WAA Boys Traveling Basketball Changes to 9th Grade Background WAA traveling basketball is currently offered through 9th grade, which creates a one year overlap with the Woodbury High School boys basketball program. In addition, the WAA tryouts take place in late September (9/26 & 9/27) and practices begin in mid-October, while the WHS tryouts do not take place until early November. In past years, WAA did not allow refunds to players who registered for WAA but ultimately made the WHS basketball team. It was expected that players who registered would have to play both WAA and WHS (and no refunds given if a player chose not to play WAA). What's Changing? We realize that the beginning of high school can be stressful for many student athletes. So after careful review and consideration, WAA boys traveling basketball will now allow players who make the WHS basketball team the following two options: 1) Play both WAA and WHS 2) Request a refund from WAA (only play WHS basketball) ** Note 1: Players who do not make the WHS team are not eligible for a refund if they choose not to play WAA boys traveling basketball. ** Note 2: Only players that register for WAA boys traveling basketball prior to August 31 (July 31 for the discounted price) are guaranteed a spot on a WAA team if they are cut after WHS tryouts. Why is it Changing? Our mission statement includes the hope that all boys who like basketball continue to play. Last season we saw a reduced enrollment in 9th grade boys traveling basketball and ultimately did not field a team. We believe the potential forfeiture of registration fees was one reason for this. We want all players who enjoy the game to play -- regardless of whether they play WHS, WAA traveling, or WAA in-house basketball. What challenges could exist? The biggest potential challenge would be if numerous players that make the WHS team decide to withdraw from their WAA traveling team in November. Without knowing exact numbers or other specifics it is hard to share what the outcome would be. It is possible that the number of teams, team size, or rosters could change. We will do our best to work through any resulting situation for the best possible outcome that is consistent with our mission statement. We feel the benefit of this change outweighs any risk or disruption that might be created. We hope this change eliminates any concern that you may have about registering your son for WAA traveling basketball. Please feel free to contact us with any questions. Rob Cimperman, Director WAA Boys Basketball robertcimp@yahoo.com Brian Tri, Commissioner WAA Boys Traveling Basketball cheetahtri@comcast.net