Wylie ISD 5th grade Advanced Mathematics Year at a Glance 2014

Wylie ISD 5th grade Advanced Mathematics Year at a Glance 2014-2015
Unit #
General Content Descriptor
(The focus for each bundle is listed below)
Readiness – 5.3K
Student expectations address whole number estimation and computational fluency and
Supporting - 5.3A, 5.3B, proficiency. Students will work on becoming fluent when solving whole number addition,
1: Extending Whole
subtraction, and multiplication problems and proficient when solving whole number
division problems. Estimation to determine solutions for all four operations becomes
embedded throughout the unit.
Readiness - 5.4B, 5.4F
Student expectations address prime and composite numbers, grouping symbols,
Supporting - 5.4A, 5.4E simplifying expressions, and solving equations. Students are introduced to the properties
of prime and composite numbers using arrays and area models to help support new
2: Algebraic
student learning to identify prime and composite numbers by analyzing their factors.
Students examine the meaning of grouping symbols within a numeric expression and
simplify numerical expressions and solve multi-step problems algebraically using an
equation with a letter representing the unknown. All operations within this unit are
limited to whole numbers.
Supporting - 5.10A,
Student expectations address managing financial resources and records effectively,
5.10B, 5.10E, 5.10F
defining different types of taxes, and analyzing different methods of payment. Students
define different types of taxes including income tax, sales tax, property tax, and payroll
tax. They also compare and contrast various methods of payment including, checks,
3: Financial Literacy
credit cards, debit cards, and electronic payments while keeping financial records with
regards to income and expenses and balance a simple budget. The concept of negative
values is abstractly embedded within balancing budgets as students are expected to
describe the actions that might be taken should expenses exceed the income.
Readiness - 5.2B, 5.3K, Student expectations address foundational understandings of decimals as well as adding
and subtracting of decimals through the thousandths place. Students are formally
Supporting - 5.2A, 5.2C introduced to the thousandths place and build upon the idea that our base-ten place
value system extends infinitely to very small values as well as very large values, and that
each place-value position is one-tenth the value of the place to its left and 10 times the
4: Extending Decimals
position to the right. Students are expected to use expanded notation and numerals to
represent the value of a decimal through the thousandths. Students use comparison
symbols to compare and order decimals to the thousandths and round decimals to the
tenths or hundredths place. Students continue to estimate solutions and extend addition
and subtraction with decimals to include the thousandths place.
Readiness - 5.3E, 5.3G,
Supporting – 5.3A,
Student expectations address determining products and quotients of decimals. Students
represent multiplicative structures (multiplication and division) of problem situations with
products and decimals to the hundredths with the use of concrete objects, pictorial
5: Decimal
models, and area models. Students are expected to estimate to determine products and
Multiplication &
quotients, solve for products and quotients, and simplify numerical expressions that
include multiplication and division of whole numbers and decimals. The number set
within this unit is limited to products and quotients to the hundredths. Division is limited
to, four-digit dividends and two-digit whole number divisors.
Readiness - 5.3K, 5.4F
Student expectations address adding and subtracting fractions with unequal
Supporting - 5.3A, 5.3H denominators and applying previous understandings of adding and subtracting decimals.
Students extend previous understandings of adding and subtracting whole numbers and
decimals within the expectation to add and subtract positive rational numbers fluently to
6: Addition &
include fractions. Students continue to estimate solutions in mathematical and real-world
Subtraction of
problems while using concrete objects, pictorial models, and properties of operations are
used to represent and solve problems involving adding and/or subtracting fractions with
unequal denominators referring to the same whole. Students also continue to simplify
numerical expressions that involve adding and subtracting fractions with unequal
Readiness - 5.3L, 5.4F
Student expectations address representing and solving multiplication and division
Supporting - 5.3A,
problems involving a whole number and a fraction. Students represent a product of
5.3I, 5.3J
whole number and a fraction referring to the same whole using concrete and pictorial
7: Multiplication &
models, including area models and strip diagrams. Students continue to estimate
Division of Whole
solutions in mathematical and real-world problems while using concrete and pictorial
Numbers by a
models, including area models and strip diagrams, are also used to represent the division
of a whole number by a unit fraction and the division of a unit fraction by a whole
number. Students also continue to simplify numerical expressions that involve all
operations with whole numbers, decimals, and fractions, respectively.
Readiness - 5.4H, 5.5A
Student expectations address the units, strategies and tools to solve problems involving
8: Geometry &
Supporting – 5.6A, 5.6B, measurement while applying the mathematical process to recognize and quantify volume
and classifying two dimensional figures. Students will also apply process standards to
develop concepts on expressions and equations.
Readiness – 5.4C, 5.8C Student expectations address the mathematical process standards to identify location on
9: Patterns on a
Supporting - 5.4D, 5.8A, a coordinate plane. Students continue to develop concepts on expressions and
Coordinate Plane
Readiness - 5.9C
Student expectations address solving data analysis problems by collecting, organizing,
10: Representing Data Supporting - 5.9A, 5.9B displaying and interpreting data.
11: Making
12: Essential
Understanding of
Getting Ready for 6th
13: Essential
Understanding of
Getting Ready for 6th
Readiness – 5.2B, 5.3E,
5.3G, 5.3K, 5.3L, 5.5A,
5.8C, 5.9C
Readiness – 5.3E, 5.3G,
5.3K, 5.4F
Supporting – 5.3A,
5.3D, 5.3F
6th Grade TEKS
Identified for Extension
Readiness – 5.3K, 5.3L,
Supporting – 5.3A,
5.3H, 5.3I, 5.3J
6th Grade TEKS
Identified for Extension
Student expectations address all the readiness standards in 5th grade to make sure
concrete learning has occurred.
Student expectations address the previous standards from the units in 5th grade.
However, students will be expected to have pre-teaching of 6th grade standards to
prepare them for their advanced math class the following year.
Student expectations address the previous standards from the units in 5th grade.
However, students will be expected to have pre-teaching of 6th grade standards to
prepare them for their advanced math class the following year.
Underlying Processes and Mathematical Tools is not a separate reporting category with the STAAR assessment. These skills will be incorporated into at least 75% of
the test questions from reporting categories 1–4 and will be identified along with the content standards. These standards will be continually integrated in instruction
for students throughout the school year.