Name: Pd _____ The Odyssey Essay Planning Sheet Odysseus is

Name: _______________________________ Pd _____
The Odyssey Essay Planning Sheet
Odysseus is one of the most famous Epic Heroes in Western Literature. People still read and respond to
his journey because he possesses many traits we value in a leader. For this essay, you will identify the
most important quality of a hero or leader and support your claim with evidence from The Odyssey.
1. Thesis- Your thesis must have two parts: the most important heroic traits and why it is important.
Choose two traits of a hero: ____________________________ and ___________________________
Explain why those traits are important: _____________________________________________________
Now, put them together to make your thesis: ________________________________________________
Example: Heroes must be stronger and smarter than everyone else so they will inspire people to strive
to do more in their own lives.
2. Body Paragraph 1 (BP1)- Write the first heroic trait here: _________________________________.
This is the topic of BP 1. Find two quotes from the text that relate to this trait. Cite the quote with the
Book number and line number. Add two sentences of commentary/analysis (CM) for each quote.
Quote: _______________________________________________________________________________
____________________________________________________________________ (Bk ___, ln _______)
CM (explain the quote): ________________________________________________________________
CM (explain how the quote relates to the thesis): ____________________________________________
Quote: _______________________________________________________________________________
____________________________________________________________________ (Bk ___, ln _______)
CM (explain the quote): ________________________________________________________________
CM (explain how the quote relates to the thesis): ____________________________________________
Name: _______________________________ Pd _____
2. Body Paragraph 2 (BP 2)- Write the second heroic trait here: ______________________________.
This is the topic of BP 2. Find two quotes from the text that relate to this trait. Cite the quote with the
Book number and line number. Add two sentences of commentary/analysis (CM) for each quote.
Quote: _______________________________________________________________________________
____________________________________________________________________ (Bk ___, ln _______)
CM (explain the quote): ________________________________________________________________
CM (explain how the quote relates to the thesis): ____________________________________________
Quote: _______________________________________________________________________________
____________________________________________________________________ (Bk ___, ln _______)
CM (explain the quote): ________________________________________________________________
CM (explain how the quote relates to the thesis): ____________________________________________