Official Charge - University of Central Missouri

The Academic Software Funding Committee (ASFC) exists as a subcommittee of the Centralized Software Review
Board (CSARB). The ASFC’s purpose is to recommend to the Provost/Chief Learning Officer a list of software
purchases for the upcoming fiscal year for acquisitions that have partial funding support from university funds as
directed by the Provost.
Membership: Representatives from each of the four colleges, a representative from Library Services/Academic
Enrichment, two representatives of the Office of Technology. A representative from Centralized Software Review
Board (CSARB) will serve as a liaison. Each member of the committee serves a two-year term with a rotation
established in FY13 that ensures that some members are experienced members. Members may be re-appointed and
are designated to the membership by the Faculty Senate Committee on Committees. With appointment of two
representatives from the Office of Technology Vice-Provost for Technology. A chair of the committee will be
designated from among the seven members by the Provost.
Each year, as funds permit, the Provost makes an allocation of total funds to support academic software
Academic department chairs are invited to apply to the Academic Software Funding Committee (ASFC), a
subcommittee of the Centralized Software Acquisitions Board, for fiscal assistance in the purchase of software that is
directly related to student instruction. The fund amount may vary from year to year and is drawn from student
technology fee revenues for the stated purpose. The Academic Software Funding Committee represents the Provost
and receives purchase or upgrade proposals from academic departments, ranks the proposals on the basis of
institutional need, and, with the approval of the Centralized Software Acquisitions Board, submits its
recommendations to the Provost.
Each year the ASFC will issue a call for proposals for awards, purchases, and installations during the following
To qualify for consideration, proposals must be for software that:
is for academic use
is intended for use by students and instructors
is compatible with the university network and operating system
Additional factors that will affect rankings include:
the number of students using the software
the use of the software by multiple departments or programs
the necessity of the software for accreditation or licensure purposes
the cost of the initial purchase and maintenance or recurring license costs
the availability of station licenses, site licenses, or Keyserve compatible applications
This program is based upon the principle of cost-sharing, and the Provost will customarily provide up to but no more
than 70% of the purchase or upgrade cost. In order to develop a planning model for those seeking funding. Academic
departments are expected to provide the remainder of funds necessary for purchase or upgrade.
There will be a standard application form provided on a webpage. The completed form will be sent to the Chair of the
Academic Software Funding Committee by April 30. The subcommittee will complete its review of all submissions and
submit its recommendations to the Centralized Software Acquisition Review Board and the Provost. The Provost will
return the final funding decisions to the committee in the first half of the Fall semester. The Office of Technology will
manage the purchasing details for the software, including ensuring that any needed legal review of the software
licenses is accomplished. When all reviews are complete, departments will be informed of the funding decisions for
the appropriate semester.
Committee may conduct business and voting via electronic means.
Updated charge: Via Senate Motion 2013-14_20