Alvarado Intermediate School 2015-2016 Teacher: Tatum Week: 2 Grade: 6 LEAD Unit: 1 Content Area: Writing Content TEKS Covered: 6.19(A)-Use and understand the function of the Cross-Curricular STAAR TEKS Supported: following parts of speech in the context of reading, writing, and speaking (i) (non-tested content areas only) verbs (irregular verbs and active and passive voice), 6.19(C)-Use complete simple and compound sentences with correct subject-verb agreement, 6.20(B)Students write legibly and use appropriate capitalization and punctuation conventions in their compositions. Essential /Guiding Question(s): Academic Vocabulary: Grammar, How will learning to identify linking verbs improve my writing? Mechanics, Simple Sentences, Sentence How will learning to identify helping verbs improve my writing? Structure, Linking Verbs, Helping Verbs, Nouns WICOR Components (highlight): Writing Learning Engage Inquiry Explore Collaboration Explain Organization Elaborate Reading Evaluate Objective(s): Closing Task(s): Monday Review nouns Think deeper Explain Linking We will find Have the We will… and verbs about how verbs linking verbs in students I will… Learn about verbs can be several identify the Identify a Linking Verbs different types sentences linking verbs in Linking Verb 10 sentences Tuesday Review Linking Explain Helping We will find The students I will… Identify a We will… verbs verbs and how helping verbs in will create 10 Helping Verb they are several sentences different from sentences using the linking verbs helping verbs Wednesday Review linking What should a Explain how Give the Students will We will… Create and helping simple simple students create 10 I will… Create a complete verbs sentence look sentences have several complete complete like? a subject, verb, examples of sentences and sentence and express a complete identify the complete sentences subject and sentences thought. Thursday verb. Pre-Assessment We will… I will… Friday Pre-Assessment We will… I will… Individual Customized Learning Differentiated Academic Support: Bilingual/ESL Language Support: Behavioral Support: Peer Interaction Using visual lists Allowing time for cool off periods if Simplified examples Peer interaction needed. Fewer created sentences