Conversion between Scientific and Decimal Notation Course: Name (s): Instructor: Date: Section: Introduction and Objective: Scientific notation is a convenient method to express numbers if the number is too big or too tiny. For example, the number of atom present in one mole of a substance at Standard Temperature and Pressure is 623,000,000,000,000,000,000,000! Hard to read, as well as write! How about writing it as 6.23 x 1023? It just makes our life simpler. Now let’s see how small the nucleus of an atom is? 0.00000000000001m? Again, hard to read! How about writing it as 1x 10-14m? In this lab you will learn how to convert numbers between scientific and decimal notations, and calculate and express distances in different units. Equipment Required: Computer, calculator Lab Procedures: 1. Double click on the “Start Virtual Astronomy Labs” icon on your desktop 2. Click on “1- Conversion between Scientific and Decimal Notation” under “Basic Science” 3. Click on “Open Lab Manual” and read the instructions for the lab 4. Click on the first exercise “Converting Numbers” under “Start Lab” and enter your results in the tables below. You can check your answers by clicking on “Check your answer” Every time you click on these buttons you will get a new question. Do two questions for each exercise and type the question and answer in the corresponding tables below in this lab report To check your answer type it in this box and press Enter 1 5. After you finish, click on “Exit” to get to the next exercise 6. Complete Parts I to IV in this lab. 7. Save the lab report. Turn it in through Digital Dropbox in eCampus. 8. For the “Name” box in the Digital Dropbox, enter the name of the lab and the first and last names of your group members. Note: All distances in this lab are expressed as kilometers. Replace “miles” with “kilometers” for your answers. Conversions: 1 Astronomical Unit (AU) = 93,000,000 miles or 1.5 x 1011 meters. Speed of light = 300,000,000 meters/sec, or 186,000 miles/sec 1 year = 3.15 x 107 sec 1 light year = 9.46 x 1015 meters or 5.88 x 1012 miles. Part I: Converting Numbers Note: To type a number in scientific notation do the following: a) Type the number, for example: 6.15 x 10-9 b) Highlight the exponent c) Click on the “Superscript” button on the tool bar under the “Home” tab: d) Your number will now be in scientific notation: 6.15 x 10-9 i) Scientific to Decimal No 1 2 Scientific Notation Decimal Notation ii) Decimal to Scientific No 1 2 Decimal Notation Scientific Notation iii) Random Problem 2 No 1 2 Notation Notation Part II: Arithmetic in Scientific Notation i) Multiplying Numbers No 1 2 Problem Answer ii) Dividing Numbers No 1 2 Problem Answer ii) Random Problem No 1 2 Problem Answer Part III: The Scale of the Universe i) AU to km No 1 2 AU km ii) AU to light years No 1 2 Light years AU 3 iii) Light years to km (Note read “miles” as “km”) No 1 2 Light years km iv) Random Problem No 1 2 Part IV: Time for a Journey i) Go to a planet No 1 2 Planet distance (AU) Speed of travel (km/h) Time (days) Speed of travel (km/h) Time (years) Speed of travel (km/h) Time (years) Speed of travel (km/h) Time ii) Go to a Star No 1 2 Star distance (ly) iii) Go to a galaxy No 1 2 Star distance (million ly) iv) Random problem No 1 2 Distance 4