.
Executive Director of Operational Budget and Planning – Steve Trotter
Steve talked about the upcoming transition resulting from his retirement. He announced that
his position is open for applications and asked the Directors to encourage folks to apply.
Residential and Dining Services and Athletics – Sharon Goodman
Sharon reported on occupancy in the Residence Halls, which is the strongest for a winter
quarter since before 2007. Enrollment in meal plans is a little lower. The Master Planning
sessions are going well; there is an incentive being offered for the survey, which is fairly long.
Faculty/staff appreciation month in the CRC went well. The new dishwasher in the Greenery is
working well after a few initial hangups.
Facilities Services – Jeanne Rynne
Jeanne reported that Facilities is gearing up for the 2017-19 Capital Budget Request. The
managers are looking at preservation needs this week. The programmable controls for the
HVAC system are broken, necessitating the use of manual controls for the time being. A
heating problem in Seminar 2 C is being investigated. The fire alarm upgrade for Lab I is being
rebid. The recruiting periods for the Custodian 4 and Drafting Technician 2 positions have
Human Resource Services – Laurel Uznanksi
Laurel reported that the first day of the three day supervisory training would be held on
February 2nd. There are currently 35 staff registered for the training. The sick leave buyout for
2016 is finished. The preparatory survey for negotiations with the classified staff is going out to
supervisors in the near future, and Laurel asked the Directors to encourage their managers to
complete it. HRS is in the last stages of information gathering for the Affirmative Action
consultant. The recruitment for the Assistant Director position closed last week. Academics
has indicated that they are willing to pay for half of an applicant tracking system. John asked
Laurel to pass expected purchase costs and projected annual maintenance fees for such a
system on to Holly.
Business Services – Dave Kohler
Dave reported that he and John would be talking with Standard & Poors re: the college’s bond
rating in a conference call immediately after the Directors meeting. The COP for the
dishwasher has been approved and RAD will get an authorization letter in the near future; Dave
sked Sharon to be sure to forward that letter to his office when it arrives. One more detail
remains to be finished up re: the Tacoma purchase COP. The 2 nd quarter financials for the
foundation are being reviewed. A demonstration of parking services software is scheduled for
February 4th. Financial information is being prepared for presentation to the Faculty Advisory
Reading: The Power of Habit
The reading for this week is postponed until February 29th.
Next FAD Meetings
Thursday, February 18 – FAD Supervisors Meeting – Sem 2 D2105 – 1:00-3:00
Monday, February 29 – FAD Directors Meeting – L3201A – 1:00-3:00