ROYCE C. ENGSTROM CURRICULUM VITAE March 2011 Current Position: President, The University of Montana, Missoula Work Contact Information: Office of the President The University of Montana University Hall, Room 109 Missoula, MT 59812 Phone: (406) 243-2311 E-mail: Home Address: 1325 Gerald Avenue Missoula, MT 59801 Formal Higher Education: Institution University of Wisconsin, Madison University of Nebraska, Omaha Area of Specialization Analytical Chemistry Chemistry Degree Ph.D B.S. Year 1979 1975 Additional Education and Short Courses: Harvard University Yellowstone National Park McCrone Institute, Chicago Institutional Executive Management 2005 (Two-week course) Politics of the Yellowstone Ecosystem 2006 American Democracy Project of American Assn. of State Colleges and Universities (One-week) Chemical Microscopy (One week) Professional Experience: Institution The University of Montana University of South Dakota South Dakota Board of Regents University of South Dakota Position President Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Regents Fellow Vice President for Research & Dean of Graduate Education Acting Vice President for Academic Affairs Vice President for Research & Dean of Graduate Education 1 Date 2010-present 2007-10 2004-07 11/03-6/04 11/02-6/04 3/02-11/02 11/01-3/02 SD Math, Science and Technology Council SD Health Research Foundation University of South Dakota South Dakota NSF-EPSCoR University of South Dakota Indiana University University of South Dakota University of Wisconsin, Madison Washington State University Dean of Research & Graduate Education Executive Director 7/99-10/01 12/00-3/02 Research Director Acting Graduate Dean Director of Research Acting Director of Research Project Director Chairman of Chemistry Department Visiting Associate Professor Assistant Professor to Professor Research Assistant Teaching Assistant NSF Undergraduate Research Assistant 11/98-1/01 10/98-6/99 7/97-6/99 8/96-6/97 3/92-3/98 5/84-5/95 9/86-8/87 9/89-2007 5/76-8/79 8/75-5/76 1974 Complete List of Publications: “The Changing Face of Montana Higher Education,” R. C. Engstrom, Montana’s Agenda, 2009, 7, 1. “Interdisciplinary REU Sites at The University of South Dakota,” S.E. Ronco, R.C. Engstrom, CUR Quarterly, 2003, 24, 18. Institutional Programs in Support of Undergraduate Research at The University of South Dakota, H.R. Straub, R.C. Engstrom, CUR Quarterly, 2002, 22, 170. Retracing the Lewis and Clark Expedition: An Interdisciplinary Undergraduate Research Program at the University of South Dakota, S.E. Ronco, R.C. Engstrom, CUR Quarterly, 2000, 21, 17. "Effect of Sample Size on Sampling Error: An Experiment for Introductory Analytical Chemistry," J.E. Vitt, R.C. Engstrom, J. Chem. Ed., 1999,76, 99. "Microelectrode Control of Surface-Bound Enzymatic Activity," J.C. O'Brien, J. Shumaker-Parry, R.C. Engstrom, Anal. Chem., 1998, 70, 1307. "Imaging of Oxygen Evolution and Oxide Formation Using Quinine Fluorescence," J.E. Vitt, R.C. Engstrom, Anal. Chem., 1997, 69, 1070. "Fluorescence Imaging of the Heterogeneous Reduction of Oxygen," W.J. Bowyer, J. Xie, R.C. Engstrom, Anal. Chem., 1996, 68, 2005. "Microderivatization of Anodized Glassy Carbon," B.B. Ratcliff, J.W. Klancke, M.D. Koppang, R.C. Engstrom, Anal. Chem., 1996, 68, 2010. "In-Situ AFM Study of the Differential Dissolution of Fayalite and Magnetite," J.S. Heaton and R.C. Engstrom, Environ. Sci. Tech., 1994, 28, 1747. "Observation of Adsorbate Coverage with Electrogenerated Chemiluminescence Imaging," R.C. Engstrom, P.L. Nohr, J.E. Vitt, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 1994, 93, 221. 2 "Fluorescence Imaging of Electrode-Solution Interfacial Processes," R.C. Engstrom, S. Ghaffari, H. Qu, Anal. Chem., 1992, 64, 2525. "Observation of Microscopically Local Electron Transfer Kinetics with Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy," R.C. Engstrom, B. Small, L. Kattan, Anal. Chem., 1992, 64, 241. "The Effect of Electrode Material on the Electrogenerated Chemiluminescence of Luminol," J.E. Vitt, D.C. Johnson, R.C. Engstrom, J. Electrochem. Soc., 1991, 138, 1637. "Determination of Microscopic Electrode Kinetics with ECL Imaging," Engstrom, J. Klancke, P.L. Unzelman, Electroanalysis, 1990, 2, 217. C.M. Pharr, R.C. "Time-Resolved Imaging of Current Density at Inlaid Disk Electrodes," C.M. Pharr, R.C. Engstrom, R.A. Tople, T.K. Bee, P.L. Unzelman, J. Electroanal. Chem., 1990, 278, 119. "Observation of Kinetic Heterogeneity on Highly Ordered Pyrolytic Graphite Using Electrogenerated Chemiluminescence," R.J. Bowling, R.L. McCreery, C.M. Pharr, R.C. Engstrom, Anal. Chem., 1989, 61, 2763. "Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy," R.C. Engstrom, C.M. Pharr, Anal. Chem., 1989, 61, 1099A. "On the Nature of Kel-F Composite Electrode Surfaces," S.L. Petersen, D.E. Weisshaar, D.E. Tallman, R.K. Schulze, J.F. Evans, S.E. DesJarlais, R.C. Engstrom, Anal. Chem., 1989, 61, 2385. "Laser Activation of Carbon Electrodes. 4. Relationship Between Laser Induced Surface Effects and Electron Transfer Activation," M. Poon, R.L. McCreery, R.C. Engstrom, Anal. Chem.,1988, 60, 1925. "Analytical Chemistry at the University of South Dakota," R. Engstrom, Council on Undergraduate Research Newsletter, September 1988. "Diffusional Distortion in the Monitoring of Dynamic Events," R.C. Engstrom, M.R. Wightman, E.W. Kristensen, Anal. Chem., 1988, 60, 652. "Real-Time Characterization of Dopamine Overflow and Uptake in the Rat Striatum," R. M. Wightman, C. Amatore, R.C. Engstrom, P.O. Hale, E.W. Kristensen, W.G. Kuhr, L.S. May, Neuroscience, 1988, 25, 513. "Spatio-temporal Characterization of the Diffusion Layer with a Microelectrode Probe," R.C. Engstrom, T. Meaney, R. Tople, R.M. Wightman, Anal. Chem., 1987, 59, 2005. "Teaching Analytical Chemistry - Another View," R.C. Engstrom, Anal. Chem., 1987, 59, 823A. "Visualization of the Edge Effect with Electrogenerated Chemiluminescence," R.C. Engstrom, C.M. Pharr, M.D. Koppang, J. Electroanal. Chem., 1987, 221, 251. "Characterization of Electrode Heterogeneity with Electrogenerated Chemiluminescence," R.C. Engstrom, K.W. Johnson, S. Des Jarlais, Anal. Chem., 1987, 59, 670. "Measurements in the Diffusion Layer Using a Microelectrode Probe," R. C. Engstrom, M. 3 Weber, D. Wunder, S. Winquist, R. Burgess, Anal. Chem., 1986, 58, 844. "Distribution of Electrochemical Activity on Graphite-Epoxy Electrode Surfaces," R. C. Engstrom, M. Weber, J. Werth, Anal. Chem., 1985, 57, 930. "Spatial Resolution of Electrode Heterogeneity Using Iontophoresis," R. C. Engstrom, Anal. Chem., 1984, 56, 890. "Characterization of Electrochemically Pretreated Glassy Carbon Electrodes, R. C. Engstrom, V. A. Strasser, Anal. Chem., 1984, 56, 136. "Electrochemical Pretreatment of Glassy Carbon Electrodes," R. C. Engstrom, Anal. Chem., 1982, 54, 2310. "Capillary Packed-Bed Electrodes," J. L. Messner and R. C. Engstrom, Anal. Chem., 1981, 53, 128. "Reagentless Enzyme Electrodes for Ethanol, Lactate and Malate," W. J. Blaedel and R. C. Engstrom, Anal. Chem., 1980, 52, 1691. "A Calculator-Controlled Potentiostat for Pulsed Rotation Voltammetry," R. C. Engstrom and W. J. Blaedel, Chem. Biomed. Environ. Instrumentation, 1979, 9, 61. "Investigations of the Ferricyanide-Ferrocyanide System by Pulsed Rotation Voltammetry," W. J. Blaedel and R. C. Engstrom, Anal. Chem., 1978, 50, 476. "Electroanalytical Potentialities of Adenine Dinucleotide Systems," W. J. Blaedel and R. C. Engstrom, Advances in Automated Analysis, Technicon International Congress, 1976, 1, 63. Professional Activities: Memberships (cumulative, not all currently active): American Association for the Advancement of Science South Dakota Governor’s Math, Science and Technology Council Council on Undergraduate Research The Electrochemical Society Society of Electroanalytical Chemistry American Chemical Society Analytical Division of American Chemical Society Sioux Valley Section of American Chemical Society Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society South Dakota Academy of Science Offices and Board Positions: International Wildlife Film Festival Advisory Board, 2009-present. International Heart Institute Board of Directors, 2010-present. Western Academic Leadership Forum Executive Committee, 2010-present. Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities (APLU) Council on Academic Affairs, Chair, Committee on Undergraduate Education. Chair, Coalition of EPSCoR States, 2005-2007. 4 Executive Director, South Dakota Math, Science and Technology Council, 2000-03 Board of Directors, Vermillion Development Company, 2001-2003 Board of Directors and Chair, EPSCoR Foundation, 1998-2004 Board of Directors, South Dakota Health Technologies Innovations, Inc., 1999-2001 Committee on Professional Training, American Chemical Society, 1998-2005 Board of Directors, South Dakota Health Research Foundation, 1998-present Board of Directors, W.H. Over Museum, 1998-2002 Chair, South Dakota Science Discipline Council, 1997-1999. Board of Directors and Treasurer, Coalition of EPSCoR States, 1995-98. South Dakota Academy of Science - President, 1998-99; President Elect, 1997-98; First Vice President, 1996-97; Second Vice President, 1995-96. Member, Instrumentation Advisory Panel, Analytical Chemistry, 1994-96. Board of Directors, Society of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 1990-95. Councilor for the Council on Undergraduate Research - April Dialogue Chair, 1997; President, 1995-96; President-elect, 1994-95; Secretary, 1989-92; Chairman of Science Policy Subcommittee, 1994-95 and 1990-93; Chairman of Chemistry Division, 1993-94. Coordinator of the "USD Science Forum," 1981-86. Chairman, Sioux Valley Section of American Chemical Society, 1985-86. Chairman-elect, Sioux Valley Section of American Chemical Society, 1984. University of South Dakota Chapter of Sigma Xi, Secretary, 1980-85, 1987-88. President and Vice-President, University of South Dakota Chapter of Sigma Xi, 1988-1990. Honors and Recognition: Barbara Hollman Administrator of the Year Award, Associated Students of The University of Montana, 2009 Phi Kappa Phi, The University of Montana Chapter, 2008 American Chemical Society Sioux Valley Section Mentoring Undergraduate Research Award, 1998 Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation Scholar, 1995-96 Omicron Delta Kappa, 1996 (Honorary) Ernest L. Buckley Award, 1992 Burlington Northern Award, 1991 Phi Beta Kappa, 1988 (Honorary) McElvain Graduate Student Award, 1977 B. S., Magna Cum Laude, 1975 Outstanding Student in Chemistry Award, 1975 American Chemical Society Analytical Division Undergraduate Award, 1973 Nebraska Regent's Scholarship, 1972-75 Phi Eta Sigma, 1972 Grant Activity: REU Site: Excavation and Reconstruction of a Northern Plains Bison Kill Site (co-PI), National Science Foundation, 2002-2005, $155,778. Statewide Partnership to Support Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurship in South Dakota (co-PI), National Science Foundation, 2002-2005, $598,247. EPSCoR Centers Development Initiative (CDI), National Science Foundation, 20015 2005, $1,713,836. Co-Project Director for South Dakota EPSCoR Rushmore Initiative for Excellence in Research, National Science Foundation EPSCoR, 2001-2004, $2,293,628 (USD portion). REU Site: Tracing the Lewis and Clark Expedition (co-PI), National Science Foundation, 2001-2004, $173,605. Hocoka: From the Heart of the Nation to the Rim of the World (co-PI), National Science Foundation, 2000-2002, $50,000. Competitive Proposal Development Initiative, National Science Foundation EPSCoR, 2000-2002, $168,285. South Dakota Science and Technology Council, National Science Foundation EPSCoR, 1998-2003, $297,168. High-Performance Network Connection in Support of Meritorious Research: DakotaLink, National Science Foundation, 1998-2001, $412,562 (USD portion). Great Plains Networking for Earth Systems Science, National Science Foundation EPSCoR, 1997-2000, $226,860 (South Dakota portion). Co-Project Director for South Dakota EPSCoR Cooperative Agreement, National Science Foundation EPSCoR, 1997-2001, $732,616 (USD portion). Scholar/Fellow Award, The Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation, 1995-96, $65,000. Project Director for "South Dakota EPSCoR Systemic Improvement Plan," National Science Foundation-EPSCoR and South Dakota Future Fund, 1995-98, $9,000,000. "1993 National EPSCoR Conference," National Science Foundation, 1993-95, $156,165. "Electronic Communication and Information Retrieval," National Science Foundation EPSCoR, 1993-95, $72,336. "A Curriculum in Chemical Microscopy," National Science Foundation, 1993-95, $29,022. Project Director for "South Dakota EPSCoR Advanced Development Program," National Science Foundation-EPSCoR and South Dakota Future Fund, 1992-95, $6,800,000. "Electrode Microstructure-Activity Relationships," National Science Foundation-EPSCoR and South Dakota Future Fund, 1992-95, $406,487. "Spatially-resolved Measurements of the Electrode-Solution Interface," National Science Foundation-EPSCoR, 1989-92, $97,000. "Attendance at Chemical Microscopy Workshop," USD Faculty Development Grant, 1991, $967. 6 "Expansion of Undergraduate Research Activities in the College of Arts and Sciences, USD Faculty Development Grant, 1990, $10,000. "Purchase of a Medium-Field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer," with Ron Batstone-Cunningham, National Science Foundation, $110,000, 1988-89. "Attendance at Undergraduate Research Conference," Bush Foundation, $2,844, 1988. "Electrogenerated Chemiluminescence Imaging for Spatially-Resolved in-situ Surface Analysis," National Science Foundation, 1987-90, $158,245. "Purchase of a Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer (chemistry)," National Science Foundation, 1987, $55,000. "Investigation of Electrode Heterogeneity Using Microprobe Techniques," National Science Foundation, 1984-87, $100,368. "Increasing the Effectiveness of Advising Undergraduate Research in Chemistry," Bush Foundation, 1985, $1,107. "Industrial Chemistry-Curriculum Development," Bush Foundation, 1983, $6,500 (coauthored with Norman Miller). "Adsorption Related Electrode Heterogeneity," Petroleum Research Fund of the American Chemical Society, 1982-84, $12,800. "Spatial Characterization of Electrode Surface Heterogeneity Due to Adsorption," Research Corporation and Northwest Area Foundation, 1980-82, $10,424. "Inhibition of Electrodic Reactions by Protein Adsorption," South Dakota Research Institute, 1980 - $1,365, 1979 - $500. "Metal Analysis in Photographic Gelatin," Kind and Knox Gelatin, 1980-81, $10,74l. Consulting Activities: Steering Committee, NSF Workshop on Undergraduate Research Centers in Chemistry, 2003. Curriculum Foundations Conference, sponsored by Mathematical Association of America (MAA) Committee on the Undergraduate Program in Mathematics (CUPM), West Point, NY, 2001. National Science Foundation Chemistry Board of Visitors, 2001. Bucknell University, Lewisburg, PA, Chemistry Department review, 2000. Curricular Development in the Analytical Sciences, National Review task force, 1996-98. College of St. Benedict/St. John's University, St. Joseph, MN, Chemistry Department review, 1993. Eli Lilly, 1987, concerning electrodes. EG&G of Idaho, 1987, concerning electrochemistry. Monsanto Company, St. Louis, 1984, concerning carbon electrodes. Dissertation, Thesis Committees: 7 Chair of committees for the following graduate students: Clinton Bruce Gray Hongwei Qu Yue-Juan Wu Daniel Fritza Jian Xie Barbara Small Donald Cannon Tim Cowman Janese O'Brien James Klancke Julie Heaton Todd Barker MA/Ph.D. Mitchell Nielsen Christine Pharr Greg Frank Kirk Johnson Mark Hogan Mike Weber Member of committees for the following graduate students: Patricia Tille Ling Ma Eric Hammond Angela Hejl Richard Barkosky Steve Rosenwald Hong Xu Jun Li Kimberly Mark Rick Cox Timothy Pflanz Larry Covick Thomas Schneider Bethany Helvig Dan Pederson Chair of Committee for the following University Scholars (undergraduate): JoDell Whittington Jennifer Shumaker Jennifer Doyle Jay Sharp Lisa Kattan Tiffany Bee Ray Tople Jim Schuster Dave Hurrell Dan Wunder Teaching Responsibilities: Chemistry 112, General Chemistry Chemistry 116, Principles of Chemistry (Honors Section) Chemistry 210, Chemical Equilibrium Chemistry 332, Quantitative Analysis Chemistry 376/576, Special Topics: Electrochemistry (with Dr. Koppang) Chemistry 381/581, Environmental Chemistry (with Dr. Stoner) Chemistry 421/621, Qualitative Organic Analysis (with Dr. Stoner) Chemistry 434/634, Instrumental Analysis Chemistry 730, Advanced Analytical Chemistry UHON 300, Honors Seminar: Global Warming IdEA 300, Natural and Cultural Heritage of the Missouri River 8