TH9: Life, Death and Sexuality Short Title: Full Title: Module Code: Valid From: Administrator: Module Coordinator: Description: Life, Death and Sexuality Life, Death and Sexuality TH9 NFQ Level: 8 ECTS Credits: 5 Module Aims This module will apply the principles of Christian morality to the moral questions concerning life, death and sexuality. It will introduce the students to the Christian anthropological understanding of the human person, and to the rich theological and philosophical heritage of Catholic thought on the sacredness and inviolability of human life. At the end of the course, the students will have a detailed knowledge of the anthropological, philosophical, theological, and scientific implications of some developments in Contemporary bioethics. Furthermore, the module will introduce the students to Catholic sexual ethics, tracing its development from Scripture, tradition, and Church teaching. The students will be afforded the opportunity to apply their understanding, both through seminar participation and a 3000 word written paper, to a contemporary bioethical or sexual ethical issue. The module will familiarise the student with the contribution of modern theologians to these debates. Learning Outcomes: On successful completion of this module the learner will be able to Learning Outcomes On successful completion of this module, students will be able to: MO1 Identify and critique the core differences at the heart of contemporary bioethical and sexual ethical debates. Associated Programme Outcomes PO6 MO2 Apply their knowledge of key moral principles, scientific findings, and Church teaching to a number of contemporary bioethical and sexual ethical issues. PO2 MO3 Show the coherence between the Church’s anthropology and the various positions it takes regarding both bioethical and sexual ethical issues. PO1 MO4Discuss the significance and relevance of the biblical vision of man as male and female in relation to contemporary Church teaching on sexuality and marriage. MO5 Evaluate the practical and moral implications of the new reproductive technologies in relation to married PO1 PO3 TH9: Life, Death and Sexuality life and the generation of new human life. Pre-requisite Learning Module Recommendations This is prior learning (or a practical skill) that is mandatory before enrolment in this module is allowed. You may not enrol on this module if you have not acquired the learning specified in this section Requirements This is prior learning (or a practical skill) that is mandatory before enrolment in this module is allowed. You may not enrol on this module if you have not acquired the learning specified in this section Indicative Context Assessment Breakdown Essay: 3000 word paper: MO2 Seminars: 2 x 1000 word papers: MO1 End-of-module examination: MO1-5 Coursework Breakdown Type Description % 30% 10% 60% Outcome addressed % of Total Assessment Date Workload Type Lecture Independent Learning Library Assignment TH9: Life, Death and Sexuality Full-Time Hours per semester Description Lecturing input Self-directed reading and revision Self and tutor-directed reading of course material Researching, structuring information, writing up Hours Total Workload Resources Essential Book Resources Essential Article/Paper Resources Other Resources TH9: Life, Death and Sexuality Module Managers & Teachers Module Coordinators Semester Semester One Semester Two Module Teachers Staff Member Staff Member Staff Number Staff Number