Intermediate World History B - Foundations Course Syllabus 2014-2015 School Year Instructor: Emily Sattler OFFICE PHONE: (484) 920-3200 KMAIL: Search “Emily Sattler” WEBPAGE: CLASS HOURS: 9:00-9:50; 1:00-1:50; 2:00-2:50 MTRF I. DESCRIPTION Continuing a survey of World History from prehistoric to modern times, K12 online lessons and assessments complement the second volume of The Human Odyssey, a textbook series developed and published by K12. This course focuses on the story of the past from the fourteenth century to 1917 and the beginning of World War I. The course is organized chronologically and, within broad eras, regionally. Lessons explore developments in religion, philosophy, the arts, and science and technology. II. ORGANIZATION This course has both live online components as well as student paced offline components. Students will be expected to attend history class for at least 50 minutes per day. They will also be expected to complete reading and homework assignments after school hours which may take up to 1 hour to complete. III. COURSE OBJECTIVES (FROM THE NATIONAL COUNCIL FOR THE SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARDS) A. Through experience, observation, and reflection, students will identify elements of culture as well as similarities and differences among cultural groups across time and place. B. Through a formal study of history, students will continue to expand their understanding of the past and are increasingly able to apply the research methods associated with historical inquiry. C. Students will develop a better understanding of spatial perspectives, and examine changes in the relationship between peoples, places, and environments. D. Through study of the dynamic relationships between individual rights and responsibilities, the needs of social groups, and concepts of a just society, students will become more effective problem-solvers and decisionmakers when addressing the persistent issues and social problems encountered in public life. E. Students will begin to think analytically about the consequences of change and how we can manage science and technology to increase benefits to all. F. Students will begin to initiate analyses of the consequences of interactions among states, nations, and world regions as they respond to global events and changes. G. Students will expand their knowledge of democratic ideals and practices, along with their ability to analyze and evaluate the relationships between these ideals and practices. IV. TEXT AND REQUIRED SUPPLIES K-12 has provided each student with a computer, printer, scanner, and microphone. These items will be utilized throughout the course. If you are missing any piece of technology, you must contact your teacher or your family coach immediately. You will be expected to use this technology on a daily basis in each class. In addition you have been provided with the following mandatory texts for this class: 1. The Human Odyssey, Volume 2: Our Modern World, 1400 to 1914, edited by Klee, Cribb, and Holdren (K12 Inc., 2005) 2. Intermediate World History B, 8: Student Guide Parts 1 and 2 3. Intermediate World History B, 8: Learning Coach Guide Parts 1 and 2 V. ATTENDANCE This course follows the general attendance policy of Agora Cyber Charter School. Attendance is mandatory unless a student is specifically exempted from attendance with an asynchronous plan. Attendance is automatically saved at one point every class period. If a student is tardy after attendance is logged, it will count as an absence. An excuse must be submitted via kmail to the attendance office for all absences. For student illness, please submit a medical excuse. For absences due to technical issues a tech ticket must be submitted. You can obtain a tech ticket by calling the k-12 help desk. VI. CLASSROOM RULES OF CONDUCT Students are expected to: A. Work effectively with peers B. Develop a problem solving mentality C. Laugh with anyone, but laugh at no one D. Be responsible for your own learning E. Participate during live lessons F. Come to class and hand in assignments on time G. Do not disturb or distract other students during class time H. Have no internet browsers open during class time except when directly prompted by the teacher. VII. GRADING SCALE This course follows the general Agora Cyber Charter Grading Scale: A: 90-100% B: 80-89% C: 70-79% D: 60-69% F: 59% and Lower VIII. GRADING PLAN Coursework will be in the following categories 1. Unit Tests 2. Quizzes 3. Exit Tickets 4. History Journal 5. Extra Credit (no more than 10% of total grade) Unit Tests: You are permitted to take the Unit tests one time. Tests can be reset if contact is made with teacher. Unit tests will be available on Sapphire. The unit assessments on the OLS can be used for a study tool but do not count toward your grade. Quizzes: You can take quizzes as many times as you want (Contact teacher to have the quiz reset). Quizzes will be available on Sapphire. The lesson assessments on the OLS can be used for a study tool but do not count toward your grade. Exit Tickets: Exit Tickets will be graded for completion each quarter. Exit Tickets will be available at the end of each live class or through watching the recording. There are two exit ticket grades per quarter. Exit tickets will be spot checked for completion at the middle and end of the quarter. Its total points are based on the number of exit tickets for that quarter. History Journal: All students will be required to create a history journal in their agoraeagles google account. This journal will be shared with your history teacher. The history journal will consist of various activities that may serve as the exit ticket or homework for that day. History Journal entries will be graded for completion. Extra Credit: All extra credit assignments will be completed at the end of each quarter. You can do up to 4 extra credit assignments, which will give you bonus points in each quarter. YOU MUST HAVE ALL GRADED ASSIGNMENTS COMPLETED BEFORE YOU CAN TURN IN EXTRA CREDIT.