6th Grade SpringBoard Curriculum - Wylie Independent School District

Course 1 Curriculum Map – Texas
Unit 1: Number Concepts (31 days)
In this unit students extend their
understanding of addition, subtraction,
multiplication and division of whole
numbers, decimals and fractions and apply
their knowledge to solve problems. They
study multiples, factors, and exponents
and compare and order rational numbers.
Essential Questions
 Why is it important to be able to use
whole numbers, fractions, and
decimals to solve problems?
 How can you use visualization and
estimation to solve problems?
Texas Essential Knowledge
Targeted Standards
2.C.i, 2.C.ii, 2.C.iii, 2.C.iv, 2.C.v, 2.C.vi, 2.D.i,
2.D.ii, 2.E.i, 3.A, 3.B.i, 3.B.ii, 3.C.i, 3.C.ii,
3.D.i, 3.D.ii, 3.E.i, 3.E.ii, 5.C, 7.A.i, 7.A.ii
Embedded Assessments
1: Comparing and Computing with Whole Numbers and
Decimals, For the Birds
 Compare and order decimals
 Add and subtract decimals
 Multiply decimals
 Divide by whole numbers and by decimals
(5 Lessons)
2: Prime Factorization, Exponents, GCF and LCM, Winter Sports
 Classifies a number as prime or composite
 Prime factorization
 Exponents
 Greatest Common Factor
 Least Common Multiple
(4 Lessons)
3: Multiplying and Dividing Fractions and Mixed Numbers,
Juan’s Bookcase
 Multiply and Divide Fractions and Mixed Numbers
(8 Lessons)
Academic Vocabulary: annex, algorithm,
conjecture, simulate
Math Terms: visual representation, prime
number, evaluate, least common multiple
(LCM), proper fraction, mixed number, factor,
composite number, greatest common factor
(GCF), least common denominator, improper
fraction, reciprocal
Prerequisite Skills
Algebra/AP/College Readiness
 Providing conceptual situations where students can apply
prior knowledge.
 Allowing students to become fluent in addition, subtraction,
multiplication, and division of rational numbers.
 Using manipulatives to make connections and solve
 Applying mathematical knowledge to everyday settings.
Additional Assessment
Ordering rational numbers
Properties of numbers
Modeling fractions
 Every Lesson: Check Your Understanding and Lesson Practice
 Every Activity: Activity Practice
 Every Unit: Getting Ready and Online Unit Test
Course 1 Curriculum Map – Texas
Unit 2: Integers (16 days)
In prior units students have studied whole
numbers, fractions and decimals, and
operations with these numbers. In this unit
students extend the study of number systems
to the integers. The study includes numerical
operations, ordering numbers, absolute value
and the coordinate plane. Students use
integers to solve real-world problems using
the coordinate plane and numerical
Embedded Assessments
1: Number Line and Adding and Subtracting Integers,
Hot and Cold
 Use the number line
 Add integers
 Subtract integers
(5 Lessons)
2: Coordinate Plane and Multiplying and Dividing Integers,
Scavenger Hunt
 Use the coordinate plane
 Multiply integers
 Divide integers
(4 Lessons)
Academic Vocabulary: elevation
Math Terms: absolute value, integer, opposite,
additive inverse, coordinate plane, origin,
quadrants, ordered pair, reflection
Essential Questions
 How can integers be represented visually
and how can operations with integers be
represented with models?
 How are positive and negative numbers
used in real-world situations?
Texas Essential Knowledge Targeted
2.A.i, 2.A.ii, 2.A.iii, 2.B.ii, 2.C.i, 2.C.ii, 2.C.iii,
2.C.iv, 2.C.v, 2.C.vi, 2.D.i, 2.D.ii, 3.C.i, 3.C.ii,
3.D.i, 3.D.ii, 3.D.iii, 3.D.iv, 11.A
Prerequisite Skills
Algebra/AP/College Readiness
 Providing opportunities to connect operations on real
numbers to real-world contexts.
 Encouraging students to learn and use mathematics
language and to communicate mathematics precisely
Perform computations with numbers
Create visual representations and models
Order whole numbers
Locate numbers and ordered pairs on
number lines and the coordinate plane
by justifying their solutions both verbally and in
written form.
 Modeling problem solving in collaborative groups.
Additional Assessment
 Divisibility
 Every Lesson: Check Your Understanding and Lesson Practice
 Every Activity: Activity Practice
 Every Unit: Getting Ready and Online Unit Test
Course 1 Curriculum Map – Texas
Unit 3: Expressions and Equations (29 days)
The focus of this unit is expressions and
equations. Students write, interpret and use
expressions and equations. They understand
the use of variables in expressions, equations,
and inequalities and they solve one-step
equations and inequalities using addition,
subtraction, multiplication and division and
graph solutions on number lines.
Essential Questions
 Why are tables, graphs, and equations
Embedded Assessments
1: Order of Operations and Expressions, The Cost of After-School
 Read, write, and evaluate expressions
 Apply the order of operations
 Apply properties to generate equivalent expressions
 Use variables to represent numbers
 Solve real-world and mathematical problems by writing and
solving equations
(6 Lessons)
2: Expressions and Equations, The School Book Fair
 Solve real-world and mathematical problems by writing and
solving equations and inequalities
 Graph an inequality
 Analyze the relationship between the dependent and
independent variables
(11 Lessons)
Academic Vocabulary: compare, contrast
Math Terms: numerical expression, variable,
coefficient, algebraic expression, term, unit
rate, equation, solution, inverse operations,
inequality, rate of change, ordered pair,
independent variable, dependent variable
Prerequisite Skills
useful for representing relationships?
 How can you use equations to solve real-
Algebra/AP/College Readiness
world problems?
 Encouraging students to model situations with algebraic
expressions and equations.
Texas Essential Knowledge Targeted
4.A.i, 4.A.ii, 4.A.iii, 4.A.iv, 4.B.i, 4.B.ii, 4.B.iii,
4.B.iv, 4.B.v, 4.B.vi, 4.B.vii, 4.B.viii, 7.C.i, 7.C.ii,
7.C.iii, 7.D.i, 7.D.ii, 7.D.iii, 7.D.iv, 7.D.v, 7.B.i,
7.B.ii, 7.B.iii, 9.A.i, 9.A.ii, 10.B, 4.G, 7.A, 10.A.i,
10.A.ii, 10.A.iii, 10.A.iv, 9.C, 9.B.i, 9.B.ii, 6.A.i
6.A.ii, 6.A.iii, 6.A.iv, 6.B, 6.C.i, 6.C.ii, 6.C.iii,
Complete tables of values
Solve equations
Plot points on a coordinate plane
Evaluate expressions
Opposites and reciprocals
 Providing opportunities to write, solve, and graph linear
equations and inequalities.
 Encouraging students to reason quantitatively and abstractly
as they move from concrete examples to abstract ideas.
 Expecting students to discuss and justify interpretations and
Additional Assessment
 Every Lesson: Check Your Understanding and Lesson Practice
 Every Activity: Activity Practice
 Every Unit: Getting Ready and Online Unit Test
Course 1 Curriculum Map – Texas
Unit 4: Ratios (22 days)
Embedded Assessments
In this unit students study ratios and
percents. They use manipulatives and
tables to compare ratios and use ratios and
unit rates to solve real-world problems.
Students use models to understand
percent, convert between fractions,
decimals and percents, and apply their
understanding to solve problems.
Essential Questions
1: Ratios and Rates, A Summer Job
 Solve problems involving ratios and proportional
 Write equivalent ratios
(7 Lessons)
2: Understanding and Applying Percents, An Ice Cream Treat
 Find the percent of a quantity as a rate per 100
 Represent ratios and percents with fractions and decimals
 Use equivalent percents, fractions, and decimals to show
parts of the same whole
 Represent percents with concrete models, fractions, and
(6 Lessons)
Academic Vocabulary: benchmark
Math Terms: ratio, equivalent ratios, rate,
dimensional analysis, conversion factor, unit
rate, proportion, percent, average
 Why is it important to understand
calculations with ratios, rates, and
 Why are proportional relationships
important in mathematics?
Prerequisite Skills
Algebra/AP/College Readiness
 Providing opportunities for conceptual situations where
Texas Essential Knowledge
Targeted Standards
4.B.i, 4.B.ii, 4.B.iii, 4.B.iv, 4.B.v, 4.B.vi,
4.B.vii, 4.B.viii, 4.C, 4.D, 4.E.i, 4.E.ii, 4.E.iii,
4.E.iv, 4.E.v, 4.E.vi, 4.F.i, 4.F.ii, 4.F.iii, 4.F.iv,
4.F.v, 4.F.vi, 4.F.vii, 4.F.viii, 4.G, 4.H, 5.A.i,
5.A.ii, 5.A.iii, 5.A.iv, 5.A.v, 5.A.vi, 5.A.vii,
5.A.viii, 5.A.ix, 5.A.x, 5.A.xi, 5.A.xii, 5.A.xiii,
5.A.xiv, 5.A.xv, 5.A.xvi, 5.B.i, 5.B.ii, 5.B.iii,
5.B.iv, 5.B.v, 5.B.vi, 5.C, 6.A.i, 6.A.ii, 6.A.iii,
6.A.iv, 6.B, 6.C.i, 6.C.ii, 6.C.iii, 6.C.iv
students can apply prior knowledge.
 Encouraging students to use a variety of representations to
 Number lines
Fractions and Decimals
Convert Unit Measures
Number Systems
Solve Equations
discover mathematical ideas and make connections.
 Asking students to write about mathematics using precise
language when explaining their solutions.
 Presenting opportunities for students to look for repetition in
calculations, generalize procedures, and discover shortcuts.
Additional Assessment
 Every Lesson: Check Your Understanding and Lesson Practice
 Every Activity: Activity Practice
 Every Unit: Getting Ready and Online Unit Test