Inge Uytterhoeven - CSSH Main Page | College of Social Sciences

Inge Uytterhoeven
Current Work Address:
Department of Archaeology and History of Art
College of Social Science and Humanities
Koç University
Rumelifeneri Yolu, 34450
Sarıyer – İstanbul
Scientific Career:
* Diplomas
26/03/2003: Doctor (PhD) in Archaeology (K.U.Leuven – Belgium)
- PhD Topic: Hawara in the Graeco-Roman Period. Life and Death in a Fayum Village
- Supervisor: Prof. Dr. W. Clarysse (K.U. Leuven – Belgium)
Research Description:
Study of the life and death at the important Middle Kingdom site of Hawara in the Egyptian
Fayum during the Graeco, Roman and Late Antique Periods based on a combination of the
available archaeological, papyrological, literary and epigraphical documentation ranging from the
4th century BC to the 7th century AD. This included my own Hawara 2000 Survey (cf. infra) and a
thorough study of the Demotic-Greek Hawara Undertakers Archives and the Greek ‘P.Hawara’.
27/06/1998: Master in Archaeology (K.U.Leuven – Belgium)
Dissertation Topic: Aesernia in de Romeinse Periode: archeologisch, topografisch en historisch
onderzoek van een Samnitische stad (‘Aesernia in the Roman Period: Archaeological,
Topographical and Historical Study of a Samnite City’)
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. F. Van Wonterghem (K.U. Leuven – Belgium)
Study Description:
Interdisciplinary topographical and historical study of the Samnite city of Aesernia (Isernia,
Molise – Italy) integrating the available archaeological, epigraphical and literary evidence with a
focus on the Republican, Imperial and Late Antique Periods.
- 27/06/1996: Candidate in History of Art and Archaeology (K.U.Leuven – Belgium)
01/07/1995: Master in Language and Literature: Latin and Greek (K.U.Leuven – Belgium)
Dissertation Topic: Alvar Gómez de Ciudad Real, De Militia: een epos op het Gulden Vlies:
kritische teksteditie met commentaar (‘Alvar Gómez de Ciudad Real, De Militia, an epic poem on
the Order of the Golden Fleece: critical text edition with comments’)
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. G. Tournoy (K.U. Leuven – Belgium)
Study Description:
Critical text edition with comments on a Latin epic poem, dedicated around 1520 by the Spanish
humanist poet Alvar Gómez to the young Charles V.
01/07/1995: Qualified Teacher of Latin and Greek (K.U.Leuven – Belgium)
01/07/1993: Candidate in Language and Literature: Latin and Greek (K.U.Leuven – Belgium)
30/06/1991: Secondary education – Latin-Mathematics (St.-Jozefscollege Aarschot – Belgium)
* University Career
01/09/2012- : Assistant Professor in Classical Archaeology
(Koç University – İstanbul, Turkey)
01/02-31/08/2012 : Research Fellow
Hercules Project
(Prof. Dr. J. Poblome – K.U.Leuven – Belgium)
01/08/2011-30/11/2011: Post-Doctoral Researcher
Sagalassos Archaeological Research Project (50%)
(Prof. Dr. M. Waelkens – K.U.Leuven – Belgium)
Hercules Project (50 %)
(Prof. Dr. J. Poblome – K.U.Leuven – Belgium)
Research topics related to Hellenistic, Roman and late antique housing in Asia Minor
Collaboration with the scientific and practical organisation of the yearly interdisciplinary
excavation, restoration and survey campaigns at Sagalassos.
In particular, since 1998 responsible for the practical and scientific execution of the excavations
of the ‘Urban Mansion’, which has a building history between the late 2nd/early 1st century BC
and the Mid 7th century AD
15/09/2010-15/06/2011: Senior Fellow of the Koç University Research Center for Anatolian
Civilizations (Istanbul, Turkey)
Adjunct Assistant Professor at Koç University (Istanbul, Turkey)
- Research Project: The evolution of housing in Asia Minor during the Late Republic and Early
Imperial Period (2nd c. BC-1st c. AD): an indication for ‘Romanization’?
01/10/2008-14/09/2010: Post-Doctoral Fellow of the Research Foundation – Flanders (Belgium)
Sagalassos Archaeological Research Project
(Prof. Dr. M. Waelkens – K.U.Leuven – Belgium)
- Research Project: The evolution of housing in the Greek East during the Late Republic and Early
Imperial Period (2nd c. BC-1st c. AD): an indication for Romanization?
- Collaboration with the scientific and practical functioning of the Sagalassos Archaeological
Research Project (cf. Supra)
01/10/2003-30/09/2008: Post-Doctoral Fellow of the Research Foundation – Flanders (Belgium)
Sagalassos Archaeological Research Project
(Prof. Dr. M. Waelkens – K.U.Leuven – Belgium)
Research Project: The transformation of the culture of housing and living at Sagalassos as a
source of social behavior and urban mentality history between the 4th and 7th century AD. A case
study placed within a wider Anatolian context.
Involvement with the Sagalassos Archaeological Research Project and teaching and training
responsibilities at the K.U.Leuven (cf. Supra)
01/11/2002-30/9/2003: Research Fellow of the Sagalassos Archaeological Research Project
(Prof. Dr. M. Waelkens – K.U.Leuven – Belgium)
Collaborator of the Interuniversity Pole of Attraction Project (Belgian Science Policy): IPA V:
Urban and rural transformation in the western and eastern Roman Empire. Interdisciplinary
archaeology of late antique and mediaeval times (2002-2006)
Responsible for the practical and scientific organisation and the execution of the excavations at
the ‘Urban Mansion’ at Sagalassos (cf. supra)
01/11/1998-30/10/2002: Doctoral Programme in Archaeology
Research Fellow of the Historical Topography of the Fayum in the
Greco-Roman Period Project of the K.U.Leuven Research Council
(Prof. Dr. W. Clarysse – K.U.Leuven – Belgium)
Preparation of my PhD with as topic: Hawara in the Graeco-Roman Period. Life and Death in a
Fayum Village (Supervisor: Prof. Dr. W. Clarysse) (cf. supra)
Interdisciplinary study of other Fayum sites alongside Hawara within the framework of the
Historical Topography of the Fayum in the Greco-Roman Period Project, which intended to
reconstruct the occupation history of the Egyptian Arsinoite nome during the Graeco-Roman
period, on the basis of Greek and Demotic papyri, literary texts, inscriptions and archaeological
Collaboration with the Prosopographia Ptolemaica listing all inhabitants of Egypt between 300
and 30 BC, known from Greek, Egyptian and Latin sources, both literary texts and documents.
Collaboration with the Leuven Homepage of Papyrus Collections World Wide of Prof. Dr. W.
Clarysse (K.U.Leuven), a comprehensive and invaluable database of papyrus and ostraka
collections from the ancient Mediterranean World (ca. 2000 BC-ca. 500 AD) scattered over
almost 30 countries and 350 institutions.
This database is currently incorporated in and actually forms the basis of the large-scale
Trismegistos database, an interdisciplinary portal of papyrological and epigraphical resources
dealing with Egypt and the Nile valley between ca. 800 BC and 800 AD.
Teaching Activities
* Overview of Courses and Seminars
Koç University Istanbul – Turkey
- 2012-2013:
- ASIU. 115: Greek and Roman Art and Architecture
- 2011-2012:
- 25/10/2011: Guest lecture in the course ARHA 526. Material and Textual Evidence on Late
Antique and Byzantine Urban Studies (Assistant Prof. A. Ricci): Researching Late Antiquity at
Sagalassos (Turkey)
- 2010-2011:
- Undergraduate course (including examination) ARHA 320. Rome, Roman Cities and Countryside
- 15/03/2011: Guest lecture in the course ARHA 526. Material and Textual Evidence on Late
Antique and Byzantine Urban Studies (Assistant Prof. A. Ricci): Researching Late Antiquity at
Sagalassos (Turkey)
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven – Belgium
- 2009-2010:
- Bachelor course (2nd and 3rd year students) F0JA1A Art of Antiquity (26h), for students in Art
History, History and Language & Literature
- Bachelor course (3rd year students) F0IG5A Classical Archaeology: The West-Mediterranean
World (13h) dedicated to the Roman villa
- Master course (4th year students) F0IG8A Early Christian and Late Antique Archaeology: Western
and Eastern Mediterranean (13h) dedicated to a comparative study between Rome and
- Master course (4th year students including students of the English program) B-KUL-F0VU5A
Classical Period: Option Western and Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology (13h)
- 2008-2009:
Bachelor course (2nd and 3rd year students) F0JA1A Art of Antiquity (26h)
Bachelor course (3rd year students) F0UR1a Late Antique and Early Christian Archaeology in the
Western and Eastern Mediterranean (13h)
- Bachelor course (3rd year students) F0IG5A Classical Archaeology: The West-Mediterranean
World (13h) dedicated to the Roman villa
- Bachelor course (2nd year students) F0JA1A Art of Antiquity (26h)
- Introduction lesson and composition of a reading package related to the Bachelor course (3rd
year students) F0UR1a Late Antique and Early Christian Archaeology in the Western and Eastern
Mediterranean (13u), dedicated to the discussion on ‘decline’ or ‘change’ in Late Antiquity
- Introduction lesson and composition of a reading package related to the Master course F0IG5A
Classical Archaeology: The West-Mediterranean World (13h), dedicated to the relationship
between Rome and the East after the conquest of Greece
- Replacing Prof. Dr. M. Waelkens for a section of the Bachelor course (1st year students) F01G1A
Archaeology and Art of the Classical World (4h)
- Replacing Prof. Dr. M. Waelkens for the section History of Archaeological Science, as part of the
Bachelor course (1st year students) F0IA0A Heuristics of Archaeology (4h)
- Introduction lesson, composition of a reading package and seminar/discussion forum related to
the Master course F0IG5A Classical Archaeology: The West-Mediterranean World (26h),
dedicated to the relations between the Greek and Roman world, with a focus on the introduction
of a luxurious life style in the West under influence of the Greek World
- Replacing Prof. Dr. M. Waelkens for the ‘Master in Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology’ (Master
after Master) course Archaeology of Urban Sites: Greece and Anatolia (13h)
- Theoretical introduction on architectural drawing in archaeology as part of the Bachelor course
(2nd year students) F01B4A: Methodology of the Archaeological Research II (2h)
- Seminar/discussion forum (13h) related to the Master course F019 Archaeology and Art of the
Greek World II: Greek Archaeology – Archaic and Classical Period, dedicated to the origin and
development of the Greek Polis
- 15/10/2005: Introduction lesson on Archaeology within the framework of the ‘Kinderuniversiteit’
(Children’s University) of the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, for children between 10 and 14
years old
- Seminar/discussion forum (13h) related to the Master course F019 Archaeology and Art of the
Greek World II: Greek Archaeology – Archaic and Classical Period, dedicated to the origin and
development of the Greek Polis
Archaeological Fieldwork and Study Stays Abroad:
* Excavations and Surveys
Sagalassos (Ağlasun – Burdur) (Director: Prof. Dr. M. Waelkens – K.U.Leuven)
1997: Site Assistant on the excavations of ‘Upper Agora North’ with its Hellenistic-Roman shops, and
of the Bouleuterion of the city, which was built in the 1st century BC, and in the 5th century AD
transformed in a church complex.
Since 1998: Site Supervisor of the excavations at the ‘Urban Mansion’ in the eastern residential
quarter of the town (site: Domestic Area)
- 03/03-01/04/2000
Hawara – Field Director of the archaeological Hawara 2000 Survey
(General Director: Prof. Dr. W. Clarysse – K.U.Leuven)
Responsible for the entire scientific and practical organisation of the survey
- September 1996 (3 weeks)
- September-October 1997 (6 weeks)
- September-October 1998 (8 weeks)
Herdonia (Ordona) (Directors: Prof. Dr. F. Van Wonterghem – K.U.Leuven /Prof. Dr. G. Volpe –
Università degli Studi di Bari)
1996 and 1997:
- Collaboration with the excavation of a Roman living quarter and the Via Traiana
- Co-Trench Supervisor, responsible for the excavations in the Roman baths and Via Traiana
area with late antique occupation levels
- Summer 1995-Spring 1996: Rotselaar (Prof. Dr. M. Lodewijckx – K.U.Leuven/HAGOK):
Collaboration with the excavation of a mediaeval water mill
- 15/07-02/08/1996: Zonhoven, Molenheide (Director: Prof. Dr. P. Vermeersch – K.U.Leuven):
Collaboration with the excavation of a Late Upper-Paleolithic site of the Ahrensburg Culture
- October 1997: Bruges (Institute for the Archaeological Patrimony – Flanders):
Collaboration with the excavation of a Gallo-Roman settlement
- Spring-Autumn 1997 and Spring 1999: Rotselaar, Monastery ‘Vrouwenpark’, (Prof. Dr. M.
Lodewijckx – K.U.Leuven/HAGOK):
Collaboration with the excavation of a 12th century Cistercian monastery
- 04-10/04/2009
- 06-12/04/2010
- 16-24/04/2011
- 10-25/05/2012
Boeotia Survey Project – Koroneia and Hyettos (Director: Prof. Dr. J. Bintliff - Leiden University, The
Participation with the archaeological survey at sites of ancient Boeotia
- Responsible for the recording and study of the architectural surface remains at the
archaeological sites of Koroneia and Hyettos, including architectural evidence ranging from the
Archaic Period to the Byzantine Time
* Long Study Stays at Foreign Universities and Institutions
09/09/2011-30/11/2011: Study stay at the Deutsches Archäologisches Institut – Istanbul (Turkey)
- Study stay as Post-Doctoral Researcher of the K.U.Leuven (Belgium)
01/10/2008-19/06/2009: Study stay at the Deutsches Archäologisches Institut – Istanbul (Turkey)
- Long study stay at a foreign institution as Post-Doctoral Researcher of the Research Foundation –
Flanders (Belgium)
Participation with International Congresses and Workshops:
09/06/2012 – Wilrijk (Belgium), Pro Mosaico International v.z.w.: 10-daagse van de mozaïekkunst (’10
Days of Mosaic Art – 8-18 June 2012)
- I. Uytterhoeven, De mozaïeken van Sagalassos (‘The mosaics of Sagalassos) (invited lecture)
16/02/2012 – Istanbul (Turkey), Koç University – Social Science Seminar:
- I. Uytterhoeven, ‘Magnificent Vestibules, Elegant Gates and Decorated Porticoes’. Luxury and
Representation in the Hellenistic, Roman and Late Antique Urban Élite Houses of Anatolia (invited
8-11/02/2012 – Berlin (Germany), Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, International colloquium: 11.
Diskussionen zur Archäologischen Bauforschung. Die Architektur des Weges. Gestaltete Bewegung im
gebauten Raum:
- I. Uytterhoeven, Passages Full of Surprises. Circulation Patterns Within the Late Antique Urban
Élite Houses of Asia Minor (lecture)
29/04/2011 – Istanbul (Turkey), Koç University Research Center for Anatolian Civilizations, RCAC
Fellows’ Mini-Symposia 2011 – Session: Roman and Byzantine Luxury in the Public and Private Sphere:
- I. Uytterhoeven, Baths and Fountains: Water Luxury in a Private Context (lecture)
31/03-02/04/2011 – Hamburg (Germany), Universität Hamburg, Archäologische Institut, International
workshop: Wohnen im Altertum. Interdisziplinäre Forschungen zu Aspekten von Lebens-, Wirtschafts-,
Repräsentations- und Kultbereichen im antiken Haus:
- I. Uytterhoeven, Impressive Water: The Representative Role of Water-Related Features in Urban
Elite Dwellings of Roman and Late Antique Asia Minor (lecture)
07-08/12/2010 – Istanbul (Turkey), Balnéorient and Institut Français des Etudes Anatoliennes,
International workshop: Water Supply and Water Structures in Anatolia and Bordering Regions: From
Antiquity to Modern Times:
I. Uytterhoeven, Bathing in a 'Western Style'. Private Bath Complexes in Roman and Late Antique
Asia Minor (invited lecture)
03-05/12/2010 – Leuven (Belgium), K.U.Leuven, Department of Archaeology, Art History and
Musicology, ROCT (Roman Craft and Trade) Conference: Production and Prosperity in the Theodosian
- I. Uytterhoeven, Hypsorophos Domos: Residential Architecture in the Theodosian City (invited
13/11/2010 – Istanbul (Turkey), Deutsche Archäologische Institut, Wissenschaftliches Netzwerk
‘Epochenwandel und historische Transformationsprozesse in Anatolien‘ 4. Netzwerktreffen und
Workshop in Istanbul, Workshop: Epochenwandel und historische Transformationsprozesse in antiker
und moderner Wohnarchitektur:
I. Uytterhoeven, Seven Centuries Building and Rebuilding. The Urban Mansion of Sagalassos
within its Anatolian Housing Context (invited lecture)
27/10/2010 – Istanbul (Turkey), Koç University Research Center for Anatolian Civilizations, Project
- I. Uytterhoeven, The Evolution of Housing in Asia Minor During the Late Republic and Early
Imperial Period (2nd c. BC-1st c. AD): An Indication for 'Romanization'? (lecture)
13-17/09/2010 – Ephesos-Selçuk (Turkey), Association Internationale pour la Peinture Murale
Antique (AIPMA), XI. Internationales Kolloquium der AIPMA – Antike Malerei zwischen Lokalstil und
I. Uytterhoeven, H. Kökten, V. Muros and M. Waelkens, Bits and Pieces. Wall Paintings in the
Late-Antique Urban Mansion of Sagalassos (Ağlasun, Burdur - Turkey) (lecture)
03/06/2010 – Istanbul (Turkey), Boğaziçi Üniversitesi, History Department:
- I. Uytterhoeven, Private Housing at Ancient Sagalassos (Ağlasun, Burdur) (invited lecture)
24-28/05/2010 – Istanbul (Turkey), 32. Uluşlarası Kazı, Araştırma ve Arkeometri Sempozyumu
Sonuçları Toplantası (without active contribution)
14-15/05/2010 – Utrecht (The Netherlands), International colloquium: XX. Tagung der AGCA:
Frühchristliche Archäologie im 21. Jh.:
I. Jacobs and I. Uytterhoeven, Researching Late Antiquity at Sagalassos (Burdur, Turkey) (lecture)
30/03/2010 – Kapelle-Op-Den-Bos (Belgium), St.-Theresia-College – Lecture for last year's High School
- I. Uytterhoeven, Sagalassos (Ağlasun, Burdur) (lecture)
13/11/2009 – Leuven (Belgium), K.U.Leuven, Sagalassos Archaeological Research Project, IUAP P6/22
Meeting: The Transition from Republic to Empire. The Impact of ‘Romanization’ on Cities and
Countryside in Italy and the Provinces (2nd/1st century BC – 2nd/3rd century AD):
I. Uytterhoeven, ‘Traditional Italian’ Architectural Features in Late Antique Elite Houses. The
Urban Mansion of Sagalassos (Ağlasun, Burdur - Turkey) (poster)
16-20/10/2009 – Bursa (Turkey), Association International pour l 'Étude de la Mosaïque Antique
(AIEMA), XI. International AIEMA Mosaic Symposium:
- I. Uytterhoeven, H. Kökten, M. Corremans and M. Waelkens, Late Antique Private Luxury. The
Mosaic Floors of the Urban Mansion of Sagalassos (Ağlasun, Burdur) (lecture)
29/10/2009 – Leuven (Belgium), K.U.Leuven, Sagalassos Archaeological Research Project, GOA Seminar
dedicated to the Archaeological Campaign of 2009:
I. Uytterhoeven, R. Rens and F. Stroobants, SA09-DA1 (The excavations in the Urban Mansion of
Sagalassos) (lecture)
05-06/06/2009 – Leuven (Belgium), K.U.Leuven, Department of Archaeology, Art History and
Musicology, ROCT Conference: Investing in Roman Antiquity. Modelling Moderate Growth:
- I. Uytterhoeven, Living Like an Emperor. (Late) Antique Elite Residences in Asia Minor (lecture)
25-29/05/2009 – Denizli (Turkey), Pamukkale Üniversitesi, 31. Uluşlarası Kazı, Araştırma ve Arkeometri
Sempozyumu Sonuçları Toplantası:
I. Uytterhoeven, 2008 Sagalassos Kazı ve Restorasyon Çalışmaları (in Turkish) (lecture)
I. Uytterhoeven, Results of the Sagalassos 2008 Survey and Archaeometrical Campaign (lecture)
21/05/2009 – Isparta (Turkey), Süleyman Demirel University, Department of Archaeology, 'Week of
the Museums' (Müzeler haftası):
- I. Uytterhoeven, Sagalassos (in Turkish) (lecture)
18-21/03/2009 – Aachen (Germany), Frontinus Gesellschaft, SPA Sanitas per Aquam. Internationales
Frontinus Symposium zur Technik- und Kulturgeschichte der antiken Thermen:
I. Uytterhoeven, Private Bathing in the Imperial and Late Antique East. A Contribution to the
Study of Ancient Bathing from a Private Point of View (lecture)
03/03/2009 – Ankara (Turkey), Bilkent University, Department of Archaeology, Evening lecture:
- I. Uytterhoeven, Seven Centuries of Building and Re-building. The Occupation History of the
Urban Mansion of Sagalassos (Burdur - Turkey) (invited lecture)
12/12/2008 – Leuven (Belgium), K.U.Leuven, Nederlands Klassiek Verbond, Colloquium on the 2nd
century AD:
I. Uytterhoeven, Wonen in de Romeinse wereld (Housing in the Roman World) (invited lecture)
10/11/2008 – Istanbul (Turkey), Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, Hauskolloquium:
- I. Uytterhoeven, The Urban Mansion of Sagalassos. From a Late Roman Luxurious Residence to
an Early Byzantine Rural Area (invited lecture)
28-29/08/2008 – Ephesos (Turkey), Ephesos Excavations, Workshop on the Archaeology of the 7th
century AD
I. Uytterhoeven, The Urban Mansion of Sagalassos: ‘Life’ and ‘Afterlife’ of a Late Antique Palatial
Mansion (invited lecture)
02-04/06/2008 – Leuven (Belgium), Department of Archaeology and the Centre for Archaeological
Sciences, International Congress on Holistic Archaeology:
- I. Uytterhoeven, ‘Traditional’ Architectural Elements in Late Antique Domestic Architecture
13 and 15/05/2008 – Leuven/Ghent (Belgium), Egyptologica Flanders, evening lectures:
I. Uytterhoeven, Grieks-Romeins Hawara (Egypte): leven en dood in een Fayum-dorp (GraecoRoman Hawara: life and death in a Fayum village) (invited lecture)
06/05/2008 – Ljubljana (Slovenia), University of Ljubljana – Department of Archaeology:
- I. Uytterhoeven and F. Martens, The Development of Sagalassos. Urban Space and Housing in a
Pisidian town (invited lecture)
20/02/ 2008 – Istanbul (Turkey), Koç University – Social Science Seminar:
I. Uytterhoeven, Living like an Emperor. Late Antique Elite Housing in Sagalassos and Asia Minor
(invited lecture)
20/01/2008 – Brussels (Belgium), Royal Museums for Art and History, Jubelpark, Egyptologisch
Genootschap Koningin Elisabeth Lectures (Aegyptological Society Queen Elisabeth):
- I. Uytterhoeven, Grieks-Romeins Hawara (Egypte): leven en dood in een Fayum-dorp (GraecoRoman Hawara: life and death in a Fayum village) (invited lecture)
17/11/2007 – Leuven (Belgium), K.U.Leuven, 71st Post-University Colloquium ‘Kortenberg’: Nieuwe
vondsten, nieuwe inzichten? Recente ontdekkingen uit de Grieks-Romeinse Oudheid (New finds, new
understandings? Recent discoveries from Greek-Roman Antiquity):
- I. Uytterhoeven, Sagalassos in Pisidië: een balans van 18 jaar opgravingen (Sagalassos in Pisidia:
a balance of 18 years excavations) (invited lecture)
24-27/10/2007 – Vienna (Austria), Austrian Institute, International Colloquium: Urban Living in the
Eastern Mediterranean, 4th century BC – 1st century AD:
I. Uytterhoeven, F. Martens, B. Mušič and M. Waelkens, Housing in Hellenistic and Imperial
Sagalassos (lecture)
I. Uytterhoeven, ‘Traditional’ Architectural Elements in Late Antique Domestic Architecture
28/05-01/06/2007 – Kocaeli (Turkey), Kocaeli Üniversitesi, 29. Uluşlarası Kazı, Araştırma ve Arkeometri
Sempozyumu Sonuçları Toplantası:
I. Uytterhoeven, 2006 Sagalassos Kazı ve Restorasyon Çalışmaları (in Turkish) (lecture)
I. Uytterhoeven, Results of the Sagalassos 2006 Survey and Archaeometrical Campaign (lecture)
31/03-09/04/2007 – Petra-Amman (Jordan), Cura Aquarum in Jordania. 13th International Congress on
the History of Water Management and Hydraulic Engineering in the Mediterranean Region :
I. Uytterhoeven and F. Martens, Private bathing and water consumption at Sagalassos (SWTurkey) and Asia Minor (lecture)
22-24/11/2006 – Ankara (Turkey), Middle East Technical University (METU/ODTÜ), International
colloquium: Türkiye Estetik Kongresi / Turkish Congress of Aesthetics:
I. Jacobs and I. Uytterhoeven, Urban aesthetics in late antique Sagalassos (Burdur-region, Turkey)
08-10/06/2005 – Lecce (Italy), Università di Lecce, International Meeting of Egyptology and
Papyrology: New Archaeological and Papyrological Researches on the Fayyum:
I. Uytterhoeven, Hawara in the Graeco-Roman Period (lecture)
23-24/01/2004 – Brussels-Leuven (Belgium), Section Ancient History, K.U.Leuven, International
colloquium: Archives and Inventories in Greece and the Eastern Mediterranean (without active
12-13/12/2003 – Leuven (Belgium), Section: Archaeology, K.U.Leuven, International ROCT
Workshop on Contextual Archaeology (without active contribution)
15-18/05/2003, London (United Kingdom), British Academy, International colloquium: The Transition
to Late Antiquity (without active contribution)
03/09/2001 – Brussels (Belgium), Section: Ancient History, K.U.Leuven and Koninklijke Vlaamse
Academie van België voor Wetenschappen en Kunsten (Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium – Sciences
and Arts), International colloquium: Edfu: an Egyptian provincial capital in the Ptolemaic Period
(without active contribution)
20-21/10/2001 – Leuven (Belgium), Egyptologica Flanders, Colloquium: The Belgian Excavations
in Egypt:
I. Uytterhoeven, Hawara, van piramide tot mummieportretten (Hawara, from pyramid to
mummy portraits) (invited lecture)
21-22/09/2001 – Leuven (Belgium), Section: Ancient History, K.U.Leuven, International colloquium:
The Shadow of Polybius (without active contribution)
19-20/05/2000 – Leuven (Belgium), Section: Archaeology, K.U.Leuven, Second International ROCTConference: The Economy of Roman Pottery. Approaching Production Mechanism and Exchange
Patterns (without active contribution)
19/05/2000 – Leuven (Belgium), Faculty of Arts, K.U.Leuven:
I. Uytterhoeven, Hawara: tombes en huizen aan de oppervlakte (Hawara: tombs and houses at
the surface) (lecture)
09-10/03/2000 – Brussels and Leuven (Belgium), Section: Ancient History, K.U.Leuven,
Wetenschappelijke Onderzoeksgemeenschap Maatschappij en Administratie in de Hellenistische en
Romeinse Wereld (Scientific Research Community – Society and Administration in the Hellenistic and
Roman World), de Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie van België voor Wetenschappen en Kunsten (Royal
Flemish Academy of Belgium – Sciences and Arts) and the Fund of Scientific Research – Flanders,
International Colloquium: Papyrus Collections World Wide:
- Collaboration with the organisation of the colloquium
- Contribution to the conference proceedings (cf. infra)
21/11/1999 – Vaalbeek (Belgium), Post-University Study Week-end ‘Kortenberg’:
- I. Uytterhoeven, Computer demonstration ‘De Grieken in Egypte. Hun boeken, hun dromen, hun
portretten’ (The Greek in Egypt. Their books, their dreams, their portraits)
20/03/1999 – Brussels (Belgium), Meeting of the Koninklijke Zuid-Nederlandse Maatschappij (Royal
South-Dutch Society):
I. Uytterhoeven, Aesernia: een Romeinse stad in het Samnitische bergland (Aesernia: a Roman
city in the Samnite mountains) (lecture)
Collaboration with Exhibitions:
20/03-28/04/2006 – Leuven (Belgium), K.U.Leuven, Faculty of Arts, Research Group Science and
Ethics. The Importance of Truthful Research and Education: Van citaat tot plagiaat, van kopie tot
vervalsing (From quotation to plagiarism, from copy to forgery)
I. Uytterhoeven, De Perzische Mummy. Van Diplomatieke Rel tot Moordverhaal (The Persian
Mummy. From Diplomatic Issue to Murder Story)
27/11/2001-17/03/2002 – Vienna (Austria), Gold der Pharaonen. Eine Ausstellung des
Kunsthistorischen Museums Wien. 27. November 2001 bis 17. März 2002
- Contributions to the exhibition catalogue (cf. infra, Publications)
25/09/1999-06/02/2000 – Tongeren (Belgium), Gallo-Roman Museum
01/03-12/06/2000 – Valenciennes (France), Musée des Beaux-Arts
25/06-26/11/2000 – Lyon (France), Musée de la Civilisation Gallo-Romaine
08/12/2000-10/03/2001 – Amsterdam (The Netherlands), Allard Pierson Museum
Keizers aan de Nijl/Les Empereurs du Nil (Emperors at the Nile)
- Scientific collaboration with the information panels
- Scientific execution of the interactive CD-rom presentation about Roman portrait mummies
’Onder vier ogen’
- Contributions to the exhibition catalogue (cf. infra, Publications)
List of Publications:
- I. Uytterhoeven (2009a) Hawara in the Graeco-Roman Period. Life and Death in a Fayum Village,
Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 174, Leuven (ISBN 978-90-429-2033-0)
*Peer-Reviewed Articles in Journals and Books:
- I. Uytterhoeven (accepted) Living like an Emperor. (Late) antique elite residences in Asia Minor,
FACTA. A Journal of Roman Material Culture Studies
I. Uytterhoeven (in press) Bathing in a 'Western Style'. Private Bath Complexes in Roman and Late
Antique Asia Minor, Istanbuler Mitteilungen 61, 2011
I. Uytterhoeven (2007) Housing in Late Antiquity: thematic perspectives, in L. Lavan, L. Özgenel
and A. Sarantis (eds.) Housing in Late Antiquity. From Palaces to Shops, LAA Supplementary
Series 1, Leiden, 25-66
I. Uytterhoeven (2007) Housing in Late Antiquity: regional perspectives, in L. Lavan, L. Özgenel
and A. Sarantis (eds.) Housing in Late Antiquity. From Palaces to Shops, LAA Supplementary
Series 1, Leiden, 67-96
M. Waelkens, T. Putzeys, I. Uytterhoeven, T. Van Thuyne, W. Van Neer, J. Poblome and N. Kellens
(2007) Two Late Antique housing units at Sagalassos, in L. Lavan, L. Özgenel and A. Sarantis (eds.)
Housing in Late Antiquity. From Palaces to Shops, LAA Supplementary Series 1, Leiden, 495-514
T. Putzeys, T. Van Thuyne, J. Poblome, I. Uytterhoeven, M. Waelkens and R. Degeest (2004)
Analyzing domestic contexts at Sagalassos: developing a methodology using ceramics and marcobotanical remains, Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology 17.1, 31-57
I. Uytterhoeven and I. Blom-Böer (2002) New Light on the Egyptian Labyrinth. Evidence from a
Survey at Hawara, Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 88, 111-120; Pl. XII-XV
- I. Uytterhoeven (1998/1999) The Forum of Aesernia. A Development Sketch, Ancient Society 29,
*Non-Peer-Reviewed Articles in Journals and Books:
In press
- I. Uytterhoeven (in press) The Bouleuterium-Church Complex on the Upper Agora. Architecture,
stratigraphy, Chronology, in M. Waelkens, P. Bes and I. Jacobs (eds.) Sagalassos VII, Turnhout
- I. Uytterhoeven (in press) Architectural survey at Koroneia, in J. Bintliff, B. Noordervliet, J. van
Zwienen, I. Uytterhoeven, M. van der Enden, P. Bes et al., The Leiden-Ljubljana Ancient Cities of
Boeotia Project 2010 seasons, Pharos 17, 2011
- I. Uytterhoeven (accepted) The ‘Urban Mansion’ of Sagalassos. Architecture, stratigraphy,
chronology, in M. Waelkens (eds.) Sagalassos VIII, Leuven
I. Uytterhoeven (2012) Architectural remains at Koroneia, in J. Bintliff, B. Slapsak, B. Noordervliet,
J. van Zwienen, I. Uytterhoeven, K. Sarri, M. van der Enden, R. Shiel and C. Piccoli, The LeidenLjubljana Ancient Cities of Boeotia Project 2009 seasons, Pharos 16, 2010
I. Uytterhoeven (in press) De ‘Hawara 2000 Survey’ (K.U.Leuven): een Fayumisch necropooldorp
in kaart gebracht (The ‘Hawara 2000 Survey’: mapping a necropolis village in the Fayum), in:
Belgische archeologie in Egypte (Belgian archaeology in Egypt)
I. Uytterhoeven (2009) Know your Classics! Manifestations of ‘classical culture’ in late antique
domestic contexts, in P. Van Nuffelen (ed.) Faces of Hellenism. Studies in the History of the
Eastern Mediterranean (4th century B.C.-5th century A.D.), Studia Hellenistica 48, Leuven, 321342
I. Uytterhoeven (2006) De ‘Perzische mummie’. Van diplomatieke rel tot moordverhaal (The
‘Persian Mummy’. From diplomatic issue to murder story), in Faculteit Letteren – K.U.Leuven,
Van citaat tot plagiaat, van kopie tot vervalsing (From quote to plagiarism, from copy to forgery),
Ethische perspectieven 16.4, 421-422
I. Uytterhoeven (2001) Hawara (Fayum): Tombs and Houses on the Surface. A Preliminary Report
of the K.U.Leuven Site Survey, Ricerche di Egittologia e di Antichità Copte 3, 45-83
I. Uytterhoeven, F. Martens and M. Waelkens (2000) 4. The ‘terrace building’ and workshop area
of the Upper Agora North, in M. Waelkens, J. Poblome, E. Paulissen, P. Talloen, J. Vandenbergh,
V. Vanderginst, B. Arıkan, I. Van Damme, I. Akyel, F. Martens, M. Martens, I. Uytterhoeven, T.
Debruyne, D. Depraetere, K. Baran, B. Van Daele, Z. Parras, S. Yıldırım, S. Bubel, H. Vanhaverbeke,
C. Licoppe, F. Landuyt, R. Degeest, L. Vandeput,T. Patricio, S. Ercan, K. Van Balen, E. Smits, F.
Depuydt, L. Moens and P. De Paepe, The 1996 and 1997 excavation seasons at Sagalassos, in M.
Waelkens and L. Loots (eds.), Sagalassos V. Report on the Survey and Excavation Campaigns of
1996 and 1997, Acta Archaeologica Lovaniensia Monographiae 10, Leuven, 268-297
I. Uytterhoeven (2000) Aesernia: een Romeinse stad in het Samnitische bergland (Aesernia: a
Roman city in the Samnite mountains), Handelingen van de Koninklijke Zuid-Nederlandse
Maatschappij voor Taal- en Letterkunde en Geschiedenis 54, 183-213
*Articles in Congress Proceedings:
In press
- I. Uytterhoeven (in press) Hypsorophos Domos: residential architecture in the Theodosian city, in
I. Jacobs (ed.) Production and Prosperity in the Theodosian Age. 3-5 December 2010. Katholieke
Universiteit Leuven. Conference Proceedings
- I. Uytterhoeven (in press) The south-west area of the Upper Agora, in M. Waelkens et al., Report
on the 2010 excavation and restoration activities at Tepe Düzen and at Sagalassos, 33. Kazı
Sonuçları Toplantısı, Malatya 23-27 Mayıs 2011, Ankara
- I. Uytterhoeven (in press) The ‘Urban Mansion’ of Sagalassos, in M. Waelkens et al., Report on
the 2010 excavation and restoration activities at Tepe Düzen and at Sagalassos, 33. Kazı Sonuçları
Toplantısı, Malatya 23-27 Mayıs 2011, Ankara
- I. Uytterhoeven (in press) The ‘Urban Mansion’ of Sagalassos, in M. Waelkens et al., Holistic
Archaeology at Sagalassos, in International Congress on Holistic Archaeology, Leuven
- I. Uytterhoeven, H. Kökten, M. Corremans, P. Degryse and M. Waelkens (in press) Late antique
private luxury. The mosaic floors of the Urban Mansion of Sagalassos (Ağlasun, Burdur), in
Proceedings of the XI. International AIEMA Mosaic Symposium. Bursa, 16-20 October 2009
- I. Uytterhoeven, H. Kökten, V. Muros and M. Waelkens (in press) Bits and pieces. Wall paintings
in the late-antique Urban Mansion of Sagalassos (Ağlasun, Burdur - Turkey), in N. Zimmermann
(ed.) Proceedings of the XI. Internationales Kolloquium der AIPMA (Association internationale
pour la peinture murale antique) – Antike Malerei zwischen Lokalstil und Zeitstil? 13.-17.
September 2010 – Ephesos/Selçuk – Türkei, Vienna
- I. Uytterhoeven (in press) Impressive water: the representative role of water-related features in
urban elite dwellings of Roman and Late Antique Asia Minor, in A. Harms and A. Siegmüller (eds.)
Internationaler Workshop. Wohnen im Altertum. Interdisziplinäre Forschungen zu Aspekten von
Lebens-, Wirtschafts-, Repräsentations- und Kultbereichen im antiken Haus. 31. März-02. April
2011, Hamburg
I. Uytterhoeven (2012) Private bathing in the Imperial and late antique East. A contribution to the
study of ancient bathing from a private point of view, in R. Kreiner and W. Letzner (ed.) SPA
SANITAS PER AQUAM. Tagungsband des Internationalen Frontinus-Symposiums zur Technik- und
Kulturgeschichte der antiken Thermen. Aachen, 18.-22. März 2009 – Proceedings of the
International Frontinus-Symposium on the Technical and Cultural History of Ancient Baths.
Aachen, March 18-22, Leuven – Paris – Walpole, MA, 289-293
I. Uytterhoeven (2011) The Urban Mansion of Sagalassos, in M. Waelkens, K. Vyncke, H.
Vanhaverbeke, J. Poblome, V. Lauwers, I. Jacobs, J. Claeys, M. Lefère, H. Uzunoğlu, J. Richard, K.
Schuitema, I. Uytterhoeven, E. Murphy, R. Willet, E. Torun and S. Ercan, Report on the 2008 and
2009 excavation and restoration activities at Tepe Düzen and at Sagalassos, 32. Kazı Sonuçları
Toplantısı, İstanbul 24-28 Mayıs 2010, Ankara
I. Uytterhoeven, F. Martens, B. Mušič and M. Waelkens (2010) Urban housing in the Pisidian
town of Sagalassos (Burdur, Turkey), in S. Ladstätter and V. Scheibelreiter (eds.) (2010) Urban
Living in the Eastern Mediterranean 4th century BC – 1st century AD. Vienna, 24-27 October
2007, Vienna, 291-310
I. Uytterhoeven (2009) The Palatial Mansion, in M. Waelkens (2009) Report on the 2006 and
2007 excavation and restoration activities at Tepe Düzen and at Sagalassos, in 30. Kazı Sonuçları
Toplantısı. 3. Cilt. 26-30 Mayis 2008, Ankara, Ankara, 440-442
B. Mušič, V. De Laet, F. Martens, D. Similox-Tohon, G. Verstraeten, J. Poblome, P. Talloen, I.
Uytterhoeven and M.Waelkens (2009) Geophysics, satelite imagery, urban survey and
archaeological excavations - complementary contributions to reconstruct a past urban landscape
- the case of Sagalassos (SW-Turkey), in Proceedings of the 13th International Congress ‘Cultural
Heritage and New Technologies’, November 3rd– 5th 2008, Vienna, Vienna, 1-23
I. Uytterhoeven and F. Martens (2008) Private bathing and water consumption at Sagalassos
(SW-Turkey) and Asia Minor, in C. Ohlig (ed.) Cura Aquarum in Jordania. Proceedings of the
Thirteenth International Congress on the History of Water Management and Hydraulic
Engineering in the Mediterranean Region, Petra/Amman, Jordan, March 31-April 9, 2007,
Siegburg, 285-300
I. Uytterhoeven (2007) Hawara in the Graeco-Roman period, in M. Capasso and P. Davoli (eds.)
New Archaeological and Papyrological Researches on the Fayyum. Proceedings of the
International Meeting of Egyptology and Papyrology. Lecce, June 8th-10th 2005, Lecce 2007, 313344
I. Uytterhoeven (2007) Urban aesthetics in Late Antique Sagalassos. II. The private urban
mansion, in J.N. Erzen and P. Yoncacı (eds.) Türkiye’de estetik/Aesthetics in Turkey. Turkish
Congress of Aesthetics Proceedings, Ankara, 473-488
I. Uytterhoeven, I. Jacobs and M. Kiremitçi (2006) The Domestic Area excavation, in M. Waelkens,
Report on the 2005 excavation and restoration campaign at Sagalassos, 28. Kazı Sonuçları
Toplantısı. 2. Cilt. 29 Mayis-2 Haziran 2005, Çanakkale, Ankara, 317-319
I. Uytterhoeven and M. Waelkens (2005) II. The Domestic Area excavation, in M. Waelkens,
Report on the 2003 excavation and restoration campaign at Sagalassos, 26. Kazı Sonuçları
Toplantısı. 1. Cilt. 24-28 mayis 2004, Konya, Ankara, 422-424; 432-433
I. Uytterhoeven, T. Putzeys and M. Waelkens (2004) 3. The Domestic Area, in M. Waelkens,
Report on the 2002 excavation and restoration campaign at Sagalassos, in 25. Kazı Sonuçları
Toplantısı. 1. Cilt. 26-31 mayis 2003, Ankara, Ankara, 217-218; 224-226
I. Uytterhoeven (2002) The Domestic Area DA1, in M. Waelkens, The 2000 Excavation and
Restoration Season at Sagalassos, in 23. Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı International Symposium on the
Excavation Results, Part 1, 28 May-1 June 2001, Ankara, Ankara, 15-16
I. Uytterhoeven, T. Helsen, T. Vereenooghe, M. Waelkens, J. Poblome and R. Degeest (2001) The
Domestic Area I excavation, in M. Waelkens, The 1998-99 Excavation Campaign at Sagalassos, in
22. Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı International Symposium on the Excavation Results, Part 2, 22-26
May 2000, Ankara (Ankara 2001) 167-169
I. Uytterhoeven (2000) An Introduction to the Hawara Archives, in W. Clarysse and H. Verreth
(eds.), Papyrus Collections World Wide. 9-10 March 2000 (Brussels-Leuven), Koninklijke Vlaamse
Academie van België voor Wetenschappen en Kunsten, Brussels, 103-110
M. Waelkens, I. Akyel, F.Landuyt, F. Martens and I. Uytterhoeven (1999) The bouleuterion, in M.
Waelkens, P.M. Vermeersch, I. Öztürk, E. Ekinci, W. Viaene, E. Paulissen, F. Depuydt, B. Arıkan, I.
Van Damme, J. Van den Bergh, I. Akyel, F. Martens, I. Uytterhoeven, T. Debruyne, D. Depraetere,
K. Baran, B. Van Daele, S. Yıldırım, C. Licoppe, J. Poblome, R. Degeest, L. Vandeput, L. Loots, P.
Degryse, T. Patricio, S. Ercan and K. Van Balen, The 1997 Excavation Campaign at Sagalassos and
Dereköy, 20. International Symposium on the Excavation Results, 25-29 May 1998, Ankara,
Ankara, 287-288
M. Waelkens, F. Martens, I. Uytterhoeven and D. Çamurcuoğlu (1999) The Workshop of Upper
Agora North, in M. Waelkens, P.M. Vermeersch, I. Öztürk, E. Ekinci, W. Viaene, E. Paulissen, F.
Depuydt, B. Arıkan, I. Van Damme, J. Van den Bergh, I. Akyel, F. Martens, I. Uytterhoeven, T.
Debruyne, D. Depraetere, K. Baran, B. Van Daele, S. Yıldırım, C. Licoppe, J. Poblome, R. Degeest,
L. Vandeput, L. Loots, P. Degryse, T. Patricio, S. Ercan and K. Van Balen, The 1997 Excavation
Campaign at Sagalassos and Dereköy, 20. International Symposium on the Excavation Results, 2529 May 1998, Ankara, Ankara, 288-289
*Abstracts of Presentations:
- I. Uytterhoeven (2011) Impressive water: the representative role of water-related features in
urban élite dwellings of Roman and late antique Asia Minor, in Internationaler Workshop.
Wohnen im Altertum. Interdisziplinäre Forschungen zu Aspekten von Lebens-, Wirtschafts-,
Repräsentations- und Kultbereichen im antiken Haus. 31. März-02. April 2011 (Abstracts),
Hamburg, 27
- I. Uytterhoeven (2011) Running water. Aqueducts as suppliers of private water facilities in (late)
Roman Asia Minor, in International Colloquium: Historische Wasserleitungen Gestern – Heute –
Morgen mit besonderer Berücksichtigung ihrer denkmalgerechten und betriebssicheren Erhaltung
organised by the European Council of the Village and Small Town, Frontinus-Gesellschaft,
Österreichisches Archäologisches Institut and Wiener Wasserwerke – Vienna, 19-23 October
2011. Abstracts, Vienna, 26-27
I. Uytterhoeven (2010) Hypsorophos Domos: residential architecture in the Theodosian city, in
Production and Prosperity in the Theodosian Age. 3-5 December 2010. Katholieke Universiteit
Leuven. Abstracts, Leuven, 2
I. Uytterhoeven, H. Kökten, P. Degryse and M. Waelkens (2010) Bits and pieces. Wall paintings in
the late-antique Urban Mansion of Sagalassos (Ağlasun, Burdur - Turkey), in XI. Internationales
Kolloquium der AIPMA (Association internationale pour la peinture murale antique) – Antike
Malerei zwischen Lokalstil und Zeitstil? 13.-17. September 2010 – Ephesos/Selçuk – Türkei.
Abstracts, Selçuk, 22-23
I. Uytterhoeven (2009) Private bathing in the Imperial and late antique East.
A contribution to the study of ancient bathing from a private point of view, in SPA Sanitas per
Aquam. Internationales Frontinus. Symposium zur Technik- und Kulturgeschichte der antiken
Thermen. 18-21/03/2009. Abstracts, Aachen
I. Uytterhoeven, H. Kökten, M. Corremans and M. Waelkens (2009) Late antique private luxury.
The mosaic floors of the Urban Mansion of Sagalassos (Ağlasun, Burdur), in Abstracts of the XI.
International AIEMA Mosaic Symposium. Bursa, 16-20 October 2009
I. Uytterhoeven, F. Martens and M. Waelkens (2007) Urban housing in the Pisidian town of
Sagalassos (Burdur – Turkey), in Städtisches Wohnen im Östlichen Mittelmeerraum 4. Jh. V. Chr. –
1. Jh. n. Chr. Kolloquium. Wien, 24.-27. Oktober 2007. Abstracts, Wien
I. Jacobs, I. Uytterhoeven and M. Waelkens (2006) Urban aesthetics in Sagalassos, in Abstracts of
the Turkish Congress of Aesthetic. Aesthetics in Turkey 22-24 November 2006, Ankara, Ankara, 90
*Contributions in Exhibition Catalogues:
- I. U(ytterhoeven) (2001) 160. Spiralarmband; 161. Schlangenarmreif, in W. Seipel (ed.) Gold der
Pharaonen. Eine Ausstellung des Kunsthistorischen Museums Wien. 27. November 2001 bis 17.
März 2002, Wien, 128; 130-131
I. Uytterhoeven and H. Willems (1999) 15. Mummieportret, and
I. Uytterhoeven (1999) 116. Mummieportret van een vrouw; 144. Armband (replica); 145.
Spiraalarmband; 146. Slangenarmband; 147. Halsketting met Medusa; 148. Dubbelring; 149. Ring
met Griekse inscriptie; 150. Gouden slangenring, in H. Willems and W. Clarysse (eds.) Keizers aan
de Nijl, Leuven, 209-210; 234-237
Also published in French as: H. Willems and W. Clarysse (eds.) (1999) Les Empereurs du Nil,
- I. Uytterhoeven (accepted) Review of: N. Burkhardt and R.H.W. Stichel (eds.) (2010) Die antike
Stadt im Umbruch. Kolloquium in Darmstadt, 19. bis 20. Mai 2006, Wiesbaden, Göttinger Forum
für Altertumswissenschaft
I. Uytterhoeven (2010) Review of: S. Pasek, Hawara. Eine ägyptische Siedlung in hellenistischer
Zeit. 1. Teil: Die Siedlung Hawara; 2. Teil: Die demotischen und griechischen Papyri
(Altertumswissenschaften/Archäologie, Band 1-2), Berlin, 2007, BiOr, col. 85-90
I. Uytterhoeven (2009) Review of: G. Hadji-Minaglou, Tebtynis IV. Les habitations à l'est du
Temple de Soknebtynis. (FIFAO 56). IFAO, Cairo, 2007, BiOr 5-6, kol. 615-620
*Contributions in Encyclopaedias:
In press
- I. Uytterhoeven (in press) Hawara, in R. Bagnall, K. Brodersen, C. Champion, A. Erskine and S.
Hübner (eds.) Encyclopaedia of Ancient History, Oxford
*Vulgarising Contributions:
- I. Uytterhoeven, M. Waelkens, R. Van Beeumen, E. Torun, G. Üner and J. Poblome (2011) De
Bovenste Agora. Van toplocatie voor stedelijke zelfrepresentatie tot ambachtelijke zone (‘The
Upper Agora. From area for urban self-representation to industrial zone’), in M. Waelkens and
the Sagalassos Team (eds.) (2011) Sagalassos – Jaarboek 2010. De vroeg- tot midden-Byzantijnse
periode (450-1250 n. Chr.) Het jaarverslag van de campagne van 2010 (‘Sagalassos – Yearly
Report 2010. The Early to Mid Byzantine Period (450-1250 AD). Yearly Report of the 2010
Campaign’), Leuven, 26-53
- I. Uytterhoeven, R. Van Beeumen, M. Waelkens and J. Poblome (2011) Een paleiscomplex dat
niet alleen groter, maar ook ouder wordt (‘A palatial complex, not only becoming larger, but also
older’), in M. Waelkens and the Sagalassos Team (eds.) (2011) Sagalassos – Jaarboek 2010. De
vroeg- tot midden-Byzantijnse periode (450-1250 n. Chr.) Het jaarverslag van de campagne van
2010 (‘Sagalassos – Yearly Report 2010. The Early to Mid Byzantine Period (450-1250 AD). Yearly
Report of the 2010 Campaign’), Leuven, 104-113
I. Uytterhoeven, J. Poblome and M. Waelkens (2010) V.3.4. Het Paleiscomplex (DA) dat blijft
aangroeien (The ever-increasing palace complex (DA)), in M. Waelkens and the Sagalassos Team
(2010) Sagalassos – Jaarboek 2009. De Late Oudheid (ca. 200-450/455 n. Chr.). Het jaarverslag
van de campagne van 2009 (Sagalassos – Yearly Report 2009. Late Antiquity (ca. 200-450/455
AD). Yearly Report of the 2009 Campaign), Leuven, 272-299
M. Waelkens, J. Poblome, I. Uytterhoeven, H. Uleneers, R. Willet and A. Van Oyen (2010) V.3.5.
Een nieuw ‘officieel’ gebouw (B 3) op de Bovenste Agora, in M. Waelkens and the Sagalassos
Team (2010) Sagalassos – Jaarboek 2009. De Late Oudheid (ca. 200-450/455 n. Chr.). Het
jaarverslag van de campagne van 2009 (Sagalassos – Yearly Report 2009. Late Antiquity (ca. 200450/455 AD). Yearly Report of the 2009 Campaign), Leuven, 300-302
I. Uytterhoeven (2008) Het Egyptisch Lexikon: Hawara (The Egyptian Lexicon: Hawara), Scriba.
Egyptologica Vlaanderen
I. Uytterhoeven (2008) Grieks-Romeins Hawara (Egypte): leven en dood in een Fajoem-dorp
(Graeco-Roman Hawara (Egypt): life and death in a Fayum village), Scriba. Egyptologica
I. Uytterhoeven (2001) Cleopatra uit-munt-end afgebeeld, Kleio. Themanummer: Kleio goes Cleo
30.2, 78-81
* Internet Contributions:
- Preliminary
- I. U(ytterhoeven), Historical topography of the Fayum in the Graeco-Roman period Project
Studies on individual Fayum villages
o Alabanthis (Her.)
o Letous Polis (Her.)
o Arabon Kome (Her.)
o Manashinshana*
o Fag el-Gamus*
o Nestou Epoikion (Her.)
o Hawara (Her.)
o Ptolemais Arabon (Her.)
o Kerkesoucha (Her.)
o Syron Kome (Her.)
o Kerkesoucha Agoras (Her.)
o Talei/Talithis (Pol.)
o Kerkesoucha Orous (Her.)
o Tanis (Her.)
o Kerkesoucha Orous (Pol.)
- Papyrus Archives in Graeco-Roman Egypt (K.U.Leuven – Section Ancient History – Prof. Dr. W.
Clarysse and Prof. Dr. K. Vandorpe):
o Nekrotaphoi of Hawara 1
o Nekrotaphoi of Hawara 2
- Since 2003: reports of the excavations of the ‘Urban Mansion’ at Sagalassos during the yearly
In 2010: additional reports of the excavations at the south-west corner of the Upper Agora of
Sagalassos (site: Claudius-Caligula Gate) – Interactive Dig