AAP CISP Vaccine-support Videos Background: The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Childhood Immunization Support Program (CISP) aims to support pediatricians immunizing children and adolescents by providing education and resources to pediatricians and parents. CISP would like provide pediatricians with a Social Media Toolkit that will help build support for immunizations in their own practices and answer common questions outside of the visit, while keeping them at the center of the discussion and using their role as a trusted professional to make a recommendation. A part of this toolkit will be links to short videos made by both pediatricians and parents, showing their support for vaccines. Vaccine-support videos made by pediatricians may help to increase awareness that vaccines are safe and effective. Vaccine-support Videos: CISP is looking for pediatricians who would be willing to make short immunization-support videos. We are looking for pediatricians to choose one of the topics below. Pediatricians will work with Immunization Program Manager, Katie Milewski to choose speaking topics, as we hope to get at least one video per topic. Pediatricians on the CISP Project Advisory Committee will check points for accuracy. Please contact kmilewski@aap.org or 847-434-7170 to get started. Up to 5 pediatricians who discuss a video submission with Katie Milewski and submit a video fitting the criteria below will receive a $100 gift card. Topic Schedule Ingredients Online Information HPV Vaccine Influenza Vaccine Notes Pediatrician should explain that any promoted “alternative schedules” are not endorsed/recommended by the AAP and that it has not been tested for safety or efficacy. Pediatrician should explain the 3 reasons why everything that is in a vaccine is in it (to make the vaccine, to make it work, to make it safe). Pediatrician should provide education on evaluating online sources information. Pediatrician should discuss why the HPV vaccine is important, focusing on cancer prevention. Pediatrician should discuss why it is important to receive this vaccine annually. Filming and submitting a video: Each video should be between 60-90 seconds. Please face the camera and talk to it – you may want someone near the camera for a conversational feel. Try to identify a beginning, middle and end to your story so people can easily follow, but speak from the heart. Don’t be afraid to be yourself and share your story in your own voice. Videos should be uploaded to YouTube: please send the link to kmilewski@aap.org. A consent form must be signed by the person who appears in your video (person must be 18 years of age or older). The form will be provided to you when planning your speaking points with Katie. Please send signed consent forms to kmilewski@aap.org. Tips for filming your video: If possible, use a video camera or tablet. You may also get an acceptable video from a flip cam, or high quality phone. Find a tidy place to film, so the background is not distracting. Preferably use a tripod or other stable surface. If one is not available, ask someone to film the video for you. Find a quiet place to film your video so there is not background noise. Outdoors does not work well for sound. Consider a few trial runs. Play with the lighting or camera placement to find out what works best. Try to avoid patterns or loud jewelry that might distract from your message. Videos that get posted must have clear video and audio and be technically accurate. Submissions Restrictions: The video should not contain material that: o Gives personal information about those in the video (e.g., full names, address, etc) o Violates another’s rights, o Refers to copyrighted material o Is inappropriate, indecent, obscene, hateful, defamatory, slanderous, or libelous o Violates any applicable law. The video may not mention a commercial business, industry name, brand name, product placement or other trademark. The submission may not infringe any copyright or any other rights of any third part of which the submitter is aware. Other video guidance: The submission should be free of malware. Submission must be original and must not violate the rights of other parties. Submissions containing any matter which in the sole discretion of the program staff and leadership is in bad taste, which demonstrates a lack of respect for public morals or conduct, or which adversely affects the reputation of the program will not be used. If the program staff and/or leadership, in their discretion, find any submission to be unacceptable, then such submission will not be used and gift card not provided.