Call Out for Sites for housing and employment form Newcastle City Council is undertaking a Call out for Sites to inform the Housing and Employment Land Availability Assessment (HELAA). If you would like to submit a site(s) that you consider is suitable for; housing development which is capable of accommodating five or more homes. employment uses and are 0.25ha or more in size, or are capable of accommodating at least 500m2 of floorspace (for B1, B2 or B8 uses of the Use Classes Order) Please consider the HELAA methodology when submitting sites for consideration. Please note that sites in the Green Belt will not be considered. Please use a separate form for each site and return the form(s) to Planning Policy by 29 February 2016. Include a site plan with a red line boundary alongside the form. The Form can be emailed to Please note that the information submitted to Council will be within the public domain. Contact Details I am the: Name: Landowner ☐ Agent ☐ Developer ☐ Organisation: Other ☐ Address: Postcode: Telephone: Email: Landowner Details (if different to above) Name: Address:/ Organisation: Postcode: Telephone: Email: Site Details Site Address: Easting: Gross site area (ha): Site Ref (if known): Northing: Current use(s) of site: Net site area (ha): Floorspace (commercial): Surrounding land use: Estimated housing capacity: 1 Is the site: Brownfield ☐ Greenfield☐ Vacant☐ Planning history (please include pre-app advice and planning application ref): Site & Surrounding Features Please identify if your site is: Special Protection Area (SPA) ☐ Historic Parks & Gardens ☐ Ramsar Site ☐ Registered Historic Battlefield ☐ Site of Specific Scientific Interest (SSSI) ☐ HSE Inner Area ☐ National Nature Reserve (NNR) ☐ Ancient Woodland ☐ Scheduled Ancient Monument (SAM) ☐ Flood Zone 3b ☐ Special Area of Conservation (SAC) ☐ Green Belt ☐ Please identify any constraints which would prevent, delay or limit development of the site and if mitigation is required: Constraint Mitigation required Topography: ☐ Ground Contamination: ☐ Pollution: ☐ Air Quality: ☐ Noise: ☐ Flood Risk (Zones 1, 2 & 3a): ☐ Other SFRA flood risk constraints: ☐ Listed building (Grade I, II*, II): ☐ Conservation Areas: ☐ HSE Middle, Outer Zone: ☐ TPO’s: ☐ Local Nature Reserves: ☐ Local Wildlife Sites: ☐ GI Opportunity Area: ☐ Mineral Safeguarding Area: ☐ Public Rights Of Way: ☐ World Heritage Site: ☐ Utilities Capacity (water/sewerage/electricity/gas): Designated Open Space: ☐ Allotments: ☐ ☐ Does the site have access to adopted highway? 2 Yes☐ No☐ Please tick if you consider that the site is with a 10 minute drive time of: Convenience store☐ GP Surgery☐ Primary School☐ Please tick if you consider that the site is within a 20 minute drive of: Secondary School ☐ Hospital☐ Retail Centre☐ Suitability of Site Please provide details of why you consider the site suitable for development: What type of development do you think the site is suitable for? Housing ☐ Industrial ☐ Education ☐ ☐ Storage & Distribution Offices ☐ Mixed use ☐ If suitable for housing, please confirm which of the following uses the site is suitable for: Private Ownership ☐ Private Rented ☐ Starter Homes Self-build ☐ ☒ Student Gypsy & Travellers or Showpeople ☐ Extra Care ☐ Mix of commercial & housing Other ☐ ☐ ☐ Availability of Site How many owners of the site? Single ☐ Are there any legal matters? Covenant ☐ Wayleaves 2-3 ☐ ☐ Easements 4 or more ☐ ☐ None ☐ Don’t know ☐ Is the availability of the site dependent on the coordination of land assembly? Yes No ☐ ☐ Please provide details: Achievability of Site When will the site be developed? Next 5 years 6-10 years 11-15 years Beyond 15 years ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ How many houses do you expect to build per annum? How much commercial floorspace do you expect to be developed per annum? 3 What is the likely housing mix? 1 bed 2 beds 3 beds 4 beds 5+ Beds Student bedspace Flat House Bungalow Student Self-Build Do you consider the site to be viable? Yes No ☐ ☐ Please provide details (including details of viability assessments undertaken): Strength of employment land market: Good Average ☐ ☐ Weak ☐ What effect will neighbouring uses have on the marketability of the site? Abnormal costs affecting viability? None Flood mitigation ☐ Demolition ☐ Contamination ☐ Infrastructure ☐ ☐ Ground Conditions ☐ Other (please state) Disclaimer: It should be noted that the assessment of the deliverability and developability of sites for housing or employment through the HELAA process and the identification of potential sites does not indicate that planning permission will be granted for that the site(s) or that the site will be allocated in the Development and Allocations Local Development Document. Data Protection and Freedom of Information We need your permission to hold your details on our database. I agree that the planning section of Newcastle Council can hold my contact details. I understand that they will only be used in relation to strategic planning policy matters and that data received may be disclosed in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act. Signed Date 4