minerals student notes

What is a mineral?
Occurs _______________________
Is a _________________
Has a definite _______________ composition
Has atoms arranged in an ordinary ______________ (crystal structure)
Is _____________ (not alive)
A. Most Minerals are Compounds
Made of _____ or more _________________
a. Quartz: ________________ & ______________
b. ___________: sodium & chlorine
c. Galena: _________ & __________
Made of Only One Element
Minerals with only ______ element are called _________________ Minerals (native element)
o _________________
Diamonds (________________)
How Minerals Form
1. __________________
Atoms move _____________ in _______________ magma
As magma ______________ & ________________ atoms come closer together to form solid mineral
Depending on the __________ different minerals can form from the ________ magma mass
_________ of ___________________ determines the minerals _________________ size
2. Evaporation
 ____________ containing dissolved _________ evaporates
____________ come together to form a ______________________
Metamorphic minerals
 Minerals can also be ________________ into ____________ minerals
They ____________________ due to ______________ in
__________________ action of _____________
D. Crystalline Structure
All minerals are crystalline: atoms arranged in a regular _________________
A crystal is a regular geometric solid with _____________ surfaces called crystal ___________.
Arrangement of ions (atoms with a positive or negative charge) _______________________the
__________________ of the crystal
The _______________ at which crystal faces ___________ is always the same for each kind of mineral
(can use to identify)
Base of crystal shapes
1. ______________________
4. _____________________
2. ______________________
5. _____________________
3. ______________________
6. _____________________
If you can’t see a crystal shape (face) it is because space is too _______________________, atoms of one crystal join
to another and faces (shapes) are lost
II. Rock-Forming Minerals
Made from silica _________________
______________ most __________________ mineral in Earth’s ____________
2. Feldspar
______ % of the crust
Divided into ____ groups
Potassium feldspar: _________ common _______________
Sodium-Calcite feldspar: ___________________
Example: _____________________ & ____________________
Very _________
White ____________ (muscovite)
_______________ Mica, black or brown (_______________)
3. Mica
4. Talc
The ________________ mineral
5. Amphiboles
Most common is __________________, which is a ferromagnesium _______________
Can _______________to almost _________ silicate family
6. Pyroxenes
_________ _______________ is augite
Also _______________________ silicate
7. Olivine
_______________ ________________ tetrahedron
8. Garnets
__________ __________________
9. Kaolinite or Kaolin
Formed by ____________________ of _________________ and other silicate minerals
Silicate Structures
tetrahedra: silicon-oxygen tetrahedra that are linked only by atoms of elements other than
silicon and oxygen (___ Si & ___ O)
 Ring Silicates: tetrahedra are joined into 3, 4, or 6 sided ____________ by shared oxygen atoms
 Single-chain silicates – each tetrahedron is _______________ (held together) to 2 others by shared oxygen atoms
 Double-Chain Silicates: ______ single chains of tetrahedra _________________ (linked) to each other
B. Carbonates
 Made of ______ carbon _______________ combined with ____________ _______________ atoms
1. Calcite (Calcium)
Most _____________
________________ calcite is iceland spar (ice-like)
2. Dolomite (magnesium)
______________ or _________ grains
Doesn’t ______________ as much to _________ test as ___________________
3. Malchite and azurite (___________________)
4. Siderite (______________)
C. Iron Oxides & Sulfides
1. Hematite
Most common _________ _________________
Leaves ______- ________________ streak
2. Magnetite
______________ ________________ iron oxide
Example: ______________________
3. Pyrite
Most common ___________ __________________
III Mineral Identification Tests
1. ________________ of its crystals
Ex: Halite (__________ ___________) crystals are _____________________
no matter how _____________ or ____________ they have to be the ____________ shape
Test: look under ________________ ______________________
2. Colors
Some minerals have ___________ than one _______________
___________________ in a mineral can ______________its color
Ex: Quartz- ___________, with iron-_____________, with titanium-______________
________________ to ________ changes colors
Ex: Brass is _____________-air is ________________
Bronze is ___________ – air is ______________
Test: simple ________ ___ ___
3. Luster – the way a mineral ___________ ____________
Two types
1. _________________: looks like _____________
2. _____________________: does ________ look like metal
Ex: ____________, ______________, pearly etc.
Test: look at the mineral, ask yourself ‘does it __________ like a piece of ___________’ If it does
than it ___ __________________ if _______ then ________________
The way a mineral _____________ in a _______________
4. Cleavage
Most minerals ______________ in a particular ________________
1. Cleavage
 If breaks along __________ surfaces it forms a _________________
 If breaks in ______________ directions that are at ___________ angles
2. Fracture:
 if a mineral breaks in ______________than _________ direction
 If a mineral _________________ on a _______________ surface (_________________ fracture)
Test: look at ___________ and compare to _____________. If it is ______ then cleavage, if not then ____________
“_______________” cleavage
Fluorite cleaves at _________________ angles
_______________ or shell-like fracture
_______________________ fracture
5. Hardness
Depends on the _____________________ of its ____________ and the ___________ of the ________
The _______________mineral will always ______________ the __________________ one
___________’s scale: shows _________________ of minerals
 The _____________the number the _____________the mineral
Test: use ______ ____________ to _____________wipe across the mineral. Each point is worth a certain _______
as _____________ as the point __________________ the mineral you ___________. _________ is the ________________
6. Streak: __________________ of ____________ color
 Streak is the ________________ for all _________________ of the ___________ mineral
 ___________ minerals leave _________ streaks
Test: ____________ the mineral on an unpolished _____________ tile.The __________ left behind is the true color
7. Specific Gravity (_______): ratio of the ____________ of a mineral to the weight of an ________________ volume
of _________
Specific gravity is always _______________ than ______
Nonmetallic- ____________ than _______
__________________ – about _____
_____________if pure – _________
’s principle – __________ of weight is equal to the weight of the _______________ water
Specific Gravity
 Formulas:
Specific Gravity =
Example: A mineral weighs 50 Newtons in air and 30 Newtons in water:
So, the mineral is ______________ times as heavy as an equal volume of water.
 Use a Newton ____________ and ______________ a mineral to the scale.
 Then find the ____________________ in _______ and then place mineral in ___________________ (_____________
touching side) to find weight in the ________________________.
 Finally use the _______________ _________________ _______________________.
8. ________Test: to find if a mineral is a ______________________
 Place a ____________ drop of _________
______________________ acid on a mineral.
 If mineral ______________ it has _______________, if _________ it doesn’t
9. Special Properties of Minerals:
 Magnetic: use a __________________ and see if it _____________
 ______________: certain minerals have a _______________ taste
o *______________________ taste a mineral _________________being ______________ to
 Fluorescence: __________________ while under a ___________light
 Phophorescent: _____________________to glow after the U.V is ________
 Radioactive: test minerals with a __________________ _________________________
 Double Refraction: ____________ light rays into __________parts (will see a __________________ image) look
_________________________mineral for image