Access to Genes and Genomes with Ensembl www, The Ensembl and Ensembl genomes projects provide comprehensive and integrated sources of genome annotation. This workshop offers participants the possibility of gaining hands-on experience in the use of the Ensembl genome browser and provides them with the necessary background information. Primarily targeted at wetlab scientists, a combination of hands-on exercises along with presentations will lead the scientist through tools and annotation he/she may be able to use in the course of biological research. The workshop consists of the following modules. Most modules consist of a presentation, followed by the opportunity to do exercises. Morning * Introduction to Ensembl : origin, goals and organization of the Ensembl project * Worked example: guided tour of the most important pages of the Ensembl website including variation and comparative genomics data * Data mining with BioMart: retrieving datasets using the data mining tool BioMart Afternoon Modules (for a 1-day course) * More on comparative genomics and proteomics: orthologues, protein families, whole genome alignments and syntenic regions * More on variations: SNP (Single nucleotide polymorphisms), InDels and CNVs in Ensembl, disease and phenotypes associated with sequence variations, structural variations, and comparison of strains (mouse), breeds (dogs), individuals (humans) using the browser and BioMart. Prediction of allele consequences on transcripts using the Variant Effect Predictor. * Focus on regulatory regions in the genome based on ENCODE data.