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JOURNALS Ecopsychology Environment and Behavior Human Ecology Review Journal of Environmental Psychology Population and Environment NEWSLETTERS Bulletin of People-Environment Studies 14 Population and Environmental Psychology Bulletin IAAP Newsletter WEBSITES Alliance for Climate Education Behavior, Energy, and Climate Change Conference Climate Change Climate Leadership Initiative Earth Circles Ecopsychology UK Ecotherapy Fostering Sustainable Behavior: CBSM Site Garrison Institute Green Blocks Program (Missoula) GreenHeart Education Grist The International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) 15 OPOWER Precourt Energy Efficiency Center Psychologists for Social Responsibility - Program on Climate Change, Sustainability, and Psychology Toolkit: Teaching Psychology for Sustainability: Transition Culture ORGANIZATIONS American Psychological Association Australian Psychological Society, Psychology and the Environment Interest Group Division 34, Population and Environmental Psychology International Association of Applied Psychology (IAAP) Division 4, Environmental Psychology Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA) International Association for People-Environment Studies (IAPS) The Society for Human Ecology (SHE) Conservation Psychology 16 Society for Population and Environmental Psychology Society for Conservation Biology’s Social Science Working Group American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy LISTSERVS Fostering Sustainable Behavior Listserv VIDEOS Raising Awareness Global Warming 101 Column A or Column B? National Geographic: Could Just One Degree Change the World? (1 degree) (2 degrees) (3 degrees) (4 degrees) (5 degrees) (6 degrees) The Myth of Apathy _Care_About_Sustainability/15/18551 Radical Solutionaries The Brain and Global Warming (Daniel Gilbert) Evolution of Empathy and the Ways That It's Shaped Our Society 17 George Marshall http://climate Part one: Risk and Beliefs Risk – and why we don’t feel threatened by climate change Belief – why we can’t just accept the information and need to believe in it Attention – how avoiding talking about climate change is like avoiding talking about human rights atrocities Part two: Communication Stories – the way we mediate information about climate change. The problem with polar bears and why human rights organisations are more interested in ice cream than climate change. Part three: Defenses Distancing – the strategies we adopt to keep the information at arm’s length Compartmentalising – how we can accept climate change and continue polluting behaviour Positive Framing – how we seek to turn climate change into a personal advantage Ethical Offsets – how we adopt the easiest behaviours as proof of our virtue Cynicism- the commercial appropriation of climate change images What happens next? - surprisingly - what happens next The Most IMPORTANT Video You Will Ever See (8 parts)