aquatic visual project

Chapter 8 Aquatic Biodiversity
Why are Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems so Important?
 To create a visual representation of Marine Aquatic Systems.
 To understand how saltwater ecosystems are irreplaceable reservoirs of
biodiversity and provide major ecological and economic services.
 To create a visual representation of Freshwater Ecosystems
 To understand how freshwater ecosystems provide major ecological and
economic services and are irreplaceable reservoirs of biodiversity.
*The visual representations can be done by yourself or with ONE other person. Just
because you do one of the aquatic systems, doesn’t mean that you aren’t responsible
for understanding the other aquatic systems.
8-2 Why are Marine Aquatic Systems Important?
1. You will find a way to visually represent the 4 main zones of marine aquatic
ecosystems. I would suggest taking something the size of poster paper and
dividing it into 4 squares so that each zone of marine ecosystem could be
represented, or you could use 4 pieces of computer paper.
2. For each zone you will need to create:
a. A visual to represent all the aspects described in your textbook (other
sources can be included if you don’t understand what is meant).
b. Include abiotic conditions and biotic organisms
c. Include a visual for 1 human-related affect
3. This should be primarily a visual representation with minimal words to help with
your representations. I would suggest thinking in terms of combination of visuals
for each zone, a collage of sorts. Don’t try to mesh everything into just one
picture. Also think about side views as opposed to just top-down.
4. The following are the 4 zones:
a. Estuaries and Coastal wetlands
b. Rocky and Sandy Shores
c. Coral Reefs (go back to the Core Case Study at beginning of Chapter)
d. Open Sea and the Ocean Floor
8-4 Why are Freshwater Ecosystems Important?
1. You will find a way to visually represent the 4 main zones of freshwater
ecosystems. You could, as with the marine, use a poster (the backside would
work) or 4 pieces of computer paper.
2. For each zone you will need to create:
a. A visual to represent all the aspects described in the textbook – will mostly
relate to the layers or zones or parts.
b. Include abiotic conditions and biotic organisms
c. Include a visual for 1 human-related affect
3. Again, this should be primarily a visual representation with minimal words to help
with your representations.
4. The following are the 4 zones:
a. Lakes (Water Stands in Some Freshwater Systems and Flows in Others)
b. Lake Nutrients
c. Freshwater Streams and Rivers
d. Freshwater Inland Wetlands
Visual Project Rubric
I will use the following criteria to grade your visual representations of the marine
ecosystems and freshwater ecosystems.
Format (10):
(see assignment)
5 points
Format is followed
according to the
directions given.
5 points
5 points
Exceptional, students
strive for originality
5 points
Much of the format was Students did not follow
followed, but some comthe directions for
ponents are missing.
2-4 points
0 - 2 points
Project is creative and
2 - 4 points
Minimal creativity,
apparently little effort
made on presentation.
0 - 2 points
Content (35):
20 points
All content is accurate,
and demonstrates
mastery of the subject
17-20 points
Most of the content
Content is largely
accurate, with some
incorrect; shows major
misunderstandings and misunderstandings of
the material.
8-16 points
0 - 7 points
5 points
Material is written and
Topics are mostly
displayed in VERY clear
understandable, but
and understandable
occasionally unclear or
5 points
2-4 points
Unclear; difficult to
follow and understand.
0 - 2 points
10 points
ALL topics are
Most components are
addressed in a thorough
included: some
but concise manner.
information may be left
9-10 points
4 - 8 points
Topic is inadequately
discussed; incomplete
0 - 4 points
What on EARTH is she looking for?...(Marine )
 Estuaries
o Basic description
o Coastal wetlands – river mouth, inlets, bays, sounds, marshes,
mangrove forests, seagrass beds (have 2-3)
o High nutrient inputs from rivers, shallow water, sunlight
o Changes in tides and river flows, temperature, and salinity
o They act to maintain water quality – filter pollutants, excess nutrients
and sediments, provide food, habitat, nursery, reduce storm damage
and coastal erosion
o Human impacts from soil sedimentation and pollution
 Rocky and Sandy Shores
o Intertidal zone
o Stressors/challenges on organisms – waves, high and low tides,
salinity changes
o Human impact
o Should be able to tell difference between the 2 types of shore
ecosystems in the picture – abiotic aspects
o Should include numerous organisms
 Open Sea and Ocean Floor
o Vertical zones – euphotic zone, bathyl zone, abyssal zone – should
include what defines each zone within the picture
o Upwellings
o Deposit feeders and filter feeders
 Coral Reefs (Core Case Study)
o Clear, warm, shallow waters
o Reef builders and other organisms
o Protect coastlines from erosions
o Create habitats
o Fishing, tourism
o Degradation due to development (runoff sediment clouds water),
overfishing, warm temps, ocean acidity
What on EARTH is she looking for?....(Fresh)
 Lakes
o Water comes from precipitation, runoff, streams, rivers, fill
o Layers – pic should depict the differences
 Littoral
 Limnetic
 Profundal
 Benthic
 Lake nutrients
o Small supply – oligotrophic
 Deep steep banks
 Glaciers and mountain streams
 Low biodiversity
 Crystal clear
o Large supply – eutrophic
 Shallow, murky, brown/green, turbid
 High primary productivity
o Human impact
Streams and Rivers
o Source zone, transition zone, floodplain zone, delta
 Depict each zone based on description
o Organisms
o Watershed
Freshwater Inland Wetlands
o Inland wetalnds – marshes, swamps, prairie potholds, flood plains
(include 2-3)
o Flooding duration
o Organisms
o Ecological and economic services (2 or so)