Knights Nation of Bellarmine University is the Spirit and Athletic student organization designed to contribute to the betterment of the Athletic experience of the University and to the University community as a whole. Our aims are:
1) to provide services to the student body and to the general University community directly related to the performance and support of the University’s Athletic pursuits
2) to encourage student support of and involvement with the University’s Athletic programs
Article I: Name
The name of this organization shall be Knights Nation of Bellarmine University.
Article II: Organization
Section 1. Organization: Knights Nation of Bellarmine University shall be composed of an
Executive Board, an Associate Board, and a Squire Board.
Section 2: Limitations: Knights Nation of Bellarmine University shall be subject to the limitations and prosciptions of the corporate charter and contracts of Bellarmine University and this Constitution and Bylaws
Article III: Executive Board
Section 1: Executive Officers: The Executive Board shall consist of a President, Vice President,
Secretary, Vice President of Finance, Vice President of Community Relations, Vice President of
Programming, and a Vice President of Public Relations. Each Executive Officer will be present at planning meetings and will be assigned Associate Officers to work with in their position.
Section 2: Duties of the Executive Officers:
President shall: a.
Serve as the chief executive officer of Knights Nation b.
Preside over Executive, Associate, and Squire Board meetings c.
Determine the time and place for Executive Board meetings d.
Maintain appropriate files of all Knights Nation business e.
Serve as spokesperson for Knights Nation f.
Meet once every two weeks with the Knights Nation advisor g.
Coordinate mid-semester one-on-one meetings with Executive Officers h.
Liaise between Knights Nation and Bellarmine Administration, Alumni, Faculty, and
Staff i.
Organize and preside over the election of the next President of Knights Nation j.
Develop a transition program for incoming Executive Board Officers,
Other duties as assigned or requested.
Vice President a.
Preside over the Associate and Squire Boards b.
Organize and preside over the election of the Associate and Squire Board officers c.
Report to the Executive Board all of the happenings within the Associate and Squire
Boards d.
Work with and include the Vice President Associate Officer throughout the semester e.
Liaison between Knights Nation and Bellarmine Athletics f.
Coordinate mid-semester one-on-one meetings with Associate and Squire Officers g.
Other duties as assigned or requested
Secretary a.
Prepare the agenda for all Executive Board and Knights Nation meetings b.
Maintain appropriate documentation of meeting minutes c.
Preside over the fulfillment by Knights Nation of fundraiser and community service obligations required by RSO status d.
Hold all donations and gift cards that Knights Nation acquires e.
Work with and include the Secretary Associate officer throughout the semester f.
Other duties as assigned or requested
Vice President of Finance a.
Preside over the Finance responsibilities of Knights Nation b.
Work with and include the Finance Associate Officer throughout the semester c.
Be responsible for keeping an accurate record of the income and expenditures of
Knights Nation allocated funds d.
Make complete and detailed financial reports at each Executive Board meeting e.
Maintain appropriate documentation of all Knights Nation expenditures and transactions f.
Present a monthly statement of the Knights Nation accounts to the President g.
Other duties as assigned or requested
Vice President of Community Relations a.
Preside over the relationships Knights Nation has in the Louisville community b.
Maintain appropriate records of all donations and sponsorships of Knights Nation c.
Approach third party vendors to donate and/or sponsor Knights Nation events and programs d.
Bring in a minimum of $1,250 each semester e.
Work with and include the Community Relation Associate Officer throughout the semester f.
Other duties as assigned or requested
Vice President of Programming a.
Maintain appropriate files of all program-related business of Knights Nation b.
Check Knights Nation event folders and binders for up-to-date information c.
Organize the catalog of past and current Knights Nation programs d.
Work with and include the Programming Associate Officer throughout the semester
Maintain a calendar of events, meetings, and other commitments for Knights Nation
Vice President of Public Relations a.
Preside over the Public Relation activities of Knights Nation b.
Be responsible for the publicity of Knights Nation meetings, activities, events, and programs c.
Maintain interactions with all university publications d.
Prepare a weekly email detailing Knights Nation activities and events e.
Maintain an active presence on Knights Nation social media including but not limited to Facebook and Twitter f.
Liaison between Knights Nation and Bellarmine Print Shop g.
Work with and include the Public Relation Associate Officer throughout the semester h.
Other duties as assigned or requested
Vice President of Athlete Relations a.
Preside over relations between Knights’ Nation and all athletic teams of Bellarmine
University b.
Obtain information about athletes and athletic-planned events c.
Be in communictation with the Student-Athlete Advisory Committee (S.A.A.C.) d.
Write and send one good luck note per student for each athletic team for at least one away game per season e.
Provide get-well cards for athletes with season-altering injuries f.
Create memorandum for end of year Athletic Banquet from a Knights’ Nation perspective
Section 3: Duties of Executive Board: All executive powers herein granted shall rest with a body known as the Executive Board, which shall be composed of the President, Vice President,
Secretary, Vice President of Finance, Vice President of Community Relations, Vice President of
Programming, and a Vice President of Public Relations.
Executive Board shall: a.
Develop the purpose and long-range goals of the Knights Nation community b.
Guide Knights Nation so that they are in keeping with those goals c.
Carry out and enforce the provisions of this Constitution and Bylaws in all
Knights Nation actions d.
Act as the interpretive body for these documents e.
Participate in one community service project per semester f.
Each member shall have no more than three absences per semester for regular
Executive Board meetings, including official Knights Nation events and programs g.
Each member shall serve a term of office of one year and/or until his/her successor is elected h.
Meet at the Request of the President or a majority of Executive Board members i.
Propose agenda items to the Secretary for Knights Nation meetings
Section 4: Qualifications A candidate for any office of the Executive Board must meet the following requirements:
Must have participated on Associate Board for a minimum of one (1) year and/or hold junior or senior academic standing with the University
Be on academic and disciplinary good-standing with the University
Shall not be on academic or disciplinary probation at the time of election or while holding office
Failure to meet these requirements may result in the removal from office
Section 5: Vacancies
If the office of the President becomes vacant, the position is initially opened to the
Executive Officers of Knights Nation. In none are interested, the position will be opened to all members of the Associate and Executive Boards meeting qualifications of office. If none are interested, the position will be opened to all members of the student body meeting the qualifications of the office.
If any Executive Officer position becomes vacant, the position will initially be opened to the Executive Officers of Knights Nation. In none are interested, the position will be opened to all members of the Associate and Executive Boards meeting qualifications of office. If none are interested, the position will be opened to all members of the student body meeting the qualifications of the office.
Procedures for the nomination shall be determined by the Executive Board.
Article IV: Associate Board :
Section 1: Associate Officers: The Associate Board shall consist of six Officers who will be assigned to work with an Executive Board Officer throughout the spring semester. The Executive
Officers to which Associate Officers will be assigned to are the Vice President, Secretary, Vice
President of Finance, Vice President of Community Relations, Vice President of Programming,
Vice President of Athlete Relations, and the Vice President of Public Relations. Assignments will be based on Associate Officer interviews, personal interests, and the long-term direction of
Knights Nation. The aims of the Associate Board is to train future Executive Officers of Knights
Nation so that they may gain functional experience in the running of Knights Nation.
Section 2: Duties of Associate Officers
Associate Officers shall: a.
Serve on the general Knights Nation meetings b.
Work closely with their assigned Executive Officer throughout the semester to learn the programming steps and gain experience in how Knights Nation is run c.
Each Officer shall have three (3) absences per semester for regular meetings and official Knights Nation events after which removal from Office is permissible
Section 3: Qualifications
Candidates for Associate Officers shall hold upperclassman academic status with the
University by completing a minimum of 2 semesters by the time their term begins
All Associate Officers must be full-time students while in office
Candidates must be on academic and social good conduct with the University
Failure to meet these requirements may result in the removal from office
Article V: Squire Board
Section 1: Squire Officers: The Squire Board shall consist of six Officers who will be assigned to work with the Executive and Associate Officers throughout the year. Officers on the Squire
Board will not be assigned to an Executive or Associate Officer. The aims of the Squire Board is to allow students who were previously uninvolved, have time constraints on commitment, or who want to learn if Knights Nation is the right involvement for them to see how Knights Nation is run and gain experience.
Section 2: Duties of Squire Officers
Squire Officers shall: a.
Serve on the general Knights Nation meetings b.
Work with and observe the Executive and Associate Officers to gain experience and an understanding of the long-term goals of Knights Nation
Section 3: Qualifications
Candidates for Squire Officers shall hold Freshman, Sophomore, or Junior academic standing with the University
Candidates must be full-time students while in Office
Candidates must be on academic and social good conduct with the University
Failure to meet these requirements may result in the removal from office
Article VI: Elections
Section 1: Candidates
Executive Board candidates may run for only one office. They may not run for two offices concurrently. Associate and Squire Board candidates are assigned to office postinterview and are therefore not running for a position but rather a spot on the Board.
Section 2: President
The current Knights Nation President will open election for President to all of the student population that meet the requirements of the office no later than four (4) weeks before the end of the Spring semester
The current Knights Nation President will preside over the creation, distribution, and review of Presidential candidate applications upon which he/she will grant interviews
The current Knights Nation President will preside over the scheduling and running of
Presidential candidate interviews
The current Knights Nation Advisor and up to two (2) other persons can sit in on Knights
Nation Presidential candidate interviews
The current Knights Nation President and interviewers will choose and elect the Knights
Nation President-elect
Section 3: Executive Board
The Knights Nation President-elect will open election for Executive Officers to all of the student population that meet the requirements of the officers
The Knights Nation President-elect will preside over the creation, distribution, and review of Executive Office candidate applications upon which he/she will grant interviews
The Knights Nation President-elect will preside over the scheduling and running of
Executive Officer candidate interviews
The current Knights Nation President and up to two (2) other persons can sit in on
Knights Nation Executive Officer candidate interviews
The Knights Nation President-elect and interviewers will choose and elect the Knights
Nation Executive Officers-elect
Section 4: Associate Board
The Knights Nation Vice President will open election for Executive Officers to all of the student population that meet the requirements of the officers
The Knights Nation Vice President will preside over the creation, distribution, and review of Associate Office candidate applications upon which he/she will grant interviews
The Knights Nation Vice President will preside over the scheduling and running of
Associate Officer candidate interviews
The current Knights Nation Vice President Associate Officer and up to two (2) other persons can sit in on Knights Nation Associate Officer candidate interviews
The Knights Nation Vice President and interviewers will choose and elect the Knights
Nation Associate Officers-elect
Section 5: Squire Board
The Knights Nation Vice President will open election for Executive Officers to all of the student population that meet the requirements of the officers
The Knights Nation Vice President will preside over the creation, distribution, and review of Squire Officer candidate applications upon which he/she will grant interviews
The Knights Nation Vice President will preside over the scheduling and running of
Squire Officer candidate interviews
The Vice President Associate Officer-elect and up to two (2) other persons can sit in on
Knights Nation Executive Officer candidate interviews
The Knights Nation Vice President and interviewers will choose and elect the Knights
Nation Squire Officers-elect
Section 6: Installation
Upon completion of the each respective Board, those Officers begin their term
Past Officers shall remain available to help train new Officers and plan Knights meetings and programming
Article VII: Meetings
Section 1: Frequency:
Knights Nation Executive and Associate Boards shall meet once every two weeks for the time that school is in session. Meetings may be held more if necessary.
Knights Nation Squire Board shall attend every other Executive and Associate meeting
Knights Nation Executive Officers shall meet with their Associate Officers once every two weeks that school is in session
The Knights Nation Vice President will meet with the Squire Board once every two weeks that school is in session
Section 2: Special Meetings: The President and any two Associate Officers shall have the power to call special meetings
Article VIII: Removal From Office
Section 1: Reasons for removal. Any Knights Nation Officer may be removed from office for failure to fulfill the duties listed in the Constitution and Bylaws
Section 2: Impeachment. A two-thirds vote of the Knights Nation Executive and Associate
Officers shall be necessary to impeach any Knights Nation Officer. Impeachment shall be voted upon at the next Executive and Associate Board meeting after the impeachment motion has been made to allow the Officer to present his/her arguments
Section 3: Eligibility to run. Any officer removed from office shall be unable to service in or to run for office until one calendar year from being removed.