Session A14 Paper # 6210 THE INTEGRATION OF QUANTUM COMPUTING IN MACHINE LEARNING AND NEURAL SYSTEMS Brian Borig,, 4:00-5:50 Mena, Chris Gardiner,, 4:00-5:50 Mena Abstract Through the integration of quantum computing in machine learning and neural systems, some of the world’s most difficult problems can be solved through computers that adapt and learn much like humans except at a hyper-accelerated pace. Modern computers lack the processing power required to solve many of the complex problems that scientists and mathematicians need them to. The limitations that are apparent with standard computers can be overcome with quantum computers. These take advantage of a different style of processing. Current day computers use bits to process information, whereas quantum computers operate using qubits to allow for a higher processing capacity. Some problems, such as advanced optimization problems which include thousands of variables, would take thousands or millions of years for a standard computer to solve but could be solved by a quantum computer in a matter of only hours or days. An example of one of these optimization problems that a quantum computer could render is seen in space exploration where the computer needs to consider variables such as changing temperature, fluctuating gravitational fields, rapid pressure changes, and then decide the optimal course of action to explore that planet. This intense problem solving ability has powerful applications in machine learning, where it can process the enormous quantity of variables required to solve these problems. Artificial Intelligence is a subset of machine learning which, “refers to an area of computer science in which patterns are derived (‘learned’) from data with the goal to make sense of previously unknown inputs.”[1] Through machine learning, the computer is given a series of known truths on which it can build through experience, similar to the human brain would function hence the name artificial intelligence. On a rudimentary level, artificial intelligence tries a series of solutions and then assess which solution provided the optimal outcome. It then remembers the pathway to get to this outcome, and thus learns like the human brain does. For example, in checkers the artificial intelligence is given the basic rules of the game to guide it in its move selection. With this in mind, the computer determines the optimal plays it should make in order of achieving the final goal of taking all the opponent’s checkers learning along the way how best to optimally beat the opponent. This is where the computer begins acting much like a human would. Through a series of pattern recognition programs the computer begins to adapt to perceived patterns just as a human would. This electronic University of Pittsburgh Swanson School of Engineering 1 1/29/2016 ‘brain’ is known as the computers neural system and behaves much like the human brain would with these pattern recognition concepts. Machine is often totally absorbed by one problem such as checkers, the processing power of modern day computers cannot yet handle multiple problems at once. Using quantum computers, the pattern recognition involved in a computer’s neural system could theoretically handle hundreds and thousands of problems just like the human brain because of the enormous processing potential of these computers. In this paper we will research and discuss first the theory behind both quantum computing and machine learning eventually combining the two technologies through the concept of neural systems and discussing the benefits as well as ethics of the combination. ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] M. Brooks. (2014). “Quantum computing best buys.” New Scientist. (online article) a=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#db=aph&AN=98 969742. p. 43-47 This online article comes from the UK based New Scientist magazine providing information about latest sciences and technologies. It describes the concepts of quantum computing such as qubits and entanglement which ultimately allow the computer to process information at a far faster rate than classical computers. The information of this article helps us explain the complex concepts of qubits and entanglement at a more rudimentary level as this magazine is designed for readers of all backgrounds. [2] B. O’Gorman, A. Perdomo-Ortiz, R. Babbush, A. AspuruGuzik, V. Smelyanskiy, (2014). “Bayesian Network Structure Learning Using Quantum Annealing.” ArXiv. (Online Article). Written by a group of NASA scientists in the Quantum Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (QuAIL) and Harvard University professors, this online article explores the power and use of quantum computing in relation to problem solving. Specifically, it focuses on Bayesian networks, which is a system that relates different variables graphically to see their dependence. This article will help us explain how quantum computers and algorithms can be specifically used for machine learning and artificial intelligence. Brian Borig Chris Gardiner Francis Online. (online article) DOI: 10.1080/00107514. pp. 172-185 This journal, written by two members of the South African National Institute for Theoretical Physics and a PhD graduate of Technical University of Berlin, details the process of machine learning and its possibilities in pattern recognition using quantum computing theory also outlining the basics of hidden quantum markov models. We will use this information to describe the basic theory behind the markov models, supplement the sources we already have on machine learning and quantum computing, and point out the possibilities in pattern recognition. [3] M. Shuld, I. Sinayskiy, F. Petruccione. (2014). “Quantum Computing for Pattern Classification.” Springer International Publishing. (Conference Paper). p. 208-220 pageType=quickSearch&searchtype=Quick&SEARCHID=e4 b56413M6f57M4267M9c30Me9c61ffb9c16&DOCINDEX= 4&database=3&format=quickSearchDetailedFormat&dedup ResultCount=&SEARCHID=e4b56413M6f57M4267M9c30 Me9c61ffb9c16 This paper was written by three members of the Quantum Res. Group at the University of KwaZulu-Natal in Durban, South Africa, for the 13th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence. They outline ways that a quantum computer could improve classical machine learning methods, basics on quantum computing, and pattern recognition in computing. It could be used as a resource for quantum computing in general, as well as a more specific source of information for one way to utilize artificial intelligence. [4] G. Zhang, L. Hu, W. Jin. (2004). “Quantum Computing Based Machine Learning Method and Its Application in Radar Emitter Signal Recognition.” Modeling Decisions for Artificial Intelligence. (Conference Paper). p. 92-103 pageType=quickSearch&searchtype=Quick&SEARCHID=e4 b56413M6f57M4267M9c30Me9c61ffb9c16&DOCINDEX= 1&database=3&format=quickSearchDetailedFormat&dedup ResultCount=&SEARCHID=e4b56413M6f57M4267M9c30 Me9c61ffb9c16 Written by graduate level students in China in 2004 for the First International Conference on Modeling Decisions for Artificial Intelligence in Barcelona, Spain, this conference paper focuses on machine learning specifically with regard to feature selection in radar pulse emissions. It describes in depth the algorithms behind its recognition and experimental data of data analysis. It could be used to further specify on our topic of machine learning and pattern recognition within that. [7] No Author. (2015). “Quantum Artificial Intelligence Laboratory.” NASA. (online article). NASA documents their latest project in this article, the D-Wave Vesuvius. This quantum computer, monitored and tested on by the NASA QuAIL (Quantum Artificial Intelligence Laboratory) team, serves as real life example and a measurement plausibility of the quantum computer pertaining to artificial intelligence. In the paper, this source will be shown as an example of the quantum computer’s viability and reliability. [8] H. Cao, F. Cao, D. Wang. (2014). “Quantum artificial neural networks with applications.” ScienceDirect. (online article). DOI: 10.2016/j.ins. Written by researchers in various universities studying computer engineering, this article introduces the concept of quantum artificial neural networks (QANN) which essentially replicates the neural systems of an organism through an interconnected system of ‘quantum neurons’ that is processed through a quantum computer. This will serve to describe the last aspect of our paper in neural networks. [5] N. Bostrom, E. Yudkowsky. (2011). “The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence.” Cambridge Handbook of Artificial Intelligence. (Print). Published in a Cambridge University compilation of novels and written in conjunction by a professor at the University of Oxford and a researcher at the Machine Intelligence Research Institute. In their essay, they outline many different issues that could potentially arise in regards to artificial intelligence -- safety of AI as it becomes “smarter,” whether AI should have rights like humans, and how we should consider AI in regards to our own ethics. It will be very useful for us in writing, as it talks about many different ethical issues related to artificial intelligence. [6] M. Schuld, I. Sinayskiy, F. Petruccione. (2014). “An introduction to quantum machine learning.” Taylor and 2